First Team Squad
almost 11 years

Really like the look of the squad, good mix of young and old. Really happy to see Bell but McGlinchey and Collier are interesting.

Starting XI
about 9 years

Ranix wrote:

Is it true that Kosta made himself unavailable because he wanted to play against Victory instead? If so, he should of played his last game for the AWs in my opinion.

He's also got a new born, first I think. which has been given as part of the reason he wants to stay in Sydney.

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Would have taken two of Lewis, Musa, Stensness over McGlinchey and Ridenton.

over 10 years

I think its pretty awesome that Winston Reid helped fund a scholorship for two of the selected players (Max Mata and Sarpreet Singh) and now he gets to play and train alongside them

First Team Squad
over 15 years

Ranix wrote:

Is it true that Kosta made himself unavailable because he wanted to play against Victory instead? If so, he should of played his last game for the AWs in my opinion.

He's also got a new born, first I think. which has been given as part of the reason he wants to stay in Sydney.

My initial thoughts were what a plonker, drop him asap.

But thinking about it I don't blame him to be honest. If anyone is at fault here then it's the A-league. And if his new-born is his biggest concern then fair play to him as well.

over 17 years

You'd assume McGlinchey is only there to provide some continuity/experience, it's been a long time now since he really did anything at A-League level.  Ridenton probably a bit fortunate from what I've seen as well, but with guys still at college I can understand why he was picked.  No-one from Unattached FC, first time in a long time!

Who are we playing again?

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Ignoring the fact that he's probably going to play two different elevens, my strongest XI out of that lot would be (4-3-3):

Marinovic; Roux - Boxall - Reid - Cacace; Thomas - Bell - Singh; McCowatt - Wood - Rojas.

IMO that's as an exciting XI as I've seen. Very good depth at centre back too with MLS starters Smith and Tuiloma not making my XI.

about 17 years

It is a really exciting squad.  Great to see some of the U20 names coming through.  Looking forward to the Olympic Campaign next year.

Woof Woof
almost 17 years

james dean wrote:

Who are we playing again?

Ireland and Lithuania. Will be very much a B Irish team since they play an important EURO qualifier three days later.

Lithuania is a great opportunity for a win on European soil.

almost 17 years

I'm assuming Sky will have the covereage of these?

almost 15 years

Martial wrote:

Would have taken two of Lewis, Musa, Stensness over McGlinchey and Ridenton.

I'll add in Nando. Not sold on him
over 17 years

Still weak at fullback and we're probably short a genuine holding midfielder.  Apart from that it's as good a team as we've ever put out I'd say

almost 17 years

Martial wrote:

Ignoring the fact that he's probably going to play two different elevens, my strongest XI out of that lot would be (4-3-3):

Marinovic; Roux - Boxall - Reid - Cacace; Thomas - Bell - Singh; McCowatt - Wood - Rojas.

IMO that's as an exciting XI as I've seen. Very good depth at centre back too with MLS starters Smith and Tuiloma not making my XI.

I'd like to see something like:


Reid     Tuiloma     Boxall

Fenton/Roux                                            Cacace

Thomas        Bell/Rufer

Singh                                 Rojas


almost 12 years

Even though he has the least experience, I want Bell to start alongside Thomas.

Both have great energy and movement, which I don't think Rufer or Ridenton offer. Having those two bound around as Singh holds in the middle and roams excites me.

The only question then would be, who do I have playing off of Wood? For me I would take McCowatt as he already has an understanding of Cacarce, Bell and Singh who would be the players around him if he played up top on the left of the two. I'm just not sold on Rojas playing as part of a top two.

I don't want to play with two 10's as I think that would negate Wood's role. He can dominate the space and flick on, to make smart runs in behind to create space in the middle for his partner etc. He's more than a target man, so needs to be played as such.

Starting XI
about 7 years

MetalLegNZ wrote:

Even though he has the least experience, I want Bell to start alongside Thomas.

Both have great energy and movement, which I don't think Rufer or Ridenton offer. Having those two bound around as Singh holds in the middle and roams excites me.

The only question then would be, who do I have playing off of Wood? For me I would take McCowatt as he already has an understanding of Cacarce, Bell and Singh who would be the players around him if he played up top on the left of the two. I'm just not sold on Rojas playing as part of a top two.

