about 13 years

Can't find the original thread - Mode add link and delete this if double up.

But don't want to dilute Ownership and Expansion threads as this goes forward

FIFA have ruled

about 13 years
about 13 years

Re reading (not my strong point) one article says  8 members - 4 Sate feds 2 a-league club 1 PFA and 1 chairman.

Other 4 state feds 2 x clubs (No APFCA or AAFC) 1 x PFA 1 x FFA 

Oh dear are we any clearer on the future.

about 13 years

Going for 3rd version

FIFA press release

FIFA’s Bureau of the Council today established a Congress Review Working Group (CRWG) for Football Federation Australia (FFA). This follows the recommendation made by the FIFA Member Associations Committee on 4 December 2017 and the recent visit to Sydney by a joint FIFA-AFC delegation.

The main objective of the CRWG is to propose a new composition of the FFA Congress to ensure a broader and more balanced representation of stakeholders in line with the requirements of the FIFA Statutes, in particular art. 15 (j).

The CRWG will be chaired by an independent person and comprise representatives of the Football Federation Australia Board, the member federations, the Australian Professional Football Clubs Association (APFCA) and Professional Footballers Australia (PFA). The CRWG will be based on terms of reference elaborated by FIFA and shall seek input from relevant stakeholders.

The CRWG will conclude its mandate and submit its proposal to FIFA and the AFC by 31 July 2018. The proposal will be subsequently submitted for adoption to an FFA Special General Meeting by no later than 7 September 2018.

about 13 years
FFA Board

Chairman: Steven Lowy AM
Kelly Bayer Rosmarin
Joseph Healy
Simon Hepworth
Daniel Moulis
Crispin Murray

Chris Nikou

about 16 years
Independent chair to lead eight-member panel that aims to fix FFA
  • An independent chairperson will lead an eight-member panel that has been tasked by FIFA with fixing the broken governance structures of Football Federation Australia.

    FIFA finally delivered its terms of reference for the ‘‘congress review working group’’ yesterday afternoon, several weeks after its self-imposed deadline.


    The working group will include four representatives of the state federations, two from the A-League clubs, one from Professional Footballers Australia (PFA) and one FFA board member.

    They will decide who is the chairperson. FIFA, however, has instructed that the person must have a strong track record in legal and governance issues, preferably in sport, and experience in mediation and negotiation.

    If the group cannot settle on a chairperson, FIFA will make the appointment. It will be the chair’s responsibility to ensure the working group fulfils its mandate: to determine a new structure for the FFA congress that includes a ‘‘broader and more balanced’’ representation of stakeholders, and bring the governing body in line with FIFA’s statutes.


    The group will take into account other issues, including the governance model of the A-League, with clubs keen to take over the running of the ailing competition from FFA, as well as the composition and independence of the FFA board. Throughout, it will seek input from the Association of Australian Football Clubs – the newly formed representative body of NPL clubs – and Women’s Onside, a lobby group seeking to increase women’s involvement in the governance of the sport.

    The A-League clubs, FFA, state federations and the PFA have been locked in a bitter power struggle for the past 18 months over what a reformed congress should look like, prompting the intervention from FIFA and the Asian Football Confederation (AFC).

    The working group has been ordered to deliver its proposal to FIFA and the AFC by July 31, which must be submitted by September 7 at a special general FFA meeting.

    "FFA supports expansion of the congress to reflect the evolution of football in Australia and balance the interests of each part of the game," FFA chairman Steven Lowy said.

    "This should include significant movement towards gender equality at all levels of governance.

    "FFA also welcomes the reference to governance of the A-League because we want to work with the clubs and other stakeholders on a new ownership and operating model for the league that will benefit the whole of the game."

    about 13 years

    Names : put forward by 442 foroum pundits.

     David Crawford anyone? Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Law. Having published previously on this exact issue he might not be seen as impartial now.

    ??? Bonita - Lady run out of FFA HQ for asking to many questions a World Cup bid  

    almost 14 years

    Blew.2 wrote:

    Names : put forward by 442 foroum pundits.

     David Crawford anyone? Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Law. Having published previously on this exact issue he might not be seen as impartial now.

    ??? Bonita - Lady run out of FFA HQ for asking to many questions a World Cup bid  

    Bonita Mersiades. She’s the real deal, but has no chance whatsoever to be independent chair. 

    about 13 years

    David Crawford - Being chair here may discount him but MAYBE FIFA may like him when others can't agree

     2003 Report of the Independent Soccer Review Committee

    about 13 years

    Re-Form Group Forming ;-)

    Football New South Wales, Football Federation South Australia, Football Federation Victoria and Football West - representing Western Australia - will comprise the four seats given to state federations in the group.

    almost 14 years

    Blew.2 wrote:

    Re-Form Group Forming ;-)

    Football New South Wales, Football Federation South Australia, Football Federation Victoria and Football West - representing Western Australia - will comprise the four seats given to state federations in the group.

