Starting XI
over 17 years
No,  I'm not.

I am making no opinions or statements about anything football. Just quoting scripture and actively encouraging others to become referees by sharing the laws of the game in an enlightening manner....
over 17 years
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
With your injuries you'll be one of those refs that stands in the centre circle all game
Early retirement
over 17 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
Barber21 wrote:
i wudnt mind being a ref one day

Contact your local Referee Development Officer. There are level 0 courses that will impart the knowledge of the laws of the game on you and there is certainly no obigation to sign up or use those laws, even if its purely for your betterment as a player/supporter (knowledge is power although 7 year kids even appreciate a referee and there is certainly no abuse in that, just the joy of childrens football)

Ring New Zealand Football if you can't find anyone in your area. I'm sure they would only be too happy to help...
DrQuack322008-04-22 12:58:20
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
Barber21 wrote:
i wudnt mind being a ref one day
  Poacher turned gamekeeper!
Make sure you let me know when you're first game is, Barber.
Give Nick Hughes a ring, I'm sure he'd be glad to have you on board.
about 17 years
Good to see you off the sub bench DrQuack. Splinters getting painful?
Barber21 has thought he was a ref through his playing career. Always had sore ears after reffing him.
over 17 years
hahaha did ya just not068?? do elaborate! examples from your experiences please?!!!

I dear say my officiating days are a way off! thank the football gods for that!

"oh jim i wasn't offside, im just quicker than this muppet!!!" Barber21 was never offside when being marked by Barry Lewis

"f*ck off pedro i got the ball" Barber21 post-bobsled, the ball had long since left that half of the field
Starting XI
over 17 years
Feverish wrote:
Can I celebrate scoring by taking my shirt off (I dont play in the EPL and I dont look like Hard news)?


Law 12 Fouls & Misconduct
Additional Instructions: Celebration of a Goal

A player must be cautioned if:
� in the opinion of the referee, he makes gestures which are provocative,
derisory or inflammatory
� he climbs on to a perimeter fence to celebrate a goal being
� he removes his shirt or covers his head with his shirt.

Best to leave it out until the Nix are winning with 10 left on the clock.
over 17 years
ginger_eejit wrote:
Feverish wrote:
Can I celebrate scoring by taking my shirt off (I dont play in the EPL and I dont look like Hard news)?


Law 12 Fouls & Misconduct
Additional Instructions: Celebration of a Goal

A player must be cautioned if:
� in the opinion of the referee, he makes gestures which are provocative,
derisory or inflammatory
� he climbs on to a perimeter fence to celebrate a goal being
� he removes his shirt or covers his head with his shirt.

Best to leave it out until the Nix are winning with 10 left on the clock.
Hope all you refs take note,he deserves a booking for even thinking anyone would want to see him with his shirt off.
over 17 years
ginger_eejit wrote:
Feverish wrote:
Can I celebrate scoring by taking my shirt off (I dont play in the EPL and I dont look like Hard news)?


Law 12 Fouls & Misconduct
Additional Instructions: Celebration of a Goal

A player must be cautioned if:
� in the opinion of the referee, he makes gestures which are provocative,
derisory or inflammatory
� he climbs on to a perimeter fence to celebrate a goal being
� he removes his shirt or covers his head with his shirt.

Best to leave it out until the Nix are winning with 10 left on the clock.
ok so what if someone removes it for me?
Starting XI
over 17 years
You would tell him that you are perfectly able to get undressed in the changing room by yourself...
One in a million
over 17 years
Anyone standing on our perimeter fence deserves a gold medal as well!
Starting XI
about 17 years
Is there anything wrong with calling 'mine'?
Starting XI
over 17 years
yomcat wrote:
Is there anything wrong with calling 'mine'?

