First Team Squad
over 17 years
Teza wrote:
RetiredLefty wrote:
Teza wrote:
RetiredLefty wrote:

Agenda = Justice for penny pinching points during the season ( by questionable CF process some suggest ).

 Live by the sword sorta stuff....

More importantly common sense or using CF statement - "the fundamental concerns of fairness". Why should one club be accommodated at the expense of all others.

So you want some sort of revenge against teams who gained points from other teams who broke the rules? Is NW the only club you seek to bring to justice or are you going to hunt down all teams who won protests?

 I hope when you read back your post you will realise how ridiculous it is.

Also please expand on your statement about 'questionable process' I'd like to understand why the process was questionable?

How about you help us all understand why NW should stay in Capital 1 when finishing in the relegation zone ?

Easy,  the Capital Football board made the decision after considering all the information including the circumstances surrounding BNUs game against Miramar and feedback from NZ Football. 

 Now you tell me about the 'questionable process' you say protest decisions were made under last season?

question how dose the circumstances of the Brooklyn VS Mirimar game have anything to do with this whole situation????

i think this is a separate matter and has been ruled on and is accepted and is not being disputed by anyone so is now closed.

So what are the Circumstances, to make the Capital football board consider the Circumstances of this closed ruling, and then cause the Capital Footballs board to make the initial decision it did of 11 teams? As it seems there first statement of reason is not acceptable  as the NZFA ruling seems to show.

The one bit i understand is the changing of the rules because the NZFA told them they were free to do so at the end of the judgement they made.

And the last question is why would someone what to thank someone for the consideration/decision on a matter/case when you have no matters present for considering ?

Perhaps the answers lie in the minutes of the board meetings as this discussion to have 11 and 9 team leagues must of been done at a meeting?

As for QUESTIONABLE PROCESS for protests i think it is pretty clear as to what officially is required by way of paper trail in the rules when it comes to a official protest being made and executed by all parties involved.

You can testify too this by looking at how you executed your protest on university of which NZFA confirmed under appeal was to the rules as laid out for 2013……

i think Retired lefty was meaning he didn't know exactly what these rules were and that if many others also didn't know the finer points of the process there could be a chance of this process becoming a bit of a mess maybe ?

The BNU Miramar game was what kicked this whole thing off so is central to the matter

almost 11 years

Maybe a disputes resolution is the way forward should sufficient member clubs be disgruntled. Seems there is overwhelming support.

Split Personalities
almost 11 years
RetiredLefty wrote:

Maybe a disputes resolution is the way forward should sufficient member clubs be disgruntled. Seems there is overwhelming support.

if you can get 1/3 of the clubs to agree to sign a letter you can force a SPECIAL AGM to be called before the season starts and resolve it at the top level which takes out the board's burden of having to make the decision to alter the rules so badly……
remember the board are there to apply the rules we the members all agree to play to in our district each year.
and the staff are there to administrate the running and development of the game for us members and our elected board.
we are the boss/share holder and we have rights and obligations so why do we just sit on our hands?
almost 11 years

Hmmm I would suggest NW not gaining enough points during the season is what your problem really is Teza.

almost 11 years
RetiredLefty wrote:

Maybe a disputes resolution is the way forward should sufficient member clubs be disgruntled. Seems there is overwhelming support.

if you can get 1/3 of the clubs to agree to sign a letter you can force a SPECIAL AGM to be called before the season starts and resolve it at the top level which takes out the board's burden of having to make the decision to alter the rules so badly……

remember the board are there to apply the rules we the members all agree to play to in our district each year.

and the staff are there to administrate the running and development of the game for us members and our elected board.

we are the boss/share holder and we have rights and obligations so why do we just sit on our hands?

Noted - Can't see this going away given the number of disgruntled clubs around. Any member clubs wanting to register their comments for or against this decision can be put in contact via [email protected]
Stage Punch
about 17 years
RetiredLefty wrote:
RetiredLefty wrote:

Maybe a disputes resolution is the way forward should sufficient member clubs be disgruntled. Seems there is overwhelming support.

if you can get 1/3 of the clubs to agree to sign a letter you can force a SPECIAL AGM to be called before the season starts and resolve it at the top level which takes out the board's burden of having to make the decision to alter the rules so badly……

remember the board are there to apply the rules we the members all agree to play to in our district each year.

and the staff are there to administrate the running and development of the game for us members and our elected board.

we are the boss/share holder and we have rights and obligations so why do we just sit on our hands?

