First Team Squad
over 17 years
critter wrote:

I think some board members have selective memory, it was
only a couple of years ago that the identical situation happened.

CF gave Olympic an “ok do it” ruling and they played the
player, only to find that this ruling was later appealed to NZF who then overturned
the CF ruling.  Why was Olympic not promoted to a 11 team league?, hmmmm

That was quite different in the fact that it only involved the two teams in the promotion/relegation game with Olympic well aware that the ruling was going to be protested after the game yet still decided to take the risk. It didn't involve a third party who were already in a position of relegation and escaped relegation by from what I can gather crying that it was unfair on them. 

Seems pretty madness to me, CF need to grow a pair and relegate NW and not inconvenience all the other teams in the relevant grades involved.

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years

@ AJ
Capital football would not have made this decision if it was wharfies being relegated because no one would have cried foul in the boards ear which is what I suspect has happened here.
If everyone felt it was a fair decision by NZF to award Brooklyn the game then CF would have no reason to act like they have. So "someone" has obviously complained to make CF think there was a case of unfairness.

CF said though that NW never appealed or complained about finishing 8th at all so ..
over 11 years

And if I told you I piss excellence everyday you would believe that too. ....

over 11 years

Totally agree with ChopperNZ that “CF need to grow a pair and relegate NW and not inconvenience all the other teams
in the relevant grades involved.”, I think the chances of this happening is slim because they have dug a hole for themselves by being to PC.

The problem how I see it is, when CF office makes a mistake in interpreting the regs, the board have left themselves open to either being PC and accommodating the mistake or more protests to NZF.

Irrespective if Olympic were told that a protest would be forthcoming, they also were told “it was ok to play the player” same as the situation here.

End of the day it was a protest to NZF that has cause this problem for the board.

I hope because of how the board has handled this situation, they now do not come out with a policy, something to the effect, “if the office F**ks up then no club will be disenfranchised”.

CF have twice in the past few years, given clubs a ruling that has been overturned by NZF and in both cases involving the regrading regulation that I was under the impression had been sorted out once and for all this year.

It does not come down to how well the regs are written, its all down to the person interpreting them, the interpretation would more likely be given by football person and not a lawyer, but protests to NZF are not decided by football people, but by lawyers.

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years

And if I told you I piss excellence everyday you would believe that too. ....

Well they govern the game in wellington and you do whatever you do. Whoever you are. I don't care.
First Team Squad
over 15 years

Well done AJ just you're recent comments confirm what I suspected

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

Why not wait until the regs have been redressed to see how they read

Because angst.
over 17 years
Smithy wrote:

Someone should appeal to NZF...

Split Personalities
almost 11 years

North Wellington had also appealed two game results like broklyn and won the points which kept them out of relegation so it is only fair that they now go down by the same sword????

i think you will find that members of the NWAFC Executive Committee are also on the CF Board so i wonder what truly happened?

and a 11 team league is just bull shit as one team will drop player during their BYE so other divisions will be affected......

i love my club but rules are rules lets play by them........

almost 11 years
NW supporter wrote:

North Wellington had also appealed two game results like broklyn and won the points which kept them out of relegation so it is only fair that they now go down by the same sword????

i think you will find that members of the NWAFC Executive Committee are also on the CF Board so i wonder what truly happened?

and a 11 team league is just bull shit as one team will drop player during their BYE so other divisions will be affected......

i love my club but rules are rules lets play by them........

I've been monitoring this scenario for a while now and I haven't seen such an ridiculous thing yet. A user going by the name of "NW Supporter" coming out and claiming they know what's going on and making such confessions.

over 17 years

The funny thing is he is.

almost 11 years

how can you be sure?

over 17 years

Read the North Wellington Social Page on Facey

almost 11 years
Feverish wrote:

Read the North Wellington Social Page on Facey

Wow! Took a while to read due to the consistent spelling mistakes and poor grammar.
Interesting reading. In looking at the amount of likes on the page it looks like heavily like a minority within the club. This makes me wonder, if "NW Supporter" and his 'revolution', as I read, are so unhappy. Why don't they just bugger off?

Very interesting reading though. The soundbite images are very comical. 
about 17 years

As you can probably tell.

The North Wellington Social page is not approved by the main club, it was set up a while ago without permission and did at one point actually have things about social events. But has now turned into a big hate fest it seems.

The audio is from a meeting that one man had with the president and another committee member in which this man was told of the decision by the committee and a vast amount of its members to be taken off the committee. FACT: only crazy people record conversations.

