First Team Squad
about 17 years
First Team Squad
about 17 years

6 - 3 to Olympic.

Very interesting.
3 penalties, 2 red cards, and a very unhappy Barry lewis as once again his name found his way onto the Ref's book as he picked up his third card for the season.
It was very disheartening to see him come off the field and the spirit of the game took a knock.
Barry, what happened!!!! I still dont know!??? Enlighted the yellow Fever folk.
over 17 years
Stop Out weren't very good.
Barry said he was sent for stomping someone on the ground - but the ref had a mare.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Not at all. They were lucky they even posted 3 goals and only conceded 6.
Scoreline only tells 10% of the story.
I too agree the ref had a shocker, as he was the Ref we had the last time we played stop out and got 2 men sent off!
Only good to come from the game was the Olympic fans, theyre every where .
So Olympic jump to second with a game in front. Hows Things going to go from here on, your thoughts boys?
about 17 years
Mr Burling the ref is NOT up to standard simple as that. Someone needs to check his game records over the last two seasons he has sent people off in just about every game.
Two sent offs Three pens and five yellow cards and hey it wasn't even a dirty game that tells the story.
Why don't Capital soccer do something for the sake of football get good refs
about 17 years
Yas i can start posting again my login was stuffed. Ye i agree it kills not only the players but the fans. I dont see why Barry got sent off but i dnt thnk neone knew? However a great game to watch and many good goals (Mikey and Jimmys). Jimmy scored the best beating 3 players then the keeper. Should have been about 10-3 however it just "wouldnt go in" as steve says.
Starting XI
over 17 years
He got sent off for kicking out at another player...will thats how the ref saw it, the crowd saw him trying to free his leg. He posts on here so maybe he could give his story, reckon he was sent off more on reputation than anything else. It was a harsh decision I thought.
You couldnt blame the ref for giving the penaltys, what else was he meant to do with the last 2 when players are cut down in the box.
Hard to blame ref's when most of them are as bad as each other and they have their own peers judging their performances. Just lucky we have guy's willing to ref games, I dont see any ex players of a decent level putting their hands up to join the reffering ranks.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Goal of the year by the Stop Out midfielder today. Chest and left!!!
Unlucky for u Pavlos coz Jimmy will go on abt his goal up there with Messi Maradona and Ronaldinho...I can picture it now!!!
Tht my Yugo mate Mickey was close to getting back to his best agin...good strength and power!!!
Serb power!!! 
First Team Squad
about 17 years
O what a goal by Stop out, scorcher!!!!!
I thought the sending off for barry was harsh, inconsiderate and just stupid. Its his 100th for gods sake let him have his full game!!! And it wasnt even a reasonable carding! Itda been yellow if it was anyone else.
Yeah Mickey played well, missed one from 2 yards out but other than that he was good. Jimmy, Mikey, and Raf all missed theyre sets of chances also.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
the best thing about the game today was the flare by the greek fans haha class
First Team Squad
about 17 years
jiz08 wrote:
the best thing about the game today was the flare by the greek fans haha class
Hahah we couldnt find flares so we improvised...smoke bombs.
about 17 years
pavlos8 wrote:
Yas i can start posting again my login was stuffed.
alright yellow fever now ay!!
about 17 years

yeah the supporters at the game were good ay!

flares nxt week.. haha
Olympic142007-07-16 11:12:29
about 17 years
First of all I want to say a huge thanks to all the supporters that came out to watch yesterday and for uncle Steve and co with the smoke bombs. Was great to see everyone out there. Keep up the great support,chants etc. Its a great feeling hearing all that.
On to the matter at hand or should that be the muppet in the middle. Both myself and Raf were involved in a tackle on their striker, he was trying to play the ball on the ground whcih I have no problem with, I tried to free my leg and the clown in the middle deemed that I lashed out at the bloke and sent me off. Anyone else would have received probably a warning but no this clown had to ruin the game as he does with most games he referees. I feel for big Al from Stop Out as well as there was no way in hell that was a sending off either.
I agree with Youmomma and think Wgton Soccer need to look into his record and makes refs  accountable for poor decisions. Burling is a disgrace and detracts from what the other good refs do for this game.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Well, well,well....what can someone say.....!!!!!!!!!!!
I am struggling to find the right words to describe the performance of the official in the middle of the park at yesterday's game. In fact the only words I can come across are SHAME SHAME SHAME, DISGRACE,INCOMPETENCE. This "gentleman" time and time again has been bringing the game into disrepute with his decisions. I am tottaly flabbergasted that CF or NZ Football for that matter have not done the right thing and STOP HIM FROM OFFICIATING in any more games.
Those 2 cards were a complete joke, since when the officials started penalising "assumptions". The official yesterday "assumed" that Barry was going to infringe on his opponet..... and then the official once again "assumed" that the Stop Out fullback was the last man...!!! What a joke...
CF must act soon rather than later and start demanding that the officials are are to sratch, This 'gentleman" ruined the game....and the powers to be must take action to ensure that this does not take place again...
Both Clubs have now been left with suspended players which will have an huge impact on their next couple games. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. something must be done ....
We can not allow people to ruin the game with their incompetence.
As for the rest of the game the score line really doesn't give the true picture....Stop Out did their best  and should have used their left wing ( great speed...) a lot earlier, but if half of the chances that Olympic players created were "finished" then the score line would have easily been 9 or 10-3.
Plenty of passion from both  teams, great supporters from both Clubs, what a pity that this so called "official" nearly ruined it....
Oh Yia , and we are 2nd on the board.....!!!!!!!!!!!