    Good news.

    about 13 years

    Global Game wrote:

    Blew.2 wrote:

    Re-Form Group Forming ;-)

    Football New South Wales, Football Federation South Australia, Football Federation Victoria and Football West - representing Western Australia - will comprise the four seats given to state federations in the group.

    Good news.

    This Why "Seven of the nine state federations voted in favour, but swing state Victoria stuck to its guns in opposition. As expected, the A-League clubs and NSW state federation also voted against the motion for FFA’s preferred congress model, one which is bitterly opposed by the players’ union.
    almost 14 years

    Blew.2 wrote:

    Global Game wrote:

    Blew.2 wrote:

    Re-Form Group Forming ;-)

    Football New South Wales, Football Federation South Australia, Football Federation Victoria and Football West - representing Western Australia - will comprise the four seats given to state federations in the group.

    Good news.

    This Why "Seven of the nine state federations voted in favour, but swing state Victoria stuck to its guns in opposition. As expected, the A-League clubs and NSW state federation also voted against the motion for FFA’s preferred congress model, one which is bitterly opposed by the players’ union.

    Yep. My fear is independent chair will be impossible to find, so FIFA appointment (ie, Lowy influence).

    about 13 years

    Surely with all the independent reviews within NRL their must be an Ozzy lawyer, corporate accountant, with a sport background independent of Lowy, Westfield?   

    Early retirement
    over 17 years

    Lowy, Westfield and Fox.

    almost 14 years

    Blew.2 wrote:

    Surely with all the independent reviews within NRL their must be an Ozzy lawyer, corporate accountant, with a sport background independent of Lowy, Westfield?   

    Not this guy, Alan Sullivan on the FIFA Ethics Committee

    about 13 years

    Bit of humour from 442 forum

    about 13 years

    Four Four Two still saying FFA have no seat on the restructure working group?

    “As previously outlined, FIFA's eight-seat 'Working Group' will consist of:

    Four seats for member federations

    Two seats for club representatives

    One seat for a Professional Footballer's Association (PFA) representative

    One seat for an Independent Chairperson.”

    about 13 years

    Dissenters in Key roles

    SBS    Now need an Independent

    First Team Squad
    almost 17 years

    Blew.2 wrote:

    Dissenters in Key roles

    SBS    Now need an Independent

    Fascinating. Hope this really does result in the HAL clubs taking over the league, leading to a secure future for the Nix. As long as FFA is in charge of our future, it's looking dim. IMHO.

    about 13 years

    The best yet     " what about someone involved in the TV industry as independent chair"  Got to love the Ozzzzzies

    Early retirement
    over 17 years
    about 13 years
    Greg Griffin to continue as Chairman of APFCA and Congress Member of FFA until November 2018

    15 MAR 2018

    Following the recent change in ownership sale of Adelaide United FC, the APFCA membership met to consider the role of Chairman, a post currently held by former Adelaide Chairman, Greg Griffin. The entire APFCA membership voted unanimously that Greg should continue in his role for the duration of his elected term, through to the end of November 2018.

    Greg Griffin, Chairman of AFPCA, said:

    “I’m humbled by the support from my peers and am delighted to continue as APFCA Chairman and FFA Congress Member until my term ends in November. As I said in an email to my fellow members, I look forward to working with the football family towards an independent and flourishing A-League, sooner rather than later.”

    Simon Pearce, APFCA Board Member, said:

    “Greg’s new independent status adds even more credibility to his role in support of the reform agenda that APFCA is pursuing. Our unanimous decision is borne out of the passion and commitment that Greg has bought to the role. Continued access to his knowledge and experience, despite the change in his Club status, will be of great benefit to the entire game.”

    about 13 years
    APFCA confirm Congress Review Working Group representatives

    12 APR 2018

    Following FIFA’s recent announcement of the Congress Review Working Group (CRWG) for Football Federation Australia (FFA), APFCA have confirmed Mr Simon Pearce and Mr Greg Griffin as its two representatives.

    APFCA looks forward to working constructively and collaboratively with the other CRWG members to successfully meet all requirements of the Group’s terms of reference.

    back to media centre

    about 13 years

    Blew.2 wrote:
    APFCA confirm Congress Review Working Group representatives


    12 APR 2018

    Following FIFA’s recent announcement of the Congress Review Working Group (CRWG) for Football Federation Australia (FFA), APFCA have confirmed Mr Simon Pearce and Mr Greg Griffin as its two representatives.