These two men have no involvement with the top teams in th club, so with "NW Supporter" suggesting that NW go down, I think that that's pretty shit of you as (Apart from Matt Cantwell) you know nobody in the team. How about we sort out the Masters 1 team? They were representing the club in the top masters division and came away with awful results almost every week! Or are you planning on leaving the club next year? Because surely if you wanted to be involved and help the club so much, you would want the team to be in the highest spot possible!

The rant posted about the boys and girls U19 teams and coaches, while away on tournament was disgusting and offensive as both coaches and teams had put in a lot of hard work that you don't even know about. The boys that I spoke to about it were unhappy about this. 

- please go back and read the decision from CF about the 11 Man league. It infuriating that you've made that comment when it's been discussed so much. Or are you not a regular user/reader of Yellow fever and have you just come on here to spill your hatred somewhere else as the social page has fuck all likes?

AGM is next week, keep your bullshit to yourself until then and keep off this forum.

This is my house.

Split Personalities
almost 11 years

i have played football for 39 years and for 26 years play in the senior divisions and been a member of North Wellington for 28 years.

i made two statements and the facts are available from the public arena with a little digging and am happy to be corrected on them.

then i made a opinion from my experience of playing senior football for 26 years,sorry if this upsets you.

don't blame the people saying the ship is sinking lets fix it, Perhaps you should look at the man who drove it into the ice burg?

capital football are not always correct as the decision from NZFA shows.

i do wish all my clubs teams the chance to play the highest level of football but only if they earn it by there actions on the field not the back door.....

as for the masters 1 being relegated i feel that if they don't measure up to the grade they want to play in they need to drop and then earn there position.....

ol'sole sums it up pretty well being an old administrator or capital soccer

"Have the Capital Football regulations become that complicated - they never used to be, or has the Board become totally PC with an aim for "win-win" situations (which will never happen when you are administering sport).

so as for Bull Shit please explain what i have stated that is incorrect and i will be happy to retract it.....

your fellow house guests might not think it is just your house..... no I in team stefan.........

Split Personalities
almost 11 years
Feverish wrote:

Read the North Wellington Social Page on Facey

Wow! Took a while to read due to the consistent spelling mistakes and poor grammar.
Interesting reading. In looking at the amount of likes on the page it looks like heavily like a minority within the club. This makes me wonder, if "NW Supporter" and his 'revolution', as I read, are so unhappy. Why don't they just bugger off?

Very interesting reading though. The soundbite images are very comical. 

not my revolution but i have added to it....
i helped build the club and have invested in it unlike some of our problems.....
i hope this answers your ? HuttValley Hunter
Doesn't know the offside rule
over 12 years

The email posted on that facebook page is a shocker! corruption much?

almost 11 years

NW Supporter, you love the drama i see. I read the comments on the so called social site (although i doubt there's much socialising going on at NW). I do know some of the committee and they work hard, trying to do the best for NW. 

I was at the CF meeting earlier in the year where one of your mob embarrassed your club. I suspect it's the same person. Looks like you're up to your old tricks. 

Might i suggest you behave like an adult on your "social site". In my 20 years of football i've never seen such rubbish. 

Kapiti Coast supporter

over 17 years
Foxton wrote:

NW Supporter, you love the drama i see. I read the comments on the so called social site (although i doubt there's much socialising going on at NW). I do know some of the committee and they work hard, trying to do the best for NW. 

I was at the CF meeting earlier in the year where one of your mob embarrassed your club. I suspect it's the same person. Looks like you're up to your old tricks. 

Might i suggest you behave like an adult on your "social site". In my 20 years of football i've never seen such rubbish

Kapiti Coast supporter

May I suggest you scroll up and read about the CF board decision then
almost 11 years

Appreciate that an 11 team league isn't ideal. I'm not bothered if they stay up or go down. It's a bit rich to suggest a conspiracy though. Looks to me like a genuine mistake. 

The NW member has chosen two public forums to lambast his club. It's this type of bitterness and anger, disguised under "passion" that destroys clubs. 

Split Personalities
almost 11 years
Foxton wrote:

Appreciate that an 11 team league isn't ideal. I'm not bothered if they stay up or go down. It's a bit rich to suggest a conspiracy though. Looks to me like a genuine mistake. 

The NW member has chosen two public forums to lambast his club. It's this type of bitterness and anger, disguised under "passion" that destroys clubs. 

 lambast or state facts and opinions?
no smoke no fire...

