WPM 2022/23 Squad Speculation, Confirmation and Mutual Termination

Bossi Insider
about 16 years
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For those hoping for a Mauragis mutual in the future.
almost 5 years
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For those hoping for a Mauragis mutual in the future.

Trash coach
about 17 years
A League contracts mean nothing, players leave if they feel like it so it's up to us to encourage him to want to stay.
Starting XI
about 7 years
A League contracts mean nothing, players leave if they feel like it so it's up to us to encourage him to want to stay.

Valid... But still feels dirty that we're developing him and then he's gonna fudge off back there most likely. I know he's in form and he's been doing alright going forward but jeez he makes me nervous when he's defending
almost 17 years
Jazzy Jeff
A League contracts mean nothing, players leave if they feel like it so it's up to us to encourage him to want to stay.

Valid... But still feels dirty that we're developing him and then he's gonna fudge off back there most likely. I know he's in form and he's been doing alright going forward but jeez he makes me nervous when he's defending

that is kinda how a loan deal works though, it's a little odd that we effectively traded players in the same position. frankly I think we got the better end of the deal - especially if Margauris was on a lesser fee than McGarry. I'd be great if we got to keep him but clearly Jets want him back to replace the departing McGarry.
about 17 years
Let's make Margauris an offer he'd enjoy. - a Jetski!
Starting XI
over 17 years
Jazzy Jeff
A League contracts mean nothing, players leave if they feel like it so it's up to us to encourage him to want to stay.

Valid... But still feels dirty that we're developing him and then he's gonna fudge off back there most likely. I know he's in form and he's been doing alright going forward but jeez he makes me nervous when he's defending

yeah, defending ain't his thing, so Pappas had better play a double pivot like we do, or he's gonna get torn up

he sure has got himself some sweet-as left foot delivery though! i'm quite ok with him starting matches for us, especially with zawada lurking in the middle
almost 5 years
Oli Sail has signed for Perth Glory ahead of next season. @scout_aussie
First Team Squad
over 5 years
Rumour going around Sail is joining Perth next season. Aussie Scout does get a lot right so could be true. If this does happen will be super disappointing if we don't resign Sail if he's not going overseas. 
about 10 years
Disappointing if this eventuates, as I thought rumours of interest in him would've meant it'd be more of a move 'abroad' rather than a lateral across the ditch.

In saying that though, I'm not mad at it, or at least I don't think I am. I've been mixed on him for a little while with some up/down levels of performance. Superb on his day between the sticks, and he has been a lot better since he had the burden of captaincy lifted off his shoulders. It sounds like a done deal already, if it proves to be true then good luck to him.

Already get the feeling it'll be a big off-season rebuild going into next season. 😅
about 17 years
Seems an odd move if it's true. Undisputed number 1 at his home club yet wants to make a sideways move to another A-League club. There must be something else to make it worthwhile apart from the obvious - money.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Saw this at HT in the CCM game but didn't follow up on it.

Sail's been here like 10 years, a bit of a change might be good for him. He holds an Aussie passport, so I hope the Glory have paid overs for him. Just a shame he isn't heading to Europe.
First Team Squad
over 5 years
Not be petty about it as this does happen with a lot of players finalizing a deal when they've got 6 months left before the season ends but if Sail is confirmed leaving I'd want Paulsen given a chance for a few games to see how far off he is the number 1 spot but it is tricky with still wanting to put your strongest 11 out to finish the season well.
and 2 others
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
Big loss and would’ve liked to see him go to the MLS or Europe (though his recent form likely impacted the chances of that). But not too upset tbh, Paulsen is quality and I’ve been hoping he’d get a chance soon.
and 4 others
over 9 years
Did I read once somewhere, that his GF lives in Australia (Melbourne?).
I think a few are excited to see how Paulsen would go. As RR says probably just due a shift somewhere different after 10 years at one club.

First Team Squad
over 5 years
Did I read once somewhere, that his GF lives in Australia (Melbourne?)
 Yes, Sydney I believe. Wellington to Sydney is a shorter flight than Sydney to Perth so not sure if that'd impact his decision?
over 9 years
Did I read once somewhere, that his GF lives in Australia (Melbourne?)
 Yes, Sydney I believe. Wellington to Sydney is a shorter flight than Sydney to Perth so not sure if that'd impact his decision?

Maybe she's prepared to live in Perth but not Welly. Pretty hot jobs market in WA at the moment.

almost 14 years
Interestingly Nix fans don't seem too torn up about it. A lot of faith in Paulsen out there.

You'd think it's a big pay upgrade for Olie so good on him.
about 10 years
Interestingly Nix fans don't seem too torn up about it. A lot of faith in Paulsen out there.

You'd think it's a big pay upgrade for Olie so good on him.