Noted - Can't see this going away given the number of disgruntled clubs around. Any member clubs wanting to register their comments for or against this decision can be put in contact via [email protected]


Just to be clear, what retiredlefty means is that I know who he is if anyone wants to get in touch with him...
over 17 years
almost 11 years
Smithy wrote:
RetiredLefty wrote:
RetiredLefty wrote:

Maybe a disputes resolution is the way forward should sufficient member clubs be disgruntled. Seems there is overwhelming support.

if you can get 1/3 of the clubs to agree to sign a letter you can force a SPECIAL AGM to be called before the season starts and resolve it at the top level which takes out the board's burden of having to make the decision to alter the rules so badly……

remember the board are there to apply the rules we the members all agree to play to in our district each year.

and the staff are there to administrate the running and development of the game for us members and our elected board.

we are the boss/share holder and we have rights and obligations so why do we just sit on our hands?

Noted - Can't see this going away given the number of disgruntled clubs around. Any member clubs wanting to register their comments for or against this decision can be put in contact via [email protected]


Just to be clear, what retiredlefty means is that I know who he is if anyone wants to get in touch with him...

Haha YES that is correct. Apologises for any inference otherwise !
Split Personalities
almost 11 years

just herd that CF has had another change of mind…..

cap1 will have 11 teams and cap 2 now will have 10 not the 9 as previous rule change issued after NZF told them that 2013 rules mean NW is relegated to cap 2

funny how they try to put out the fires but miss the core problem

maybe they are starting to listen though as the CL2 proposal i hear has been binned as will….

over 17 years

just herd that CF has had another change of mind…..

cap1 will have 11 teams and cap 2 now will have 10 not the 9 as previous rule change issued after NZF told them that 2013 rules mean NW is relegated to cap 2

funny how they try to put out the fires but miss the core problem

maybe they are starting to listen though as the CL2 proposal i hear has been binned as will….

pretty much this. Shows how well thought out their actions have been. They have issued the Regs for a second time. I don't think Canton could lead a bunch of boy scouts let alone a football federation. 

First Team Squad
over 15 years
about 13 years

Very good + 1 more. 

over 11 years

Bit of a shame to see he's now not only doing this at Stop Out but at Capital football.

about 13 years

Rules are not made to be broken But changed. 2014. 

Split Personalities
almost 11 years

seems to me that this action is to mean only two teams will drop below capital1 not the 3 down as per the original 2014 amendment and the 2013 rules would of caused.

has this been done to get support for or to quench objections  too the 11 team capital one situation from other clubs who will now benefit from teams staying in higher grades because their teams came 3rd from bottom in their grades?

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Guess that does away with the bye-round cross over game?

over 17 years

It's probably so Nth Wgtn get a spot in Cap2 too

about 13 years

The end of season down regrading will be interesting. 

over 12 years

If this goes through which is fine by me,  There will need be clear rules for bottom 3 in cap 1 to go down next year. 

Stage Punch
about 17 years
shady1 wrote:

If this goes through which is fine by me,  There will need be clear rules for bottom 3 in cap 1 to go down next year. 


Which will have a ripple effect down through the leagues...
First Team Squad
about 17 years

The problem is every year the relegation numbers can vary, depending on a number of factors. This includes CL promoted/relegated teams and Wairarapa and Horo/Kapiti taking their available spots in Cap 3. Every year there's a potential of 5 teams being relegated from Cap3 and below, however this rarely ever occurs.
So it's very difficult to be explicit with number of relegations in the regs. Hence the wording "necessary number of relegations".

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
energy24.7 wrote:

The problem is every year the relegation numbers can vary, depending on a number of factors. This includes CL promoted/relegated teams and Wairarapa and Horo/Kapiti taking their available spots in Cap 3. Every year there's a potential of 5 teams being relegated from Cap3 and below, however this rarely ever occurs.
So it's very difficult to be explicit with number of relegations in the regs. Hence the wording "necessary number of relegations".