    APFCA looks forward to working constructively and collaboratively with the other CRWG members to successfully meet all requirements of the Group’s terms of reference.

    back to media centre

    Simon Pearce = City Football Group 
    about 13 years
    about 13 years

    Congress Review Working Group 


    Gregg Griffin

    Simon Pearce


    Football New South Wales

    Football Federation South Australia

    Football Federation Victoria

    Football West (Western Australia)


    To be confirmed 


    To be confirmed 

    almost 14 years

    Blew.2 wrote:

    Congress Review Working Group 


    Gregg Griffin

    Simon Pearce


    Football New South Wales

    Football Federation South Australia

    Football Federation Victoria

    Football West (Western Australia)


    To be confirmed 


    To be confirmed 

    This augurs well. 

    about 13 years

    Global Game wrote:

    Blew.2 wrote:

    Congress Review Working Group 


    Gregg Griffin

    Simon Pearce


    Football New South Wales

    Football Federation South Australia

    Football Federation Victoria

    Football West (Western Australia)


    To be confirmed


    To be confirmed 


    To be confirmed 

    This augurs well. 

    added  PFA 
    First Team Squad
    over 10 years

    Global Game wrote:

    Blew.2 wrote:

    Congress Review Working Group 


    Gregg Griffin

    Simon Pearce


    Football New South Wales

    Football Federation South Australia

    Football Federation Victoria

    Football West (Western Australia)


    To be confirmed 


    To be confirmed 

    This augurs well. 

    Very well. Victoria and NSW should give the FFA a lot of grief.

    about 13 years

    If they wanted change why did they not accept the change in the congress that would have stopped the CRWG from being requied

    GOOOLLOOP fire back at Morrison:

    FFA CEO David Gallop rejected Morrison's claims that FFA was holding back from implementing change in the A-League.

    Rob Morrison knows perfectly well that FFA began talking to the clubs about a new ownership and operating model for the Hyundai A-League in early 2017 – more than a year ago," Gallop said.

    Obviously the model FFA wanted was not acceptable to the A-League club owners, just like the FFA congress proposal was to the stake holders

    about 13 years

    Blew.2 wrote:

    If they wanted change why did they not accept the change in the congress that would have stopped the CRWG from being requied

    GOOOLLOOP fire back at Morrison:

    FFA CEO David Gallop rejected Morrison's claims that FFA was holding back from implementing change in the A-League.

    Rob Morrison knows perfectly well that FFA began talking to the clubs about a new ownership and operating model for the Hyundai A-League in early 2017 – more than a year ago," Gallop said.

    Obviously the model FFA wanted was not acceptable to the A-League club owners, just like the FFA congress proposal was to the stake holders

    Sir, back that up a bit

    Expansion disaster Feb 2017 - What changed to make it right?

    The warning came as the FFA announced that they will begin detailed work with A-League and W-League clubs this week to develop a new ownership and operating model for both leagues.

    FFA Chairman Steven Lowy and chief executive David Gallop met with A-League club chairmen to discuss the issue on February 14 2017 and they will all meet again on Thursday.

    about 13 years

    While Newcastle Jets are expecting a record crowd to watch their semi-final against Melbourne City on Friday night, poor ticket sales for Melbourne Victory and Sydney FC - arguably the biggest match of the year - have prompted the reductions. 

    Glamour Teams in Glamour City fail to draw crowds

    over 17 years

    General Q: globally, what are the leagues that have a primarily FA run league v other, and do these leagues incorporate wimmin,yoof? 

    /any other general info

    Woof Woof
    about 17 years

    Feverish wrote:

    General Q: globally, what are the leagues that have a primarily FA run league v other, and do these leagues incorporate wimmin,yoof? 

    /any other general info

    In Europe, It's pretty standard that the FA runs all the competitions within its jurisdiction. The Premier League and Serie A would be the two big deviations from that.

    about 13 years

    Feverish wrote:

    General Q: globally, what are the leagues that have a primarily FA run league v other, and do these leagues incorporate wimmin,yoof? 

    /any other general info

    The Premier League, etc is FA controlled but with a board involving all parties, but appears to have regular disputes between FA and Club board members.(From what I can find) 
    over 17 years

    Blew.2 wrote:

    Feverish wrote:

    General Q: globally, what are the leagues that have a primarily FA run league v other, and do these leagues incorporate wimmin,yoof? 

    /any other general info

    The Premier League, etc is FA controlled but with a board involving all parties, but appears to have regular disputes between FA and Club board members.(From what I can find) 

    I got the impression that the Prem was largely independent of the FA.  Either way, from the Championship down all men's footie is run by the FA and all women's and youth run by the FA.

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