The gaming thread - Comps, Consoles, Apps and Board Games.

Early retirement
over 17 years

New camo schemes coming...

Details here

over 17 years

Do you recommend the Somua?  Could see it being in my garage.  Always prefer the obscure* armour over the usual Tigers, Panthers etc...

*This game will be complete when the [hopeless] Japanese and Italian armour is put out...this must be in the pipeline surely?

Early retirement
over 17 years

Check the blog I linked with the camo.  They seem to think Japan may appear this year.

The Italians would have some okay TDs.  From memory they had a decent 75 and a 90 Semovente TD/Arty.

No idea on the Somua.  I never got it, but I may later in the week...

Early retirement
over 17 years

Should have the Somua before the evening is out. The Hotchkiss won't be staying though :-(

about 17 years

Hard News wrote:

New camo schemes coming...

Details here


As an Arty I love individual camo schemes on other players tanks, they really catch the eye and make you want to bomb the crap out of them.

Mixed bag last night I've had split nightshifts so last night stayed up and played from midnight till about 4. Both FCM and SU-5.

Faired slightly better in the FCM when it came to surviving, but did more killing in the Arty.

Arty - again I got stranded and isolated due to zerging comrades, even when I tried to follow.

Tried out the Hetzer, it's ok as TD but a bit slow on the reload and poor compared to other TIV's. The FCM out-performs it most of the time  - not going to invest in it anymore, (put a bit into engine, gun and suspension),  and will move on to the StuG III

I also can't warm to the SU - 8 compared to the timeless elegance of the SU-5. Will I ever find an SPG at a higher tier that matches it??


Still having a blast in DayZ, starting to get the hang of things like the backpack and escaping zeds when those moaning, shambling, running, hopping, crawling, super quick, (28 dayas later), b*stards spot or hear you.

They have been stupidly sensitive though the last couple of days. You can be half a km away crouching in the grass and they can spot you.

 Managed to score a tent which means you can keep stuff without a pack in a static loaction - good if you get killed and want to reequip the next poor unfortuante, (your next toon). who washes up on those zombie-haunted shores. That country that looks I might add uncannilly like New Zealand.


The Hyneman Zombie - so true

over 17 years

No need for new [desert] camo scheme for this baby:

I mean...that's blue for pete's sake!  What were the Brits thinking!?!?!

Oh dear...lost a bit of faith in 'Mal' for a while...even had to pull out of a Munk platy to clear the mind..she wasn't all.  Mal (and her stats) was getting absolutely annihilated versing the tier VI false move here, and Mal's history*...

But she came through towards the end...well, I should say - some of the battles became fairer**...she put in a few decent shifts (she can deal with noobs no problem)...hopefully she'll put in a few more before I hit the sack...

 * Best summed up by one battle at The Highway...there she was chugging along to get to the town...and before she could even get there, she got the circle of death treatment from some kraut fast medium...hopeless...

**Is the system rigged regarding battle lineups?  I'm starting to think it is if you start winning etc...


about 17 years

No need for new [desert] camo scheme for this baby:

I mean...that's blue for pete's sake!  What were the Brits thinking!?!?!

Oh dear...lost a bit of faith in 'Mal' for a while...even had to pull out of a Munk platy to clear the mind..she wasn't all.  Mal (and her stats) was getting absolutely annihilated versing the tier VI false move here, and Mal's history*...

But she came through towards the end...well, I should say - some of the battles became fairer**...she put in a few decent shifts (she can deal with noobs no problem)...hopefully she'll put in a few more before I hit the sack...

 * Best summed up by one battle at The Highway...there she was chugging along to get to the town...and before she could even get there, she got the circle of death treatment from some kraut fast medium...hopeless...

**Is the system rigged regarding battle lineups?  I'm starting to think it is if you start winning etc...



Yeah I gave up on the Maty. Good armour, nice gun but bloody hell the baattle is finished by the time you get there. I would imagine she is very good at end game base defense, when all the fast moving tanks are destroyed and you are up against damaged meds and heavies.

Early retirement
over 17 years

I've used mione in five battles.  Won three.

As for too slow.  Don't you drive an FCM (I just smashed a KV-1 in mine).

about 17 years

Hard News wrote:

I've used mione in five battles.  Won three.

As for too slow.  Don't you drive an FCM (I just smashed a KV-1 in mine).


Hehe yeah but it's sit back undercover, shoot, inch forward, rinse and repeat.

I love what you can take out with the FCM over vast distances, whereas the Matilda I always needed to be closer.

over 17 years

Yes.  Pace is indeed an issue.  Hence you must play extremely focused.  Vacillating has no place in a Matilda...Choose your route wisely.  Know the maps.  And most of all, try to get some kill steals in tier VI battles. 

43 battles tonight.  Average up.  Though key stats down.  39 kills (good by my other tank standards, but...)

...Tomorrow could be make or break for Mal...


First Team Squad
about 15 years

Wait so people are actually playing this? I thought it was a joke thread

about 17 years

arnies wrote:

Wait so people are actually playing this? I thought it was a joke thread

Be afraid, as it is truly a very addictive game. (and a friggin awesome one too. SU-5 just kicked sand over everyone this morning!!!!!)
The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Lets make this 3 person FCM plat happen -this will be the direct opposite speedwise, of the 3 man Hellcat plat from last night!

about 17 years

Munk wrote:

Lets make this 3 person FCM plat happen -this will be the direct opposite speedwise, of the 3 man Hellcat plat from last night!


Early retirement
over 17 years

I knocked out 40 battles last night.  Opened with 4 wins in a row in the Hellcat in a three man platoon with Ed and Munk.  Ridiculous fun smashing across the map at a million miles an hour in something that can tap up just about everything on the map..

