Auckland FC - Once the Knights, Always the Knights

almost 17 years
What has struck me is that the mums and dads on the Littlest Hooligan's 8th grade team are getting organised to go to AFC games together. That's real community buy-in, in addition to the young lads wearing AFC shirts I see on game day.

Of course I won't go with them because the T-AFC crew will need my help, lol

That's positive, something that you dont really see a lot of from the wellington football parents.
over 9 years
over 9 years
over 9 years
6 months
Hey guys. Just want your opinion/thoughts on attending football games JUST to put forward your political beliefs? To me it’s absolute nonsense and I think it should be banned. I have some screenshots I took - unreal how they’re using AFC to try benefit their beliefs. Pretty sure political flags are illegal in the A league aren’t they? Not once have these people talked about the actual football. In fact they talk anything but.. Anyway, photos attached. Thoughts on this group? 

over 5 years
Fan groups don't need permission to exist nor do they need a direct relationship with the club. I don't think its a huge deal and I'd really hope there's no one giving them any grief at games (and that goes both ways of course).

At the same time I also don't think it'll last more than a season or two.

over 13 years
I've hidden that post as it is reveals people's names.
Originally hid the photos, they have now been removed and name edited out of comment.
over 1 year
I've hidden that post as it is reveals people's names

Was thinking that seemed very creepy
6 months
I've hidden that post as it is reveals people's names
 Can I put it back if I cross names out?
over 13 years
The Port Soldier
I've hidden that post as it is reveals people's names
 Can I put it back if I cross names out?
It's a private group on Facebook, what are you doing in it if you don't like them. Not your job to monitor what they do, leave it to the league/AFC to handle.
A fan group doesn't have to be aligned to management to exist, and it won't be the first time groups like this latch onto something bigger to voice their thoughts or political leanings. 

I don't honestly see what you are even worried about.
6 months
The Port Soldier
I've hidden that post as it is reveals people's names
 Can I put it back if I cross names out?
Its a private group on Facebook, what are you doing in it if you don't like them. Not your job to monitor what they do, leave it to the league/AFC to handle.
A group doesn't have to be aligned to management to exist and it won't be the first time groups like this latch onto something bigger to voice their agenda. 

I don't honestly see what you are even worried about.
 I’m just wanting a discussion of whether or not football fans agree with this stuff or not. I’m not worried about it lol 
over 13 years
The more the merrier 

It’s a 23000 stadium.

Doubt it will be sold out every game so lots of room to spread around 
6 months
The Port Soldier
I've hidden that post as it is reveals people's names
 Can I put it back if I cross names out?
It's a private group on Facebook, what are you doing in it if you don't like them. Not your job to monitor what they do, leave it to the league/AFC to handle.
A fan group doesn't have to be aligned to management to exist, and it won't be the first time groups like this latch onto something bigger to voice their thoughts or political leanings. 

I don't honestly see what you are even worried about.
 You seem like you’d be the life of the party 
over 13 years
The Port Soldier
The Port Soldier
I've hidden that post as it is reveals people's names
 Can I put it back if I cross names out?
It's a private group on Facebook, what are you doing in it if you don't like them. Not your job to monitor what they do, leave it to the league/AFC to handle.
A fan group doesn't have to be aligned to management to exist, and it won't be the first time groups like this latch onto something bigger to voice their thoughts or political leanings. 

I don't honestly see what you are even worried about.
 You seem like you’d be the life of the party 
Mate, you are on our forum talking shark to me... We are extending a courtesy here with your posting. I've hidden your post with the pictures again because you haven't hidden the names at all, and you are outing a forum member's real name. 
almost 17 years
The Port Soldier
The Port Soldier
I've hidden that post as it is reveals people's names
 Can I put it back if I cross names out?
It's a private group on Facebook, what are you doing in it if you don't like them. Not your job to monitor what they do, leave it to the league/AFC to handle.
A fan group doesn't have to be aligned to management to exist, and it won't be the first time groups like this latch onto something bigger to voice their thoughts or political leanings. 

I don't honestly see what you are even worried about.
 You seem like you’d be the life of the party 

why make it personal, if you're genuinely interested in our opinion on something ask the question without disclosing other people's names.
over 9 years
Port Soldier go back earlier into this thread for a cursory read. The issue has been debated to death on here prior.

If you want a fresh debate about it, suggest you do it in the Port FB group.

Edit - sports jock Riccardo Ball is part of The Port?  He's certainly a fan boy of Auckland FC. He's also very to the left. Go have a chat to him if The Port (though it sounds like it's more just you) have any concerns about Tamaki AFC.
Early retirement
over 17 years
It's come to this. I've had to pop in.

My banning fingers are getting twitchy. You've been asked to edit the post, if you continue to break the forum rules the post will be deleted and you will get a holiday.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Well, I guess I see what happened now. Edited to correct the record: more than one creep have joined our Facebook group (despite screening) to cause trouble, and one seems to have taken screenshots of everything that he found here - and decided to publish them here to... I don't know, try to get YF support for the concept that peaceable fan groups that he doesn't like the thrust of should be banned?! Talk about an inability to mind one's own business.