I don't want to play with two 10's as I think that would negate Wood's role. He can dominate the space and flick on, to make smart runs in behind to create space in the middle for his partner etc. He's more than a target man, so needs to be played as such.

you make some very good points, I actually completely agree on the Bell/Thomas duo and Wood needs to be in a striking tandem (I prefer Cal over Mata) or with an inside forward on either side (Barbs would be ideal but I'd go Rojas and Cal here).

I'm just proud you've gone from Carcace to Cacarce

Starting XI
over 17 years

Maybe Hay will go 4-1-2-1-2?

over 11 years

reg22 wrote:

Maybe Hay will go 4-1-2-1-2?


over 5 years

just heard Fenton is out injured Tim Payne called up

almost 12 years

mrsmiis wrote:

MetalLegNZ wrote:

Even though he has the least experience, I want Bell to start alongside Thomas.

Both have great energy and movement, which I don't think Rufer or Ridenton offer. Having those two bound around as Singh holds in the middle and roams excites me.

The only question then would be, who do I have playing off of Wood? For me I would take McCowatt as he already has an understanding of Cacarce, Bell and Singh who would be the players around him if he played up top on the left of the two. I'm just not sold on Rojas playing as part of a top two.

I don't want to play with two 10's as I think that would negate Wood's role. He can dominate the space and flick on, to make smart runs in behind to create space in the middle for his partner etc. He's more than a target man, so needs to be played as such.

you make some very good points, I actually completely agree on the Bell/Thomas duo and Wood needs to be in a striking tandem (I prefer Cal over Mata) or with an inside forward on either side (Barbs would be ideal but I'd go Rojas and Cal here).

I'm just proud you've gone from Carcace to Cacarce

It did take a while!

almost 15 years

nice work guys..

 that injury of Louis did make me wince a bit . I hope Storm is up to the challenge

over 13 years

Is it true that Kosta made himself unavailable because he wanted to play against Victory instead? If so, he should of played his last game for the AWs in my opinion.

Not often I agree with Napier, but 100 per cent that's bull shark.

Maybe he will use the same line when he plays the nIx or roar.

Phoenix Academy
almost 5 years

Is it true that Kosta made himself unavailable because he wanted to play against Victory instead? If so, he should of played his last game for the AWs in my opinion.

Not often I agree with Napier, but 100 per cent that's bull shark.

Maybe he will use the same line when he plays the nIx or roar.

So you ignore the other posts where he says he made himself unavailable not just cause he wants to play in the Victory/Sydney game but because he has a newborn, his wife has just moved to Sydney so wanted to settle his family. Or did you see that and still think he should have played in a nothing friendly

over 13 years

Yes I saw that and decided not to comment but you called me on it so here it is Kosta.

First game in years and you can't be assed when others and people playing at levels significantly above you can be assed.

Why - you bring out the line I want to play my old team

If it was because of a sick new born child then fair enough but all I have seen is 6 weeks and I was on an aeroplane 2 weeks after my child was born because I had to go to work. Others would have had it far tougher then me. 

And when is the game? A couple more weeks?

As for moving to Sydney - get a grip. When did he sign and when did he move - yesterday? 

Fudge even if he did that's not an excuse. 

Did I miss any other excuses?

Apart from he is living a normal life?

You are playing for your country and if you bring out the above and drop your kid in the same sentence as wanting to play the victory then you can fudge off

almost 12 years

Was he quoted or paraphrased... we'll never know.

So, hows his wife going after the pregnancy? Was it a complicated birth, did she have a cesarian and as a result is pretty limited in her movements. Do they have family in Sydney to help her... perhaps she is suffering a little from postnatal, or the baby isn't sleeping well.

Or perhaps everything is fine and Kosta simply wants to stay home with his family, the selfish prick - how dare he priorities family.

You have no idea Aucks. Your comments are ignorant at best and devoid of decency.

and 2 others
over 13 years

I like how you say at best and then don't follow up with the worst. I'm not sure if that is ignorance or not.

Yes I do have an idea mate preety much all to the above.

And the majority of the world  have it tougher

The only difference is he is a talented football player

But one who can't be assed to play for his country

If he was paraphrased by Hay, then he should come out and say it 

Until he does, in the same sentance he wants to play his old team, has had a child 6 weeks ago and moved house in the same country a while ago

And that's what you have to go on 

almost 12 years

The majority of the world have it tougher...

So that means his or anyone elses problems in a first world country for example are somehow less valid, less real??

I hope for everyone's sake you are not a social worker. 