Arguably unsporting behaviour worthy of a caution.... Jag?
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
You rang, Sir?
Ah Ha. Popular misconception # 3124.
Shouting "mine" etc, on it's own isn't a problem.  It's the circumstances in which it's being shouted. Think about it, what if a centreback is running back, following a through ball towards his own goal, no opponents anywhere near him, and his keeper shouts "Mine" or "Leave it" to him? No opposition players involved, no problem. He's not trying to con anybody. Nothing unsporting about it.
Only becomes a problem when it's done to gain an advantage e.g. shouting "mine" or "leave it" when an opponent is going for the ball, or using it to try to put an opponent off,  is trying to gain an unfair advantage and would then be considered unsporting behaviour.
......Dr Quack?
Jag2008-04-29 13:02:07
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Jag wrote:
You rang, Sir?
Ah Ha. Popular misconception # 3124.
Shouting "mine" etc, on it's own isn't a problem.  It's the circumstances in which it's being shouted. Think about it, what if a centreback is running back, following a through ball towards his own goal, no opponents anywhere near him, and his keeper shouts "Mine" or "Leave it" to him? No opposition players involved, no problem. He's not trying to con anybody. Nothing unsporting about it.
Only becomes a problem when it's done to gain an advantage e.g. shouting "mine" or "leave it" when an opponent is going for the ball, or using it to try to put an opponent off,  is trying to gain an unfair advantage and would then be considered unsporting behaviour.
......Dr Quack?
What if you know the players name's in the other team,  can you use their name's calling for the ball
Starting XI
about 17 years
Jag wrote:

Only becomes a problem when it's done to gain an advantage e.g. shouting "mine" or "leave it" when an opponent is going for the ball, or using it to try to put an�opponent off, �is trying to gain an unfair advantage and would then be considered unsporting behaviour.

But most people would either ignore it, or recognise the voice (or not) and react accordingly.

It happened on Saturday, and someone was pinged for it. It seemed odd, because I think only the ref heard him and it was clearly his ball anyway.
over 17 years
what a very good answer mr jag. it is a shame you are still not in welly!!!!
Starting XI
over 17 years
yomcat wrote:
Jag wrote:

Only becomes a problem when it's done to gain an advantage e.g. shouting "mine" or "leave it" when an opponent is going for the ball, or using it to try to put an opponent off,  is trying to gain an unfair advantage and would then be considered unsporting behaviour.

But most people would either ignore it, or recognise the voice (or not) and react accordingly.

Not really, it's been my experience that most times the opposition players will start haranguing the ref saying 'What about using a name ref'. or words to that effect.

There is nothing specific in the laws of the game about it, but in the scenario Jag described the potential is there to caution the player for USB (at the next stoppage in play :).
over 17 years
ginger_eejit wrote:
yomcat wrote:
Is there anything wrong with calling 'mine'?

Arguably unsporting behaviour worthy of a caution.... Jag?
What if your name is Mine? e.g. Gary Mine
Starting XI
over 17 years
Buffon II wrote:
ginger_eejit wrote:
yomcat wrote:
Is there anything wrong with calling 'mine'?

Arguably unsporting behaviour worthy of a caution.... Jag?
What if your name is Mine? e.g. Gary Mine

Then I'd tell you to shout 'Gary's' not 'Mine'
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
12345 wrote:
what a very good answer mr jag. it is a shame you are still not in welly!!!!
Why thank you for those kind words, mysterious stranger.
Although I'm sure there will have been several people down there who will have been glad to see the back of me
about 17 years
Jag wrote:
12345 wrote:
what a very good answer mr jag. it is a shame you are still not in welly!!!!
Why thank you for those kind words, mysterious stranger.
Although I'm sure there will have been several people down there who will have been glad to see the back of me
And several more that would say the back is the best side
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
not068 wrote:
Jag wrote:
12345 wrote:
what a very good answer mr jag. it is a shame you are still not in welly!!!!
Why thank you for those kind words, mysterious stranger.
Although I'm sure there will have been several people down there who will have been glad to see the back of me
And several more that would say the back is the best side
... and the backside was always a special interest of yours, as I recall
about 17 years
Jag wrote:
not068 wrote:
Jag wrote:
12345 wrote:
what a very good answer mr jag. it is a shame you are still not in welly!!!!
Why thank you for those kind words, mysterious stranger.
Although I'm sure there will have been several people down there who will have been glad to see the back of me
And several more that would say the back is the best side
... and the backside was always a special interest of yours, as I recall
What goes on in the ref's room stays in th ref's room
Starting XI
over 17 years
not068 wrote:
Jag wrote:
not068 wrote:
Jag wrote:
12345 wrote:
what a very good answer mr jag. it is a shame you are still not in welly!!!!
Why thank you for those kind words, mysterious stranger.
Although I'm sure there will have been several people down there who will have been glad to see the back of me
And several more that would say the back is the best side
... and the backside was always a special interest of yours, as I recall
What goes on in the ref's room stays in th ref's room