T-AFC has good relationships with Manukau United, a club which has a very strong left-wing pedigree (through the Fowler family) and holds community events for the refugee and Palestinian communities, so anyone in Auckland who think that politics should be banned from football knows nothing. Admittedly our group is small, but we've had to become very suspicious as to who we let into our group because of fudgewittery like this. I'll happily reproduce what I wrote to another guy who came to hassle us:
I wasn't one of those who started this group. In fact, I had no interest in supporting AFC at all to begin with. Partly because I don't like or trust Bill Foley, Ali Williams or the creepy Mowbrays. Partly because I've been Yellow Fever for a long time and - while rivalry, banter and trolling are all good - the honestly nasty anti-Nix tone of many AFC fans turned me off.
But when the comrades started this group, I went out and bought a season ticket. Why? Because I knew it was something good and something I wanted to support. Bought the shirt, helped pay for the flag. It's something I've wanted to see for a long time, and if there's one thing we learn on the Left, it's that if you don't actively support something, it vanishes.
So this little group of commos is attracting real financial support to our new club who would not touch it otherwise. We are keen to *increase* that support, though we might not be very good at it yet. So: why would those such as yourself be so hostile and keen to derail it?
Perhaps many of you just tend to the Right and it irks you to have out-and-proud Lefties at the game. Well, we can't do anything about that; don't start no trouble, won't be no trouble. A David Seymour Brigade on the other side of the stadium would at least be funny.
But there's something else going on here, I think. And that's the Great Kiwi Clobbering Machine - a kneejerk hostility to *anything* that happens that's not mainstream, that happens outside accepted channels. That whole conformist, "why can't you just do what everybody else does" attitude - just not being able to leave something alone which isn't hurting you, but you don't like or even don't understand. The kind of thing that makes cars swerve to scare cyclists. Well, our reaction to that is: WE WILL INCREASE THE FUDGING THING.
We've had a lot of crap dumped on this venture - much of it much less polite than your contribution - but surely you understand that, if our venture fails, interventions such as yours will make us much less likely to want to join the mainstream active support? This looks like what the pick-up artists call "negging", and it's never worked on me.
We dearly want friendly relations with The Port and other AFC fans, but if we were ever wondering whether what we're doing here is worthwhile, the hostility coming from such as yourself is evidence that it is. Hope to see you all in the South Stand come game time. Particularly looking forward to cheering for Alex Paulsen again. 

over 17 years
Hard News
It's come to this. I've had to pop in.

My banning fingers are getting twitchy. You've been asked to edit the post, if you continue to break the forum rules the post will be deleted and you will get a holiday.

Holy shark you have done it know you have woken HN up.
and 3 others
over 5 years
I would also like to add that despite what FIFA would have you think. Like it or not, football always has been and always will be political. Everything with that level of global reach is political in one way or another that's just a fact of life.
over 9 years
Auckland FC at local football clubs

This weekend Auckland FC will be at the Northland Juniors Tournament and WaiBOP Juniors Tournament.

Saturday: Northland - Tikipunga Association Football Club 9am - 2pm
Sunday: WaiBOP - Jansen Park 10am - 2pm

Come have a chat to the team, grab some CalciYum milk supplied by Anchor and
get your tickets for our home opener on October 19th against Brisbane Roar!
Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Wonder if they will try and stream this one? Their last attempt was a failure. 
about 17 years
The Port Soldier
The Port Soldier
I've hidden that post as it is reveals people's names
 Can I put it back if I cross names out?
Its a private group on Facebook, what are you doing in it if you don't like them. Not your job to monitor what they do, leave it to the league/AFC to handle.
A group doesn't have to be aligned to management to exist and it won't be the first time groups like this latch onto something bigger to voice their agenda. 

I don't honestly see what you are even worried about.
 I’m just wanting a discussion of whether or not football fans agree with this stuff or not. I’m not worried about it lol 

How’s your forum coming along? 

The Fever is made up of a lot of folk, though maybe they wouldn’t claim it themselves, who have a lot of mana in the game. They give up their time to referee or work in their local clubs. They’ve been active in the Fever for almost 20 years, doing podcasts, organising tifos, organising fan events, liasing with the club, and making sure everyone is having a good time. When they have an opinion the rest of us shut up and listen because of that. 

I haven’t heard from anyone in the Port I’d respect that way (okay Chopah, but he’s not leading, just attending.). You guys need to work on that side of thing. Raise your representation game. You’re the face of AFC fans. 

Anything less offensive than a Western United shirt with Rudan on the back- is that really bothering your enjoyment of the football that much? I’m sure if there’s anything needing sorting out it will be. You’ve got plenty of work to do on your own stuff, before worrying too much about anyone else. 

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