over 17 years
i saw the second half and thought the ref was alright
Early retirement
over 17 years
Feverish wrote:
i saw the second half and thought the ref was alright

You got him next week Feverish ?
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Feverish wrote:
i saw the second half and thought the ref was alright
What game were you watching Feverish...????? to be fair to Stop Out in the 2nd half our players should have received at least 3 yellow cards...but ah, he was probably trying to "even" things our with the shocker of Barry's red card
about 17 years
I have to agree with DaBoss I went along being a nice day and all and likewise I thought that the officiating was not up to par. I understand the other side of the coin where referees say well get out the and do it and I have so I know what its like but this guy yesterday wasnt up to parr and altough it didnt ruien the game or result as such  it obviously does both clubs a diservice not only in the pocket $$wise but also for those players. From what I have read and know of the system the O PLAYER WILL BE LOOKING AT 2 WEEKS FOR SOMETHING THAT WASNT A CARD. The SO player should have been given a yellow not a red to me it looked more like a make good rather than a correct decision. I agree with all the pens I also agree that the SO player wasnt offside as the Os players protested he was but overall his performance was below the required standard at this level. I do feel sorry though for the 2 players as they and there clubs are the ones who lose when things like this happen.
Starting XI
over 17 years
A couple of things to ponder

1) Referee's are accountable - by having referee's inspectors, and the higher a grade a ref you are the more often you are assessed, don't know if there were any inspectors at the game yesterday - but I would imagine he's reffing central league he's being assessed fairly often

2) Referee makes 1 (or 2) mistakes and players come on here demanding he never darkens a football pitch again, how many mistakes did you make as a player in your game at the weekend, how many misplaced passes, missed tackles, forgetting to mark your player, missed strikes at goal etc. Are your supporters and managers demanding you never take to a field again, of course not. They're probably offering their support - hard lines, better luck next time, never mind and whatever, yet those same people are quite happy to come on here with invective filled rants about the incompetence of the officials  - who are there for the same reasons as the players to get out and  have a run and a bit of fun and who are only human as well as the players.

Everyone makes mistakes.
about 17 years
Ginger ... if a player makes those mistakes he finds himself either on the bench or dropped....So your missing the point.... Clubs pay for the refs so clubs should be demanding better
about 17 years
A couple of things to ponder

1) Referee's are accountable - by having referee's inspectors, and the higher a grade a ref you are the more often you are assessed, don't know if there were any inspectors at the game yesterday - but I would imagine he's reffing central league he's being assessed fairly often

2) Referee makes 1 (or 2) mistakes and players come on here demanding he never darkens a football pitch again, how many mistakes did you make as a player in your game at the weekend, how many misplaced passes, missed tackles, forgetting to mark your player, missed strikes at goal etc. Are your supporters and managers demanding you never take to a field again, of course not. They're probably offering their support - hard lines, better luck next time, never mind and whatever, yet those same people are quite happy to come on here with invective filled rants about the incompetence of the officials  - who are there for the same reasons as the players to get out and  have a run and a bit of fun and who are only human as well as the players.

