Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

I was told by someone who seemed authentic that NW had appealled. If this is not so, my apologies to NW. But in some ways it makes the CF situation worse, in that without an appeal they varied a relegation result.

over 11 years

CF are going to be sending an email to all clubs on Friday as a response to all the communication they have received over this topic.

over 17 years

CF are going to be sending an email to all clubs on Friday as a response to all the communication they have received over this topic.

Well they said they aren't replying to people til the end of the week - but yeah probably a generic statement saying 'we didn't make this decision likely - but we are sticking with it'. Then every man and his dog appeals  and it isn't resolved til the eve of the season when they back down.
over 17 years

The silence from CF is deafening :)

over 17 years

how retarded is this? Can someone with half a clue stand up and be nominated for board next year

Why has the Capital Football Board made this decision?

Some people have questioned why Capital Football has stepped in this time, when it has not in other situations where there have been protests and appeals over re-grading. 

Capital Football made a ruling on an interpretation of the re-grading regulation, which was relied upon by the team involved.  NZF subsequently decided that Capital Football's interpretation was incorrect. The error by Capital Football impacted significantly on the outcome of Capital 1. Capital Football takes full responsibility for that. Capital Football's Board took the view it was unfair for North Wellington to be penalised when the mistake was made by Capital Football. This is particularly so given North Wellington was not involved in the game, and had no ability to be involved in the NZF decision, or to appeal that decision.

Therefore the Capital Football Board’s decision is that North Wellington AFC will not be relegated from Capital 1. There will be an 11 team Capital 1 league and a 9 team Capital 2 league for the 2014 season.

What is the Board doing to ensure this does not happen again?

Importantly we acknowledge there is  no current formal process or system in place to manage queries and interpretations of rules in a robust, effective and fair way.  We think it is important that clubs can seek clarification, if necessary, and can rely on Capital Football's response.  We are taking steps to address the current shortcomings and will instigate a new Regulations Enquiry System. Details of how this works will be communicated to all clubs before the start of the 2014 season.

We also want to confirm the following matters, as there seems to be some confusion:

North Wellington AFC made no formal protest.  It was not involved in the game, the protest to Capital Football or the appeal to NZF.

The decision for the makeup of Capital 1 and Capital 2 for 2014 was made solely by  the Capital Football Board. 

ØThe decision of the board was unanimous (although one Board member did not participate in consideration of the issue, or in the decision, on the basis of an association with North Wellington.) 

The Board’s decision is fully consistent with the rules and regulations.

ØThe Board is charged with the responsibility of governing the game. The Rules provide the Board with the ability to make regulations. In practice, we update the Regulations each off season.  The Board has made a policy decision on the make-up of Capital 1 and Capital 2 for next season (given the extraordinary circumstances) and the regulations for next year will specifically reflect this.  Given the circumstances though, we considered it appropriate to communicate the decision to everyone as early as possible.

The Board reinforces that this is not a judicial process.   

ØTo be clear, the decision made by the board is not a “judicial” decision. It is a policy decision by the Board, as the governing body of Capital Football. To the extent required, changes will be made to the senior playing regulations (in advance of the 2014 season) to give effect to this decision. The Capital Football rules empower the Board to make such regulations. In this case, given the circumstances, the Board considered it appropriate to communicate the decision to everyone as early as possible.

For the 2015 season Capital 1 and Capital 2 will return to 10 team leagues.

ØAs per the regulations promotions are done first and relegations second. If eligible, two teams will be promoted and the necessary number of relegations will follow.

The exact number of relegations cannot be confirmed until all leagues and playoffs have been completed.

If supported, cross league friendlies will be scheduled to support the “bye teams” each week.

Detail around the re-grading of players in the bye teams will be available before the season commences. 

This will not set a precedent in the future.

ØBy instigating a robust Regulations Enquiry System we take away the ad hoc system we currently have at Capital Football.

Capital Football regrets that the situation that has arisen. We recognise that an 11 and 9 team league is not ideal but in the Board’s judgment that is a better outcome than one club being relegated as a consequence of an administrative error by Capital Football. We thank you for your feedback and look forward to another great season of football.

Yours sincerely

Chris Canton


Capital Football

about 13 years

I recall a CF followed by NZF decision which I think effected promotion relegation a couple of seasons ago. And the game result was nullified, With the suggestion the game should be/maybe not  replayed. Game was never replayed. Memory is not a strong point these days.

Had to check memory 

over 11 years

Didn't affect relegation in the end but I'm pretty sure the decision was made well before end of season.

CF board are a bunch of numpties, is it fair that next season will be a minimum of 4 weeks longer for Cap1 without taking into consideration Chatham Cup games, this means a cross over of summer sport that more than likely means losing top players for clubs either at the start of the season or the end of it. I can guarantee you the saga does not end here.