^^ this. 
over 17 years

Maybe word it something like 'if you are in Cap1 or below you are likely to be relegated'

Stage Punch
about 17 years
Feverish wrote:

Maybe word it something like 'if you are in Cap1 or below you are likely to be relegated'


Unless you are North Wellington...
Split Personalities
almost 11 years
Smithy wrote:
Feverish wrote:

Maybe word it something like 'if you are in Cap1 or below you are likely to be relegated'


Unless you are North Wellington...

this is the bit that annoys me as the majority of north wellington members accept the relegation rules and have done over the years.
the 11 team problem is purely a capital football issue of favouritism for what ever reason or concept they feel justifies there rule change.
there may of been a few meetings at cafes over coffee or other interaction with members of NW and the capital football board but these meetings cannot be seen as NW appealing as reported by capital football to it's membership and if this was found not to be the case it would be seen as a big lie to the membership and cause for action.
so even if another club was in this situation (see letter 29 jan) capital football would do the same and has now set a president for the future
sorry to bleat but this is a capital football issue and NW is just the victim with no involvement with the 11 team rule i hope…..
First Team Squad
about 17 years

Hook line and sinker spartacus. Smithy was clearly fishing

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

What would you know about the running of a club leithal? You don't have anything to do with the running of that club, you are only part of the cancer trying to ruin everything that they do well there..... 

Stage Punch
about 17 years
Paolo wrote:

What would you know about the running of a club leithal? You don't have anything to do with the running of that club, you are only part of the cancer trying to ruin everything that they do well there..... 


I'm not sure who you're talking to? 

Split Personalities
almost 11 years
Paolo wrote:

What would you know about the running of a club leithal? You don't have anything to do with the running of that club, you are only part of the cancer trying to ruin everything that they do well there..... 

will we be getting another admission like your comments on the state of  affairs in the Rapa…..
i hope your investigations on this one are better as it sounds like you are firing shots at someone again….
Split Personalities
almost 11 years
energy24.7 wrote:

Hook line and sinker spartacus. Smithy was clearly fishing

but he is only catching spotty's not the big one that he should be hunting…

Stage Punch
about 17 years
energy24.7 wrote:

Hook line and sinker spartacus. Smithy was clearly fishing

but he is only catching spotty's not the big one that he should be hunting…

Need better bait and a stronger line.
over 11 years
Paolo wrote:

What would you know about the running of a club leithal? You don't have anything to do with the running of that club, you are only part of the cancer trying to ruin everything that they do well there..... 

Paolo Di canio... He's Italian isn't he? Just like Canton...
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years
Paolo wrote:

What would you know about the running of a club leithal? You don't have anything to do with the running of that club, you are only part of the cancer trying to ruin everything that they do well there..... 

will we be getting another admission like your comments on the state of  affairs in the Rapa…..

i hope your investigations on this one are better as it sounds like you are firing shots at someone again….

I must admit my comments to Leithal are a lot more factual and accurate than my thoughts on the Rappa... How-ever my general point in that case still applies.
Yes Paolo Dicanio is Italian, Canton probably is Italian too.... Probably one of your more accurate comments.... Well done! 
over 10 years

Good call Paolo. 

Leithal stop posting crap. You have zero input at Stop Out. You have had an opportunity  to  put your money where your mouth is on lots of occasions and failed to do so.

So please stop running down those who put their own agendas aside for the good of the game.

over 17 years
Split Personalities
almost 11 years
Feverish wrote:

Italian mafia

have they expanded there influence to more clubs?
or is this a new school group who don't have the history and know how of the old school boys who know how to run a successful club…?

over 11 years
Paolo wrote:
Paolo wrote:

What would you know about the running of a club leithal? You don't have anything to do with the running of that club, you are only part of the cancer trying to ruin everything that they do well there..... 

will we be getting another admission like your comments on the state of  affairs in the Rapa…..

i hope your investigations on this one are better as it sounds like you are firing shots at someone again….

I must admit my comments to Leithal are a lot more factual and accurate than my thoughts on the Rappa... How-ever my general point in that case still applies.

Yes Paolo Dicanio is Italian, Canton probably is Italian too.... Probably one of your more accurate comments.... Well done! 

 So what you're saying is canton could lead a group of boys scouts? 
over 11 years

Good call Paolo. 

Leithal stop posting crap. You have zero input at Stop Out. You have had an opportunity  to  put your money where your mouth is on lots of occasions and failed to do so.

So please stop running down those who put their own agendas aside for the good of the game.

While I have seen your name in the forums in the past I see you have crawled out from under your rock and just signed up to the forums today to rush to the defense of your buddy paolo di canio. Are you one of cantons puppets? 
over 11 years
Feverish wrote:

Italian mafia


I'm just waiting for the next one...

over 10 years

No not a canton puppet.

Just someone that is sick of you slacking off someone who is actually trying to do something for football in Wellington.

Leithal you talk a good game but at the end of the day as usual it's just hot air.

How about actually doing something for your club instead of slacking it and the people running it off.

Otherwise just jog on.

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