Everyone makes mistakes Correct people make mistakes as a player you may get dropped to a lower grade but it effects primarily yourself and if you really have a howler it effects your team for that one game this ref in the weekend for his 2 mistakes has effected that one game, from an Os point of view there next 2 games and from a SO the next one game. all games being vital to both teams with the Os pushing for the top and SO staying out of the bottom.
Ive made alot of mistakes in my time but you have to own up to them and do your best to fix any wrong doings.
Starting XI
over 17 years

Correct people make mistakes as a player you may get dropped to a lower grade
Same for referees - but they can't persistently perform at the required level for the grade they are reffing at they'll get dropped to a lower league.

but it effects primarily yourself and if you really have a howler it effects your team for that one game
Bit different if that one game is a cup final/ relegation play off.

 this ref in the weekend for his 2 mistakes has effected that one game, from an Os point of view there next 2 games and from a SO the next one game. all games being vital to both teams with the Os pushing for the top and SO staying out of the bottom.

The most common demand of referees from players is to be consistent, if both  teams have come out of the game more or less equally worse off - what more can you ask for !! ;)

Ive made alot of mistakes in my time but you have to own up to them and do your best to fix any wrong doings.

How do you propose the referee does that on the park - Invite the player back on the field to return to play 'You know  - I really wasn't sure that was a red card after all - why don't you come back and join in again'
Or for each booking red card he's not sure off - give an equally unsure booking/red card to the other side - just to make it fair like and make sure both teams are happy..