It's that sort of ignorance in NZ that has led to us a country having the highest rates of suicide the world over and kept people from seeking help when needed. Not saying Kosta and his family fall into this category, but we shouldn't be so dismissive of people's social and mental wellbeing.


about 9 years

MetalLegNZ wrote:

Even though he has the least experience, I want Bell to start alongside Thomas.

Both have great energy and movement, which I don't think Rufer or Ridenton offer. Having those two bound around as Singh holds in the middle and roams excites me.

The only question then would be, who do I have playing off of Wood? For me I would take McCowatt as he already has an understanding of Cacarce, Bell and Singh who would be the players around him if he played up top on the left of the two. I'm just not sold on Rojas playing as part of a top two.

I don't want to play with two 10's as I think that would negate Wood's role. He can dominate the space and flick on, to make smart runs in behind to create space in the middle for his partner etc. He's more than a target man, so needs to be played as such.

Rojas has also been playing in midfield for his club. Him and Wood do go way back as a combo, but I’m have him on the bench.

almost 15 years

MetalLegNZ wrote:

I hope for everyone's sake you are not a social worker. 

I thought he owned 4 law firms.....
Starting XI
over 17 years

Kosta does have a track record of rolling out the excuses when things don't suit him

about 9 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

Martial wrote:

Would have taken two of Lewis, Musa, Stensness over McGlinchey and Ridenton.

I'll add in Nando. Not sold on him

Yeah Pijnaker is an interesting selection, over someone like Brotherton.

Of course he is known to Hay from ES, and really only gets in as Wynne is unavailable.

Hopefully he's now looking at club options above the pub league Swedish 5th tier.

about 9 years

Is it true that Kosta made himself unavailable because he wanted to play against Victory instead? If so, he should of played his last game for the AWs in my opinion.

Not often I agree with Napier, but 100 per cent that's bull shark.

Maybe he will use the same line when he plays the nIx or roar.

I thought you were both siblings with River (RIP) and Joaquin.

about 9 years

james dean wrote:

Still weak at fullback and we're probably short a genuine holding midfielder.  Apart from that it's as good a team as we've ever put out I'd say

Big hopes on Bell. Hope he starts for the 1st eleven. Though international football obviously a huge step up from US college stuff.

Also badly need a 2nd striker. Wood then daylight at the moment.

Starting XI
almost 9 years

coochiee wrote:

james dean wrote:

Still weak at fullback and we're probably short a genuine holding midfielder.  Apart from that it's as good a team as we've ever put out I'd say

Big hopes on Bell. Hope he starts for the 1st eleven. Though international football obviously a huge step up from US college stuff.

Also badly need a 2nd striker. Wood then daylight at the moment.

McCowatt, Waine, Mata and Collier all showing promise. Barbarouses also capable there (although not this time around)
about 9 years
about 9 years

Nelfoos wrote:

coochiee wrote:

james dean wrote:

Still weak at fullback and we're probably short a genuine holding midfielder.  Apart from that it's as good a team as we've ever put out I'd say

Big hopes on Bell. Hope he starts for the 1st eleven. Though international football obviously a huge step up from US college stuff.

Also badly need a 2nd striker. Wood then daylight at the moment.

McCowatt, Waine, Mata and Collier all showing promise. Barbarouses also capable there (although not this time around)

Admittedly it didn't really suit Barba playing alone up top against Peru, plus he didn't get much service (apart from Thomas it was a very average midfield) - but he was a massive step down even from a half fit Woodsman in those games.

Need someone else to develop as a realistic true 2nd striker option in this WC cycle. Noting that by NZ standards Wood is effectively a once in a 2-3 generation player, ie best since Wynton. We now need a Smeltz/Killen level, 2nd true striker as a backup.

about 17 years

What time will the game be played? Hoping to make it to the pub to watch them.

Woof Woof
almost 17 years

The Ireland game is at 8.45am Friday morning. Lithuania game is a 3am kickoff on Monday morning. 

about 9 years

Smidy94 wrote:

just heard Fenton is out injured Tim Payne called up

5 of last season’s ES team now in the AWs squad!

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years


5 of last season’s ES team now in the AWs squad!


6 I think?  Mata, McCowatt, Just, de Jongh, Payne, Nando 

Or was Mata the year before?

Starting XI
about 9 years

coochiee wrote:

Smidy94 wrote:

just heard Fenton is out injured Tim Payne called up

5 of last season’s ES WS team now in the AWs squad!

fixed it for you

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