The world is not full of evil because of those who do wrong.  It is full of evil because of those who do nothing.

Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

so sit idle and do nothing foxton even at capital football
almost 11 years

Evil? Like i wrote earlier, having seen you in action i would suggest that it the drama you love, not what's best for your club 

Split Personalities
almost 11 years

Enough about what is happening at NWAFC and me this forum is about what is happening with Capital1.

so lets get back to the 11 team league and other matters relevant to capital 1

my original post is about what others where concerned about (11 team league ) and all i was doing was showing not all NWAFC members were thinking of getting special treatment from a CF mistake.

and that there are still some people who have some old values of football

about 17 years

Social page deleted.

The poster formerly known as NW supporter doesn't show up at the AGM.

And the owner of the page doesn't own up to running it when the question was asked at the meeting.

Since people are too gutless to talk about the issues in person.. Maybe it's best to keep them on here... Or maybe start a separate NW thread.

over 17 years

The appeal of Wharf and Naenae has upheld. Well done to Richard at Naenae and Jock Miller at Wharf for being moral crusaders and acting on the matter. 

NZF found that CF had not followed their own regulations and that their decision not to relegate NW was 'plainly wrong'.They reject CF's submission that NZF is precluded from considering the matter.

CF rule 31 provides the basis for clubs to challenge the lawfulness of any board decision. There is no reason why the 2014 playing regulations should replicate 2013 (which leaves the door open for the CF board to persue this bs despite it being 'plainly wrong'). 

over 11 years

So sanity prevails and the right thing has been done.

almost 15 years

I read Feverish's post as " A way for the right thing to be done has been opened. It may however but quickly closed" Time will tell

Not Boyd
over 16 years
over 11 years
First Team Squad
about 17 years

Right result. Well done Karori and Naenae

Split Personalities
almost 11 years

lets hope CF find a solution that is fair and shows no bias……. i am sure this has happened before so what did they do then….. perhaps some people should look to what there past can tell them about what works and is fair……

if all the talk from the new blood at NW is true then they will only have one season in Cap2 but i cannot see it from previous form that left last years squad swinging in the wind and the coach with little options which was disappointing to see.

 so lets see if the "new blood's" logan's run policy works?

Split Personalities
almost 11 years
Feverish wrote:

The appeal of Wharf and Naenae has upheld. Well done to Richard at Naenae and Jock Miller at Wharf for being moral crusaders and acting on the matter. 

The world is not full of evil because of those who do wrong.  It is full of evil because of those who do nothing.

Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

thanks for doing something rather than the easy way of doing nothing

over 17 years
sthn.jeff wrote:

I read Feverish's post as " A way for the right thing to be done has been opened. It may however but quickly closed" Time will tell

Depends if the board fancy another legal case
First Team Squad
over 17 years

And here I was thinking it was a one man  "morale crusade" directed by Feverish through the Karori club, turns out I was wrong. 

over 17 years

Capital Football have made a statement saying they are pressing ahead with Reg changes to change the grade structure to 11 teams.

Do you think the CF board listening to stakeholders on this massive Reg overhaul?

What are peoples thoughts? Moronic, sensible, corrupt ??

First Team Squad
about 17 years

I think it's the wrong decision for the wrong reasons, but it seems they are within their rights to make the call.

I'll reitterate, the team that finished in a relegation position did so because of their own performances and results not because of an incorrect CF decision regarding one player in one match (out of 18)

Furthmore I don't understand why the clubs were not consulted considering they are the stakeholders who the board are supposed to represent and the ones directly affected by the decision.

over 11 years

If this happens its absolute bullshit! Everyteam should default games against NW and see how they like that. NW knew this was going to happen (just look at tegal's confidence in his posts), their hands are just as dirty as the board of CF. Disgraceful, but as usual politics runs sport even at this level. Both CF and NW need to eat humble pie and do whats right, relegate yourselves NW if you have played no part in the board taking this action.

over 16 years

Im with NRG on this one:

energy24.7 wrote:

I think it's the wrong decision for the wrong reasons.


Now I have to explain to the wife that the Football season is 4 weeks longer!  Outrageous!!!

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

If this happens its absolute bullshit! Everyteam should default games against NW and see how they like that. NW knew this was going to happen (just look at tegal's confidence in his posts), their hands are just as dirty as the board of CF. Disgraceful, but as usual politics runs sport even at this level. Both CF and NW need to eat humble pie and do whats right, relegate yourselves NW if you have played no part in the board taking this action.

Think you mean teza, not me :)

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