Stage Punch
about 17 years

Someone should appeal to NZF...

over 17 years

NZF should appeal it as this is giving them the birdie

about 13 years

Who are they working for 

First Team Squad
about 17 years

North Wellington weren't "relegated as a consequence of an administrative error by Capital Football" the were relegated because they didn't gain enough points in the season so finished in 8th place which happens to be a relegation spot.

Starting XI
over 17 years

" We recognise that an 11 and 9 team league is not ideal but in the Board’s judgment that is a better outcome than one club being relegated as a consequence of an administrative error by Capital Football. "

North Wellington weren't relegated as a result of an administrative error. They were relegated because they didn't earn enough points by the end of the season.

Starting XI
over 17 years

Haha great minds Nick!

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Fatcontroller cap 1 will just play more mid week games to finish before summer - will still effect team make up with people having mid week commitments and players dropped from first/reserve teams

First Team Squad
about 17 years

Ha good call Dave!

over 11 years
TopLeft07 wrote:

Fatcontroller cap 1 will just play more mid week games to finish before summer - will still effect team make up with people having mid week commitments and players dropped from first/reserve teams

right, hadn't thought of that.
over 17 years

Cap 1 shouldn't have to play mid week

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years

Agree but they will have to.

over 17 years

Just promote NW to central league

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

What an absolute shambles this has turned into.

Can anyone enlighten me as to what a "robust Regulations Enquiry System" is, or means.   I thought that if you had an enquiry regarding the interpretation of a regulation, you picked up the phone, asked the question, got the answer and moved forward.   If the answer was later alleged to be wrong as the result of an appeal, there was an "oops, sorry", some abuse of NZF, and life continued.

Have the Capital Football regulations become that complicated - they never used to be, or has the Board become totally PC with an aim for "win-win" situations (which will never happen when you are administering sport).

First Team Squad
over 15 years

The board are clueless, I doubt many of them have any football experience at the ground level, and are so far isolated from the football fraternity. I think to everyone commenting on this forum share the same concensus. North Wellington out and stick with 10 team leagues. Have some decency norf wellington and demote yourselves, might finally earn you some kudos.

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
DKP22 wrote:

" We recognise that an 11 and 9 team league is not ideal but in the Board’s judgment that is a better outcome than one club being relegated as a consequence of an administrative error by Capital Football. "

North Wellington weren't relegated as a result of an administrative error. They were relegated because they didn't earn enough points by the end of the season.

No they weren't, BNU were as determined by CF. This was the administrative error they're talking about.
about 13 years
AJ13 wrote:
DKP22 wrote:

" We recognise that an 11 and 9 team league is not ideal but in the Board’s judgment that is a better outcome than one club being relegated as a consequence of an administrative error by Capital Football. "

North Wellington weren't relegated as a result of an administrative error. They were relegated because they didn't earn enough points by the end of the season.

No they weren't, BNU were as determined by CF. This was the administrative error they're talking about.

"League"  as per the glossary meaning in the regs is the key to this.
Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years
AJ13 wrote:
DKP22 wrote:

" We recognise that an 11 and 9 team league is not ideal but in the Board’s judgment that is a better outcome than one club being relegated as a consequence of an administrative error by Capital Football. "

North Wellington weren't relegated as a result of an administrative error. They were relegated because they didn't earn enough points by the end of the season.

No they weren't, BNU were as determined by CF. This was the administrative error they're talking about.

At the end of the season they were simply at the wrong end of the table and have got caught up in CF mess .If they had enough points they wouldnt be near this end of the table. Maybe this should tell them something, Why are all the other clubs being mucked around around with 11 and 9 team leagues.
a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
Fulltime wrote:
AJ13 wrote:
DKP22 wrote:

" We recognise that an 11 and 9 team league is not ideal but in the Board’s judgment that is a better outcome than one club being relegated as a consequence of an administrative error by Capital Football. "

North Wellington weren't relegated as a result of an administrative error. They were relegated because they didn't earn enough points by the end of the season.

No they weren't, BNU were as determined by CF. This was the administrative error they're talking about.

If they had enough points they wouldnt be near this end of the table.

FFS read the fuckin thread. WHOEVER FINISHED IN THIS POSITION WOULDVE HAD THE SAME SHIT HAPPEN. It's clearly stated that NW didn't protest jack shit. CF made the call. Do you honestly expect whoever finished 8th do reject this proposal to stay in the league? 100% of teams would take it. Fact.
over 17 years

using capitals and writing Fact at the end don't give your rantings make any more sense AJ. What is your point exactly? Are you in favour of the decision to alter the league to accommodate NW?

