Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years
K.Muscat is a filty, garbage sucking scum bag.
Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years

& anyone who defends him (Trimboli)is one too.

Zahra's expected to be out for 12 months.

First Team Squad
over 17 years
Ban him for the same length of time. A player who has his experience knows exactly what he's doing - it's not mistimed it's assault.
Phoenix Academy
about 15 years
He knew what he was doing. He can't keep up with the pace of the A league so he resorts to these types of tackles on younger faster players
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
over 17 years
Fuucking disgusting challenge. I hope Muscat never plays again. Thug.
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
We (should) have the only Muscat in the league.

Absolutely appalling.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Phoenix Academy
about 15 years
I honestly wonder what his wife and kids think when they see him do things like that
First Team Squad
over 17 years

Muscat was branded a �lowlife� and a �nobody� by ex-England striker Ian Wright, then of Nottingham Forest, in September 1999. Wright claimed he was about to shoot when he heard Dougie Freedman, Forest's other striker, shout "leave it". Wright stepped over the ball to allow Freedman to hit it, but instead Muscat (who had, according to Wright, merely impersonated Freedman) appeared to clear the ball.[11]

Muscat was dubbed the "most hated man in football" by then Birmingham City player Martin Grainger in 2000.[12] He seriously injured both Craig Bellamy and Christophe Dugarry, the latter in a friendly international between Australia and France in 2001 with a sliding tackle from behind.[12] The French manager Roger Lemerre dubbed the tackle "an act of brutality".[12][13] There was speculation that Muscat�s temperament was the reason he was never selected for inclusion in an Old Firm encounter during the season he was at Rangers.[14]

In 2004, a lawsuit on Muscat brought by former Charlton player Matty Holmes resulted in a settlement of �250,000 plus costs in favour of Holmes, bringing the estimated settlement to around �750,000. Holmes had to have four operations on his leg following a tackle by Muscat in 1998, and there were initial fears that his leg might have to be amputated. The claim was settled at the High Court without any admission of liability.[15][16] In a Carling Cup tie while at Millwall, he grabbed the throat of Perennial strugglers Liverpool striker Milan Baros.[17] Also in 2004, Iwan Roberts admitted he deliberately stamped on Muscat in a match against Norwich City in revenge for his attempt to injure Craig Bellamy in 1999. Roberts was subsequently fined and suspended by the FA for his comments.[18][19]

In December 2005, he was the first A-League player to appear before a FFA disciplinary hearing and was subsequently suspended for two matches for "violent conduct".[20] At an A-league game in October 2006 Muscat clashed with then Adelaide United coach John Kosmina, knocking Kosmina from his chair while retrieving the ball. Kosmina responded by grabbing Muscat by the throat, an action for which Kosmina was suspended for four matches.[21][22]

Muscat's dominant personality and aggressive style has equally won him admirers and detractors in the A-League, with former England international Terry Butcher stating "Every manager in the A-League would love to have Kevin, and I'm no exception".[23]

On October 11, 2010, Aston villa winger Ashley Young revealed he was threatened by Muscat during his first professional match as an 18 year old. Young told the media "I remember my first game for Watford. When I came on, Kevin Muscat's first words to me were 'don't go past me or I will break your legs'.[24] This is despite the fact that by the time Young had been substituted in, Muscat had already been sent off.[25] However, it has been found that this was said by Muscat when he jogged past Young in the warm-up.

over 17 years

Even the Victory fans have had enough
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
I honestly wonder what his wife and kids think when they see him do things like that

I'd be embarrassed to have him as my father.

(edited on reflection)Tegal2011-01-23 14:08:50
'The Scoop'
almost 16 years
Hope victory dont make the playoffs and he doesnt get to play again.

K sorry bout that use of language, but yeah it does get me quite angryplaywithFire2011-01-24 09:52:21
over 17 years
I honestly wonder what his wife and kids think when they see him do things like that

Just because he's a c**t on the football pitch doesn't mean he's a c**t with his family
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
Early retirement
over 17 years
playwithFire wrote:
. Man hes a complete FAGGOT!


He's a British meatball commonly made of pork offal?  Big call.
over 17 years
Hard News wrote:

playwithFire wrote:
. Man hes a complete FAGGOT!
WTF?He's a British meatball commonly made of pork offal?� Big call.
Probably the most accurate description of the man to date
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Yeah I'd edit that playwithfire......

There really are some tards on that forum defending him. Good to see most want him gone. Good riddance.
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
2ndBest wrote:
Made me sick when the physio examines the can see ligaments are gone. Yuck.

What a piece of sh*t. Boofhead c**t.
Phoenix Academy
about 15 years
valeo wrote:
I honestly wonder what his wife and kids think when they see him do things like that

Just because he's a c**t on the football pitch doesn't mean he's a c**t with his family

I didn't mean it that way. What I meant was that I wonder what his family think when they watch him do these tackles on these players.
Starting XI
about 17 years
I note mealy mouthed Merrick didn't have the guts to comment on the tackle claiming he didn't see it !
yeah right!

over 17 years
I think as football fans we all like to have hard men in our team. However, I think a line has to be drawn. I enjoy it very much when Brown or Siggy or Dura make a hard tackle and win the ball. It's a great feeling and if the tackle is well timed, it's a pleasure to watch. Sure, sometimes people get injure but that's football.