My Somua is cursed (not Perry) 1 win in 7 meant I ran almost bang on my 60% (well 59.6%) record for the 40 battles.  24 wins - 49 kills.  Average damage up by 3.

Went 50/50 in the FCM and my T18  - I failed to carry but came close in the T18 on Himmelsdorf.  Smashed up 2 as they came to the cap but the last couple came as a pair and the back one got me as I lit his mate up.  If I hadn't made a stupid error smahing up a PZ1 earlier and taken too much damage I reckon I was a chance to have a last man win against 5 of them.

The VK20.01 and the BT both chipped in with 60% rates.  Never ran my Matilda, Perry, the Renault or the PzIIIa

Early retirement
over 17 years

 Perry the Derpypus Nerfed:

  • French tank destroyer Somua SAu-40
    • Turret Somua Sau 40
      • Gun 75 mm APX 1897
        • Shells OCO Mle. 1926
          • Penetration 91.4/91.4 ( 100/100 )
      • Gun C. de 105 court mle 1934S AC
        • Shells OE mle. 1920
          • Price 128 ( 64 )
        • Shells OCO mle. 1936
          • Price 10 ( 7 )
          • Penetration 104/104 ( 150/150 )
The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Highlights last night for me -taking the Hellcat out for the 1st time in a long time -shes as still as good as ever..

and doing the circle of death on a T6 M4AE8 in my....turretless T4 SU85b -tracked him, he hit me 3 times but failed to kill me -got him with about 2% health remaining -sometimes you have to make your own luck

Starting XI
over 17 years

Feel free to look me up on the NA server if you are ever on there.

Player Name : Norbuck

Ive got a mixed bag of tanks from tier 2 through 9.

over 17 years

Munk wrote:

Highlights last night for me -taking the Hellcat out for the 1st time in a long time -shes as still as good as ever..

and doing the circle of death on a T6 M4AE8 in my....turretless T4 SU85b -tracked him, he hit me 3 times but failed to kill me -got him with about 2% health remaining -sometimes you have to make your own luck

That was an amazing, ballsy move, to say the least.  Skill.

Early retirement
over 17 years

 You should migrate Paul.  Join the Fever team.

over 17 years

Just as I was starting to lose faith in the girl, Mal comes through...

In tier 4 only battles, the easiest tank I've had so far.  "Drive on through" (just have to keep an eye out for those Hetzers).  Tier 5-6 battles though (as Mal is usually drawn with), another story...she been having all sorts of issues with these today...

over 17 years

And then another at Redshire!


Kills remained solid.  Those late TGs keep the project alive*...but Mal's key stats are on a bit of a downer...played with some noob teams...advice on higher tier battles (keeping in mind the Matilda's "qualities")...yet still pick up the XP and odd kills?

*Though I am thinking about going back into the world of tier V heavies...


The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Munk wrote:

Highlights last night for me -taking the Hellcat out for the 1st time in a long time -shes as still as good as ever..

and doing the circle of death on a T6 M4AE8 in my....turretless T4 SU85b -tracked him, he hit me 3 times but failed to kill me -got him with about 2% health remaining -sometimes you have to make your own luck

Heres the video

almost 16 years

Why did you stop and go in close?  It looked like you had immobilised him so could have run around him again and taken another shot.


The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

He had the faster turning turret, so I was trying to dodge his shot while still having my gun pointed at him - I knew one shot would destroy me so I was trying to do as much damage as I could so the others could finish him off,  Id also lot all my speed when i turned to shoot, he would have picked me off as I tried to accelerate again

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Did this about a month ago

Head Sleuth
over 17 years
almost 16 years

That one looks like it was taken from an episode of Top Gear

over 17 years

Errr...nooo.  Sold.

"It bounced off".

over 17 years

Might buy the Russian Matilda...Mal needs a stablemate...which I did...that's the last gold I buy for this bloody game (for a while)!

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
over 17 years

Oh dear, she's struggling...but I've got to try and make her work...

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

for the FCM drivers amongst us -taking on a T5 M4 Derp at 10 paces

over 17 years

The British Matilda (with the super 2 pounder) =

The Russian "premium" Matilda =

over 17 years

Top Gun number 4 for Mal.  At Airfield...she's superb.

over 17 years

Earlier, Mal came within 3% from taking out a KV-1, virtually on her own...two other Hetzers were spose to help, one died, the other chickened off for a steal kill...

She's a beaut...


about 17 years

 Jeeze what a load of crap the STuG III is. Picked the tier V gun, cuse of the big damage, it can't friggin hit anything!! So slow to reload and just rubbish. I'll put some more research in but so far huge disappointment - Gutted.

Got the Matilida out of mothballs - she is maxed out research-wise and I'm surprised just how good she is, ok speed, great with the turret. She scares the crap out of other tanks - you just have to monster them. First game 0 kills, 2nd, 1, 3rd 2, 4th, 3kills. I'm very impressed. Has she had some lovin???

about 17 years

  Not many kills, but Master Gunner and Steel Wall. Got the Steel Wall as I got rammed by an M3 Lee and we both traded about 6 shots at pointblank range I received no damage and I destroyed him. 

Starting to like the Matilda...

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

 Jeeze what a load of crap the STuG III is. Picked the tier V gun, cuse of the big damage, it can't friggin hit anything!! So slow to reload and just rubbish. I'll put some more research in but so far huge disappointment - Gutted.

once you get that top gun, the STUK 42L/70 you will really notice a difference -deadly accurate, great rate of fire -it makes big holes in big tanks -its just a damn pity it doesnt take more shells

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