'tis rather cozy in the broom cupboard at Marist.
Care must be taken when handling AR flags in a confined space!
Starting XI
over 17 years
Jag wrote:
You rang, Sir?
Ah Ha. Popular misconception # 3124.
Shouting "mine" etc, on it's own isn't a problem.  It's the circumstances in which it's being shouted. Think about it, what if a centreback is running back, following a through ball towards his own goal, no opponents anywhere near him, and his keeper shouts "Mine" or "Leave it" to him? No opposition players involved, no problem. He's not trying to con anybody. Nothing unsporting about it.
Only becomes a problem when it's done to gain an advantage e.g. shouting "mine" or "leave it" when an opponent is going for the ball, or using it to try to put an opponent off,  is trying to gain an unfair advantage and would then be considered unsporting behaviour.
......Dr Quack?

Page 116 Laws of the Game

"Cautions for unsporting behaviour

There are different circumstances when a player is cautioned for unsporting behaviour e.g. if a player

*verbally distracts an opponent during play or at a restart
*acts in a manner which shows a lack of respect for the game"

There are two 'outs' right there but as Jag said, its all about the context in which its used.
over 17 years
Is it unsporting behaviour when i shout "Your not gonna win the league with shoting like that" to the opposition striker when he's just sent a shot down the bank?
Starting XI
over 17 years
Buffon II wrote:
Is it unsporting behaviour when i shout "Your not gonna win the league with shoting like that" to the opposition striker when he's just sent a shot down the bank?

A smarter player wouldn't shout it so the ref couldn't hear him. He'd say it to him on the down low when he goes past him...
over 17 years
Point taken, but in the heat of the moment i wasn't thinking much....
Starting XI
over 17 years
Dude I've given players heaps of sh*t and the funniest thing is the reaction cause you have to do it in a way where you are taking their game apart, not talking about their family. Some stuff like 'Do you stand on your right leg when you're taking a leak cause right now your leg left ain't help you aim and the big f**king net.'

One of the best was Larry Bird. Larry Legend in the NBA used to talk sh*t all the time. Could you imagine it? This skinny white guy from French Lick, Indiana that was as graceful in the air as a soaring rhino talking smack to the athletic black boys after he rained threes on their ass. Classic video footage if you can get it. He used to tell them what he was about to do them and what move he was going to make BEFORE he did it. Drove defenders crazy.
Not Boyd
over 16 years
Did anyone see the Birgmingham free kick VS Liverpool. There defender was standing in an offside position but he didnt touch the ball. But surely he is effecting the goaly and therefore the game? I know i am biased but was just wondering 
Woof Woof
about 17 years
Tyler wrote:
Did anyone see the Birgmingham free kick VS Liverpool. There defender was standing in an offside position but he didnt touch the ball. But surely he is effecting the goaly and therefore the game?�I know i�am biased but�was just wondering�

I remember that FIFA put out a directive a few years back that essentially said it's OK for players to stand in the offside position on free kicks as long as they did not actively seek to get involved in the play before moving back to an on-side position (or something to that effect). The whole thing turned into a complete mess and managers were very unhappy with how it was used.
I thought the whole idea was abandoned soon after, but after seeing the Birmingham v. Liverpool highlights it may not have been. I'm sure our refs will know (as well as clarify what the directive actually said).
Starting XI
over 17 years
Not really got the time (nor the inclination) to explain the nuances of every scenario of offside (as Refs we can easily spend a couple of hours a fortnight going over different scenarios) so instead I shall point you to FIFA's  Laws of the Games website that has a downloadable pdf of the Laws  and  an interactive guide for offside