First Team Squad
over 15 years

+1 well said feverish

Phoenix Academy
almost 12 years

Doesn`t matter if its NW or some other team. They were still hanging around the bottom of the table  and now 19 teams have to put up with byes or "friendlies" for 2014 to accomodate 1 team. CF needs to look at the big picture.

over 11 years

I think some board members have selective memory, it was
only a couple of years ago that the identical situation happened.

CF gave Olympic an “ok do it” ruling and they played the
player, only to find that this ruling was later appealed to NZF who then overturned
the CF ruling.  Why was Olympic not promoted to a 11 team league?, hmmmm


a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
Feverish wrote:

using capitals and writing Fact at the end don't give your rantings make any more sense AJ. What is your point exactly? Are you in favour of the decision to alter the league to accommodate NW?

I'm saying if even your precious Karori side finished 8th, capital football would've made the same call. "Hey Karori are now relegated due to a result they had no control over, let's make it 11 teams next season". And of course your club would say Yes, would they not?
over 17 years
AJ13 wrote:
Feverish wrote:

using capitals and writing Fact at the end don't give your rantings make any more sense AJ. What is your point exactly? Are you in favour of the decision to alter the league to accommodate NW?

I'm saying if even your precious Karori side finished 8th, capital football would've made the same call. "Hey Karori are now relegated due to a result they had no control over, let's make it 11 teams next season". And of course your club would say Yes, would they not?

To answer your irrelevant analogy. I'd say yes. I'd think it was a poor decision. I would shut up. 
People who are hating on NW are only doing it because they have been all season. The issue here is whether this is a satisfactory decision made by the board. No one has said it is yet. 
over 17 years

Didn't affect relegation in the end but I'm pretty sure the decision was made well before end of season.

CF board are a bunch of numpties, is it fair that next season will be a minimum of 4 weeks longer for Cap1 without taking into consideration Chatham Cup games, this means a cross over of summer sport that more than likely means losing top players for clubs either at the start of the season or the end of it. I can guarantee you the saga does not end here.

Resie teams would benefit from midweek games
a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
Feverish wrote:
AJ13 wrote:
Feverish wrote:

using capitals and writing Fact at the end don't give your rantings make any more sense AJ. What is your point exactly? Are you in favour of the decision to alter the league to accommodate NW?

I'm saying if even your precious Karori side finished 8th, capital football would've made the same call. "Hey Karori are now relegated due to a result they had no control over, let's make it 11 teams next season". And of course your club would say Yes, would they not?

To answer your irrelevant analogy. I'd say yes. I'd think it was a poor decision. I would shut up. 

People who are hating on NW are only doing it because they have been all season. The issue here is whether this is a satisfactory decision made by the board. No one has said it is yet. 

Thank you.
I don't know if it's a bad or good thing though. All I know is that it's not NWs fault.
over 11 years

@ critter
Pretty sure only 1 board member remains from the board at that time.

over 11 years

@ AJ
Capital football would not have made this decision if it was wharfies being relegated because no one would have cried foul in the boards ear which is what I suspect has happened here. If everyone felt it was a fair decision by NZF to award Brooklyn the game then CF would have no reason to act like they have. So "someone" has obviously complained to make CF think there was a case of unfairness.

about 13 years

@AJ13 it's not a team or club issue it is an "Is it a good decision for local football"

1st 2nd or 3rd, is it agood decision for football. The Nix v NZF may have created a smoke screen for the Journo's for now. 

Don't stoke the fire ( inc me) Bloody golf!

over 11 years

Therefore the precedence has been set “If CF makes a bad ruling then the club takes the rap”.

As for the regarding rule which has caused the problem, in my and Sole’s time, it read “Once
a team has completed it’s matches for the season in the particular grade, no further players may be regarded from this team”

about 15 years

Why not wait until the regs have been redressed to see how they read

over 17 years
AJ13 wrote:
Feverish wrote:

using capitals and writing Fact at the end don't give your rantings make any more sense AJ. What is your point exactly? Are you in favour of the decision to alter the league to accommodate NW?

I'm saying if even your precious Karori side finished 8th, capital football would've made the same call. "Hey Karori are now relegated due to a result they had no control over, let's make it 11 teams next season". And of course your club would say Yes, would they not?

Isn't the no control bit the issue though. In a league situation you have no control over the other results anyway. If Brooklyn had beaten Mirimar on the day there would be no issue.

And the risk was always on Mirimar for playing that player, when I am sure there would have been other players in the club who could have played in that fixture. It is pretty clear that Cap Football have previous with making decisions which have been overruled by NZF. If this had happened in the middle of the season, would the same decision have been made?

With no evidence that NW protested, it seems a bit bizarre.

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