Starting XI
over 17 years
monkeyboy wrote:
If it makes you feel better I've been sent off by that idiot as well and I personally don't think his refereeing is up to a decent standard either.

My send off was a ridiculous one as well, First yellow card was debatable as the momentum from a tackle carried me through a player, didn't complain too much. Second yellow card he showed me because I shouted "FOR f**kS SAKES" as one of our strikers made a cock-up, at the same time he was also blowing up a foul and seemed to get the idea I was shouting at him. phil_styles will vouch for me as he was on the other team I was playing against...
I gotta wade in on this one. I can vouch for this interpretation of events. I was on the opposition, and when monkeyboy "swore" I was surprised to see the ref pull a card out. It is my opinion that the outburst was directed by the player, at himself - as a sign of frustration, and was not an expression of dissent at the referee. Unfortunately some refs tend towards the defensive, and feel they have to reprimand any "untoward" behaviour.
Personally I think Rugby has this situation nailed (dare I compliment that code LOL). Caling the team captains aside to address issues before they get out of hand is really effective. Then no-one is in doubt regarding what is expected.
phil_style2007-07-18 13:03:10
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Well well... Frankie Mac once again you missed the point...I was talking about this SPECIFIC incident against SO.. Obviously it was not a dream that fades and dies.... Da Boss2007-07-18 13:12:46
about 17 years
frankie I ntoice you say he deserves most of his red cards. if you are going to send someone off should you not be certain he deserves them all. Sounds like reputation again.
I think da boss is right he does play hard but fair. I've seen a fair few games and yes he has been sent off in a few of them but they are not for foul or dirty play and yes you deserve to be sent off for being last man or whatever it might be. might be best he stops tackling.
Even Auckland Jag has said he hasn't booked him so if he was that dirty surely everyone would have his name in their book
about 17 years
have you ever met Barry?  He posts on here as Chops, and says some intelligent things, whereas you just sound like a little sheep bleating.
about 17 years
baa baa
no I can't say i have but like i said i have seen a few games and am just sharing my opinion. is that not waht a forum is for.
btw one more post you crack 400 - congratulations
about 17 years
Four hundred posts ... gee SOMEONE needs to get a life
over 17 years
yourmoma wrote:
Four hundred posts ... gee SOMEONE needs to get a life
someone needs to come up with a funny joke...
First Team Squad
about 17 years
The fact is, that with a player like Barry, that he is going to get picked on by referees, not necessarily for his attitude towards them but more for his style of play. He goes in hard and tackles hard and he's aggressive on the ball, all of which I like to watch as I personally get annoyed when guys on my team go half-assed into a tackle and either don't get the ball or get hammered by the dude coming through them. Realistically though, he can't time every tackle as good as one would like to, all it takes is a slight bobble of the ball on the ground for a leg to go past the ball and crack a player in the leg, or a slight mis-timing resulting in going slightly over the ball and having the momentum carry you through a player....
about 17 years
as I said earlier, personally I think Barry just isn't very good at knowing how  far to bend the rules, and how to judge a ref's level of persistance
First Team Squad
about 17 years
as I said earlier, personally I think Barry just isn't very good at knowing how  far to bend the rules, and how to judge a ref's level of persistance
I think is quite the opposite Frankie. I think its the refs that arent good at knwoing were the line stand for a red card. The refs these days give soft cocked fouls and unjustifiable red cads.
Not saying that barry hasent deserved a few but from here on out i think refs make decisions against players due to their reputation.
Soccer is a contact sport, somtimes it does get out of hand but at other tiems when the refs should have the knowledge to distinguish a red from a free kick, they come up short.
This is the same or every ref, not just the one that gave barry the red.
about 17 years
so every ref and every player who puts in tough challenges and doesn't get sent off every week is wrong, and Barry is right?
Glad we have cleared that up.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
There will never be and rights and wrongs but only your own interpretaion of the game, not untill some sort of system gets put in place to sort out situations where the player has been felt hard done by. Maybe a better appeal system or even better Ref's.
But because we here in NZ can only produce such quality nothig much in the stage of development will occur for another couple of years.
NZ needs to be on the map before anything can happen that will make a big enough impact to have a positive effect on both the Central league and NZ football in general.
P.s. Barry is right.
almost 17 years
Auckland Jag wrote:
chops wrote:
I believe refs do get graded but lets be honest I don't think CF take much notice of these. They probably look at it as sour grapes unless both teams clearly grade the ref low. I think refs should be made accountable for their actions and there should be some sort of appeal process when both teams are willing to go on record and state how poor the ref was. NZ football must be one of the only sports that don't have an appeal process.
If no appeal procees then at least be consistent with suspensions. I get two weeks for supposedly kicking a player yet a West player gets one week for a studs up tackle to my groin area that was clearly intentional.
Nothing to stop both clubs writing to CF and the Referees Association to put their feelings on record about the Referee. If one ref is the subject of a series of complaints, especially from a number of different teams, it'll be looked at.  It's what we've been told to do up here. 
Maybe I'm biased 'cos I reffed in Welly but you don't know how lucky you are. I've said it before, the standard of refereeing in Soccer 2 is absolutely abysmal.
Barry, obviously I haven't seen the ref's reports but from what I've read on here you probably copped 2 weeks 'cos your red card was for Violent Conduct, whereas the studs up tackle was probably reported as Serious Foul Play. VC always carries a higher suspension
P.S. I refereed Barry a few times in Wellington and I don't think I ever gave him a card of any colour!
Is that you Tom? How are things in Jaffa land?
After reading all of this rubbish at the end of the day the ref made his decision and unfortunately Barry has to stand down. We all know what the standard of referring is like here and we should all know, as I would guess that most have been playing footy for some time, that you need to adjust your game for some refs.
I have played against Barry and also seen him play and I can say that yes he plays hard but that is his passion like most of us we play to win. Sometimes the barrier gets crossed, but hey we have all been there. Passion is what the game is about but at the same time referees need to understand that the game is for the players. Unfortunately I would have to agree that Barry's reputation precedes him.
Not Elite enough
about 17 years

Yes, it is me!! I'm afraid you have the advantage on me Mr Atrix, 'cos I don't know who you are . Things are pretty good up here. Have hung up the whistle, for a while at least, and am now coaching at Pukekohe.

Agree with you that, unfortunately, there are a number of referees who do not seem to understand the game from a players point of view. Despite my many faults as a ref, I always tried to let the players get on with in it and keep myself out of it as much as I could. Didn't always work, but I tried!!
about 17 years
the thing is that there are bad refereeing decisions in leagues all over the world.  It is part of the game, and that is why we love it - it gives us all something to argue about in the pub afterwards.
As I said earlier, Barry has been sent off twice this season, and (obviously) neither were his fault.  He has also not been sent off once this season when he should have been.  It is all swings and roundabouts.
Time to put the great Barry Lewis/referees debate to bed and move on.
about 17 years

Bugger. Too late to post to your last comment Frankie Mac so had to open this up to get in my reply.

I do agree with you that enough is enough on that topic. No matter how much we discuss it it isn't going to change the outcome so lets move on. its up to me to alter my game accordingly and hopefully with this I find myself spending more time on the field than off.
Good luck to all you lucky buggers playing this weekend and go the Greeks haha.
Lock this one up too mate.

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