Probably just the natural life cycle at play to be honest. Ollie has been a great servant to the club and had to wait an age to get his shot in the XI, so a lot of credit does go his way, especially considering a lot of others may have thrown their hat in the ring elsewhere.
Everyone likes an exciting youngster coming through as well, although I would be surprised if we didn't recruit some strong competition for him in the off-season. Aidan Munford or someone of that ilk? 
First Team Squad
over 13 years
Wonder what the pitch was from PG (aside from money) to get him to sign up. Of all the sides that could do with a GK upgrade, a Zadkovich coached side wouldn’t be high on my wishlist!
almost 5 years
A lot of young goalkeepers have been really good at this level (namely Gauci and Glover). Can see Paulsen being added to that list.
First Team Squad
almost 6 years
Surprised no one has mentioned it here. Certainly what RR have been discussing on Twitter. Could be a sign of uffie also being offski at the end of the season. Personally, sail has the skills and I’d have preferred him to move abroad. Perth is backwards, not even sideways. Money talks and I’ve no doubt he shot himself in the foot, but that isn’t going to get him more exposure. Whilst I liked what I saw of paulsen, it’s a huge ask but he’s got to step up at some point I guess.
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
Woud ain’t playing in Japan, him vs Paulsen would be an interesting battle.
over 17 years
I think Sail has been bang average since the screw-up with Payne in Spain last year. Maybe he got super cocky thinking he was off to Europe before that mix-up, but aside from his great penalty save the other day, has not looked that flash this season (eg his recent nutmegging).

Maybe new surrounds will be good for him and the AWs plus it gives Paulsen a chance to really prove himself.  I think he has the potential to be NZs No1 for years to come. Way better then Would already IMHO.
First Team Squad
over 5 years
Surprised no one has mentioned it here. Certainly what RR have been discussing on Twitter. Could be a sign of uffie also being offski at the end of the season. Personally, sail has the skills and I’d have preferred him to move abroad. Perth is backwards, not even sideways. Money talks and I’ve no doubt he shot himself in the foot, but that isn’t going to get him more exposure. Whilst I liked what I saw of paulsen, it’s a huge ask but he’s got to step up at some point I guess.
 Yeah I think Talay will be off at the end of the season tbh. Which could be concerning for the likes of Lewis, Ugarkovic, and Elliot going off contract
about 13 years
I'm happy to see Sail go - won't miss his sharkhousery which is embarrassing to watch and not a good reflection on the team
about 12 years
Ok with it... his form has improved this year, but he is not irreplaceable.

Elliot and Lewis would be bigger losses based on current form IMO as there is no real back up etc... and we need to lock in Sutton as well.
and 2 others
First Team Squad
over 3 years
Surprised no one has mentioned it here. Certainly what RR have been discussing on Twitter. Could be a sign of uffie also being offski at the end of the season. Personally, sail has the skills and I’d have preferred him to move abroad. Perth is backwards, not even sideways. Money talks and I’ve no doubt he shot himself in the foot, but that isn’t going to get him more exposure. Whilst I liked what I saw of paulsen, it’s a huge ask but he’s got to step up at some point I guess.
 Yeah I think Talay will be off at the end of the season tbh. Which could be concerning for the likes of Lewis, Ugarkovic, and Elliot going off contract
That's why you often see contract renewals in Europe being handled by directors of football, as coaches can be very quickly on their way, in comparison to the longer term DoF. Shaun Gill has that role now at the Phoenix, so you'd hope he is taking the initiative and negotiating with those three (and previously with Sail). Leaving it at the discretion of a coach who may not stay or is yet to arrive is asking for trouble.

AP is probably good enough to be given the keys, hopefully they don't feel the need to bring in some older Australian goalkeeper to take the first choice. Conor Tracey would be readily available at Auckland City; Woud has a contract so would probably have to be on loan, but that could mean Kyoto Sanga put in minimum minute clauses or something similar. They may even prefer he stays in Japan if they think he has a future, so he can continue to learn the culture/language. Japan's season also runs opposite to the A League, so Woud would either return half-way through KS's season which they might find undesirable or arrive half-way through the Phoenix's which would the Phoenix would find undesirable.
almost 14 years
I doubt Sail going has anything to do with Talay.
about 17 years
I’d be upset if he left to another aliga club. He is an above average keeper for this league and those are hard to come by. Plus he’s a kiwi lad who has been around a long time. 
and 3 others
about 17 years
Didn’t someone say it might be his missus? 

Sorry to see him go, but tbh excited by that Perth team. Loved how Zadkovich told Fornaroli he was free to walk and then got a lot of good stuff out of what he had. A good keeper would correct a few things there. 

Sail definitely hasn’t progressed as a keeper in the last season (though at his best he’s already as good as any in the league, though Young for example was decisive in WU winning last season…), but maybe it’s a personal reasons decision? 

Result of Gothard leaving? 

Not sure I want to think about next season without us playing some better football, particularly from those charged with keeping out the goals. The time after Talay goes could be rough too…
almost 17 years
interesting rumour, I'm not shocked that Sail might be considering a move, he's been here for ever and a new club, coach could be what he needs. But Perth? they are god aweful, certainly not an improvement on the nix, except maybe money. The facilities arent gonna be up to the standard we have here, I doubt the coaching will be better. He's gonna be worked hard for sure but that won't improve his chances for an AW's call up. I'd understand it more if he was rumoured to be going to Europe somewhere (anywhere!). 
After Uffie's AW snub I'd not be shocked if he moves to another A-league club, but I'm not sure which one will be looking for a coach by end of season. Can't se ehim wanting to rebuild Victory - unless he's a sucker for a super challenge with ridiculous expectations. Would have to be a Sydney team surely.
about 12 years
Why is Perth awful?
I'd prefer their weather other Wellington - I love the stadium they are playing out of now, the atmosphere is amazing... and I think their team is on the up after a slow start.