But K Musc**t is on a different planet. He's just dirty and when he's not out to break your legs he's pushing your defensive wall on a free kick, or he's fighting with your coach or he's diving shamelessly and holding his face. He's a disgrace. I don't have to think about it twice, I would NOT want someone like him, or similar, see Roy Keane, in my team. I don't enjoy seeing people's bones or ligaments broken and their career potentially jeopardized. I'd rather see a good ol' fashioned scrap, with a couple of punches thrown in where you know no one is really getting hurt.
Unfortunately I can see him easily getting away with a 3 match ban, then reduced to 2. I really can.

And then you have people like Mossy telling the ref he's a cock [which everyone does, always] in a dead rubber international game and copping a 4 match ban.
over 17 years
Lia can be similar at times, to be honest..valeo2011-01-23 14:46:23
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
As far as football is concerened, K Muscat is a piece of sh*t. Always has been, always will be. The fact thst he is the captain of the Melbourne Victory says a lot to me about that club. They must be be very proud of the example he sets. Allsopp and Brebner showed last night that they are willing to follow his example.

Merrick should grow a pair, strip him of the captaincy and tell him to get the f**k out.
over 17 years
valeo wrote:
Lia can be similar at times, to be honest..

Seriously, man? Sure he does like to slide in, but I have never seen him even come close to hurting anyone. Sure, Lia hasn't been around for about 45 years like Musc**t and played in the UK etc, but he's played enough games for the Nix to earn himself a reputation as a bad-ass and I think he hasn't.

Again, there is a very big difference between being committed and not wanting to lose, and being K-Mush*t. Big difference.
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
valeo wrote:
Lia can be similar at times, to be honest..

Vinnie Lia has his moments, definitely, but what he doesn't have is a track record anywhere near Muscat's.
Jag2011-01-23 14:52:18
Starting XI
over 14 years
he wont get suspended for a serious length of time 2 weeks maybe 3 at most..... which will probably be appealed.

if he doesnt get a heavy suspension... or kicked out of the league.... any respect for MRP (not that their is really any now) would be gone. and id be heavily turned off the league (not the nix of coarse)
over 17 years
valeo wrote:
Lia can be similar at times, to be honest..

Comparing Lia to Muscat

My word.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
just saw the replay of this jesus christ thats a f**king disgrace of a tackle really hope the FFA murder him for this, no way he should have any involvement for the rest of the season
about 17 years
I just hope he never gets anywhere near Rojas

he really is a negative influence on the a-league, putting decent young footballers in hospital is the worst element of his cheating thuggery

he is past it and his ego can't cope (what his 'excuse' was when he was younger i don't know)

the best we could possibly hope for (but i expect the HAL judiciary is way to gutless to give) would be 6 match ban for repeat offending and a suspended life ban (which would be invoked if he commits and offence like that again - which sadly he probably will)
Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years

And we're doomed to this prick being a pundit in the commentary box.

over 17 years
PROAK wrote:
Ban him for the same length of time. A player who has his experience knows exactly what he's doing - it's not mistimed it's assault.

Just like the tackle in your avatar.

Anyway here's another shocker from the twunt.

Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years
First Team Squad
over 17 years
Buffon II wrote:
PROAK wrote:
Ban him for the same length of time. A player who has his experience knows exactly what he's doing - it's not mistimed it's assault.

Just like the tackle in your avatar.

Anyway here's another shocker from the twunt.

At least Keano had revenge on his mind against someone who had been guilty of giving him a bollocking fo diving when he'd uptured knee ligaments and not some fresh faced kid who's new to the game.
Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years
Get the violins out.

"Having had a sleepless night I felt it was important to front up and accept everything that is going to be coming my way in relation to bans and suspensions and being criticised and my character and my performance and all that comes with it,
"I have to accept full responsibility for it but my only concern is the welfare of Adrian.'' Muscat said.

The c**t walked off without even acknowledging Zahra on the ground, instead pointing at the ball.

over 17 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
valeo wrote:
I honestly wonder what his wife and kids think when they see him do things like that

Just because he's a c**t on the football pitch doesn't mean he's a c**t with his family

Actually I think there is a very good chance of it. I would go with c**t off the field until proved otherwise in his case. A villian on the field and a saint in real life ? not likely

I have been frustrated many times with Muscat, and cant understand some Australians love of him, esp some commentators. Hope this time he cops it, I dont want to see him back this season

I thought the preplanned rugby barge on the wall was disgraceful, and a real insight into his character... win by any means

Not Elite enough
over 17 years
kiwi pie wrote:
Has to go. Enough is enough.

   Well said, KP.

Jag2011-01-23 18:05:46
over 17 years
I just realized that given the severity of Muscat's foul, his cheating tactic leading to Melbourne's 2nd goal is likely to go unnoticed which is a shame as I'm sure it's MPR material.
For now I just really happy he gets a very very long ban and a fine. And hope Zahra will recover, I'm sure he looked completely in shock so let's hope scans will at least point to a "normal" sort of injury, nothing too terrible.

Being the nice guy that I am, I don't wish people pain and suffering but I must admit that I'd feel VERY LITTLE sympathy for Muscat if someone gave him a taste of his own medicine.

That'd be nice, even though he's not going to play beyond next season. Someone to completely smash his knee on his last appearance for MVC would be, if anything, appropriate.

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