ginger_eejit2007-07-16 11:55:41
about 17 years
I think you did " free your legs easily " cause from my view you then  " lashed out with your foot"  taking a kick at the bloke on the ground and having no intention of playing the ball. The fact is you missed but the Ref didn't - RED CARD for Violent Conduct.Stop Out 's  red card was a 50-50 call but when you are the last defender you have to be certain of getting the ball.  If the Ref is a disgrace, then you are not far behind him as your record over the years is a total disgrace .Sent off how many times ????????????????? Capital soccer needs to look at your record and take the correct action .
               Other than that the game was very entertaining, couple of brillant goals with Olympic playing some great football and maybe they can still win the league.
about 17 years
oouch thats a vicious attack. well you saw something totally different to everyone in the crowd where I was positioned and with a name like CHOPPER I have to wonder what your record is like.
ginger you can write a report as you obviously know that can be taken into account when bookings/sightings are handed in. get with the programm calling players back for crying out loud!! Maybe we should have a judiciary as they have in league/rugby where things can be discussed. Within this season I have never seen so many red cards given out they must be the new yellow when I was doing it reds were only given if really appropriate and on these 2 occasions I didnt think either were.
about 17 years
I think you did " free your legs easily " cause from my view you then  " lashed out with your foot"  taking a kick at the bloke on the ground and having no intention of playing the ball. The fact is you missed but the Ref didn't - RED CARD for Violent Conduct.Stop Out 's  red card was a 50-50 call but when you are the last defender you have to be certain of getting the ball.  If the Ref is a disgrace, then you are not far behind him as your record over the years is a total disgrace .Sent off how many times ????????????????? Capital soccer needs to look at your record and take the correct action .
               Other than that the game was very entertaining, couple of brillant goals with Olympic playing some great football and maybe they can still win the league.
Believe me if I had intedned to kick him I would have got him but that was never the intention.
Yes I've had a few red cards over the years, every one knows that, but that tends to happen when you're a defender and last man. Most are for pulling down a player who has been in a goal scoring opportunity or for hand ball on the line. I have never ntentionally kicked a player. Hell, I wouldn't want it done to me so why do it to someone else.
At the end of the day I play to win and will do whatever it takes and if that means pulling down a guy who is one on one, using my hands to stop a goal then so be it and those sorts of actions should be punished with a red card. i have no qualms at that but to be red carded for something that did not happen is bollocks.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
I think you did " free your legs easily " cause from my view you then  " lashed out with your foot"  taking a kick at the bloke on the ground and having no intention of playing the ball. The fact is you missed but the Ref didn't - RED CARD for Violent Conduct.Stop Out 's  red card was a 50-50 call but when you are the last defender you have to be certain of getting the ball.  If the Ref is a disgrace, then you are not far behind him as your record over the years is a total disgrace .Sent off how many times ????????????????? Capital soccer needs to look at your record and take the correct action .
               Other than that the game was very entertaining, couple of brillant goals with Olympic playing some great football and maybe they can still win the league.
ChopperHarris was just wondering....are you related to the Ref... I am sure that every single other person present in that game DID NOT SEE WHAT YOUR THINK YOU for your other comment regarding the red card for Stop fact it was not a red card he was not the last man....
over 17 years
Da Boss wrote:
Feverish wrote:
i saw the second half and thought the ref was alright
What game were you watching Feverish...????? to be fair to Stop Out in the 2nd half our players should have received at least 3 yellow cards...but ah, he was probably trying to "even" things our with the shocker of Barry's red card
as i said - I only saw the second half. I saw Olympic flying in to challenges in the second half, and getting pulled up, and then the Olympic supporters calling him a muppet for what was a fair decision.
I didnt see Barrys sending off - but I believe him when he says that the ref got it wrong
Feverish2007-07-16 13:03:25
about 17 years
By ChopperHarris......If the Ref is a disgrace, then you are not far behind him as your record over the years is a total disgrace .Sent off how many times ????????????????? Capital soccer needs to look at your record and take the correct action ........
What the hell does that mean. The person red carded is dealt with by being suspended one two or whatever games for the  offence.
So they have taken the corrrect action
Being yourmoma chopper you need to think before you speak son
about 17 years
Thank you Greeny.
Now what would be nice was if the ref thought, 'hey I was wrong and I should resolve this. I'll admit I made a mistake,not file a report and enable Barry and Al to play this weekend'.
about 17 years
Between him and the goal, in a direct line there wasn't any other players, yes a couple were running back but when the contact was made the Olympic player was in the clear,as I said a 50/50 call.     As soon as I saw what had happen regrading the Olympic send -off the ref had no option.Once he got to feet, if the player had move away, nothing had occur.Only then when he " lash out with his foot"  is what I believe the ref sent him for. People watching the game where I was all saw this. Maybe a hash but if he had control himself nothing would have happen.As for the ref, don't think he lives in Wellington and I don't know him.Could be from Manawatu, who knows
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
The only thing that we know is " THAT WE DON'T WANT THIS STANDARD OF REFEREEING IN WELLINGTON" it is not good for the game...
over 17 years
Apart from Feverish, any other "neutrals" who watched the game and are willing to comment on the reffing?!
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
yea the reffing was very poor he didnt have a clue thought the linos were ok tho i dont think it effected the game really olympic were miles better and that showed on the scoreline
First Team Squad
about 17 years
 If the Ref is a disgrace, then you are not far behind him as your record over the years is a total disgrace .Sent off how many times ????????????????? Capital soccer needs to look at your record and take the correct action . 
Your a retard. Are you saying that because Barry has had red cards in the past he should be defined by his reputation and every half hearted tackle he does is worthy of a red card???
I think refs need to get together and have a meeting. Its horrible and its not the first time either.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
I think the refereeing wasnt of the highest order but we dont need to get into a debate over the standard and quality!!!
As for Chops I believe being the honest player he is will admit that he lets himself and his team down with the amount of reds and yellows he gets!!! I guess Olympic will be hoping that he only gets 1 week for it tho!!!
We had Steve Sargeant ref our match in very trying conditions and he did superbly!!!
Their last defender spiked the ball away when we were thru on goal and he proceeded to simply give a yellow when it probably shudve been red!!!
But by giving a yellow the match wasnt spoilt and thats the way it shud be.
Great to see the Olympic fans getting behind their team with the passion that we lack here in NZL.
Uncle Steve must be loving it...I think he can smell Wests blood...shud be a gud run in!!!
I think u need the Green and Golds doing u a favour over Wests at Bell Park to have any chance tho Im afraid
about 17 years
How can they send him off in his 100th game for the Bubbles??
It is a desgrace, he should have got preferential treatment because of the occassion... or maybe he should not have put himself in a position to be booked in the first place.
If the ref was from out of town do you think he knew off the player's reputation? He probably just called what he saw and you cannot blame him for that.
about 17 years
Finisher..... Burlings is a local ref, opps did I call him a ref let me say again Burlings is a local
about 17 years

Hi all,

The referee is from Kapiti.  Take away the Barry "incident" do you think the referee had a bad game?  Did he affect the result of the match? 


As for better referees don�t you think if there were "better" refs they would be on the game?  There is a list of referees for the CL of course some are better than others but you can�t have Colina or O'Leary refereeing ever game.


People must learn there are instructions to referees the referee MUST do this if this happens.  i saw the SO sending off and as soon as it happened I said "red card".  Last man or denies an obvious goal scoring opportunity IS a sending off offence.  Maybe he wasn�t the last man but could the other players of prevented Olympic the chance of "an obvious goal scoring opportunity" I think no.


Good game, some good goals good crowd and plenty to keep people talking.


Those are only my comments and i am sure not too many will agree but hey everyone is allow an opinion.  if you want your opinion to count for something in the "beautiful game" become a referee, they are never wrong! ha ha

123452007-07-16 16:20:52

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