Also, a serious question, but are facilities as important for a goal keeper as they are a player - their training is so different in terms of what they do??

That plus more $$ and being closer to his, or with his partner make it pretty attractive in my eye.
almost 17 years
Why is Perth awful?
I'd prefer their weather other Wellington - I love the stadium they are playing out of now, the atmosphere is amazing... and I think their team is on the up after a slow start.

Also, a serious question, but are facilities as important for a goal keeper as they are a player - their training is so different in terms of what they do??

That plus more $$ and being closer to his, or with his partner make it pretty attractive in my eye.

Not the City, Perth is a decent enough place to live, if you like the heat. 
I'd assume the training facilities ie Gym, saunas etc are important to everyone.

Moving to Perth just isnt a step up, especially given the earlier rumours of European clubs sniffing around.
First Team Squad
over 3 years
interesting rumour, I'm not shocked that Sail might be considering a move, he's been here for ever and a new club, coach could be what he needs. But Perth? they are god aweful, certainly not an improvement on the nix, except maybe money. The facilities arent gonna be up to the standard we have here, I doubt the coaching will be better. He's gonna be worked hard for sure but that won't improve his chances for an AW's call up. I'd understand it more if he was rumoured to be going to Europe somewhere (anywhere!). 
After Uffie's AW snub I'd not be shocked if he moves to another A-league club, but I'm not sure which one will be looking for a coach by end of season. Can't se ehim wanting to rebuild Victory - unless he's a sucker for a super challenge with ridiculous expectations. Would have to be a Sydney team surely.
Perth are currently five points behind the Phoenix through 18 games, that's not a lot at all (0.28 points per game). Combine that with the fact he's almost certainly been sold a vision for how Perth would look when he's there, that he'd back himself to cut the margin of those points and the gap really isn't that big after all. The Phoenix are overperforming their expected points and Perth are underperforming theirs right now, so who knows what could happen next year if they have Sail instead of Cook, especially if the Phoenix have to replace Talay.

He's not a Wellington boy, so the club isn't his hometown team, and being from Auckland he may well want to live in a bigger city than Wellington. Of course he's also likely on an improved financial package, one that may well have been better than anything on offer in Europe - after all not every pro in Europe earns a salary of 10 million. The Glory might not be glamorous from an All Whites' fan POV, but it's a safe option in a league he knows very well now. In Europe he'd be going into a changing room where he'd not know the language (or in Scotland where he couldn't decipher the accent), with much higher expectations and consequences for mistakes. Take Mark Birighitti for example, he left the Mariners last season as one of the A League's best 'keepers for Dundee Utd who had just finished fourth in the Scottish Premiership and made the UECL qualifiers. He has had quite a troubling time with some poor games, and they now sit bottom through 26 games - ten of which he was even dropped for.

You mention it won't help his All Whites chances though. He's currently the first choice, and the other two of the top three from the previous cycle, Marinovic and Woud, are hardly gunning for the spot now. Marinovic is a free agent after being poor in an Israeli relegation side, and Woud is second/third choice in a Japanese relegation side. I can't see any way that move would hurt his chances of staying as number one - let alone getting called up.
almost 17 years
Reasons to move club:
* you want a better deal and the current club wont offer it
* your the #2 in your position and you want more game time/exposure
* the new club is in a bigger league
* the city offers better lifestyle
* family reasons
I don't see Perth offering anything more than Wellington except maybe the weather.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
The biggest difference is that PG have a chance of one day winning the A-League
almost 17 years
The biggest difference is that PG have a chance of one day winning the A-League

Can't see it happening in Oli's career.
over 17 years
I actually just clicked in the last game that he is already 27 and whisle GKs can play into their 40s if they want to, I remarked to myself that if he wants to make it big, he'd really have to start now.
I don't consider playing for PG or remaining in the league as anything that's going to really improve him or "get him there".
Happy for him personally as a good servant to the a Nix, but rather underwhelming as an All Whites fan.

With the current crop of NZ keepers playing at a decent level, this move in my eyes weakens his grip on the starting spot for the national team.
Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years
Read on Facebook (yes I know, the virtue of reliability) a rumour that Danny Hay is taking over at PG next season.  If true, that would add another level as to why Oli would want to go there.

Agree that Alex Paulsen might be good enough to be the lead goalkeeper.  I dont think though we have someone ready yet within the club to take up the number 2 spot.  A club always has to be ready for the number 2 GK to become the number 1 without notice.  It is only one long term injury or one red card lengthy ban away.  Point being, would they chase a back up as a signing or a number 1?

WPM 2022/23 Squad Speculation, Confirmation and Mutual Termination

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