The jist of the offside law (Law 11) is:

Offside Position
It is not an offence in itself to be in an offside position.
A player is in an offside position if:
� he is nearer to his opponents� goal line than both the ball and the
second last opponent
A player is not in an offside position if:
� he is in his own half of the fi eld of play or
� he is level with the second last opponent or
� he is level with the last two opponents

A player in an offside position is only penalised if, at the moment the
ball touches or is played by one of his team, he is, in the opinion of
the referee, involved in active play by:
� interfering with play or
� interfering with an opponent or
� gaining an advantage by being in that position

No Offence
There is no offside offence if a player receives the ball directly from:
� a goal kick or
� a throw-in or
� a corner kick

The flash presentation on the website goes into a lot more detail, and demos the nuances of the situation where it is an offence to be offside
ginger_eejit2008-04-30 16:55:00
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
el grapadura wrote:
Tyler wrote:
Did anyone see the Birgmingham free kick VS Liverpool. There defender was standing in an offside position but he didnt touch the ball. But surely he is effecting the goaly and therefore the game? I know i am biased but was just wondering 

I remember that FIFA put out a directive a few years back that essentially said it's OK for players to stand in the offside position on free kicks as long as they did not actively seek to get involved in the play before moving back to an on-side position (or something to that effect). The whole thing turned into a complete mess and managers were very unhappy with how it was used.
I thought the whole idea was abandoned soon after, but after seeing the Birmingham v. Liverpool highlights it may not have been. I'm sure our refs will know (as well as clarify what the directive actually said).
What I dont like about it is, is when the player is standing offside on purpose and then the ball is played which the player hasnt got involved with.  Then there is a deflection so the player is now onside but there was no way he would have made it there if he wasnt offside to begin with
Woof Woof
about 17 years
ginger_eejit wrote:

Not really got the time (nor the inclination) to explain the nuances of every scenario of offside (as Refs we can easily spend a couple of hours a fortnight going over different scenarios) so instead I shall point you to FIFA's� Laws of the Games website that has a downloadable pdf of the Laws� and� an interactive guide for offside jist of the offside law (Law 11) is:Offside PositionIt is not an offence in itself to be in an offside position.A player is in an offside position if:� he is nearer to his opponents� goal line than both the ball and thesecond last opponentA player is not in an offside position if:� he is in his own half of the fi eld of play or� he is level with the second last opponent or� he is level with the last two opponentsOffenceA player in an offside position is only penalised if, at the moment theball touches or is played by one of his team, he is, in the opinion ofthe referee, involved in active play by:� interfering with play or� interfering with an opponent or� gaining an advantage by being in that positionNo OffenceThere is no offside offence if a player receives the ball directly from:� a goal kick or� a throw-in or� a corner kickThe flash presentation on the website goes into a lot more detail, and demos the nuances of the situation where it is an offence to be offside

Aware of all that GE, but like I said I seem to remember that FIFA issued a directive to refs maybe 2-3 years ago that specifically dealt with offsides and free kicks, mainly because I remember that there were a few problems in the interpretion (I think Bolton under Alardyce specifically adapted their free kicks to expolit the directive).
Don't really have the time to do more research on this though, that's why I wondered if any of the refs here remembered it.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Pudleypool wrote:
el grapadura wrote:
Tyler wrote:
Did anyone see the Birgmingham free kick VS Liverpool. There defender was standing in an offside position but he didnt touch the ball. But surely he is effecting the goaly and therefore the game? I know i am biased but was just wondering 

I remember that FIFA put out a directive a few years back that essentially said it's OK for players to stand in the offside position on free kicks as long as they did not actively seek to get involved in the play before moving back to an on-side position (or something to that effect). The whole thing turned into a complete mess and managers were very unhappy with how it was used.
I thought the whole idea was abandoned soon after, but after seeing the Birmingham v. Liverpool highlights it may not have been. I'm sure our refs will know (as well as clarify what the directive actually said).
What I dont like about it is, is when the player is standing offside on purpose and then the ball is played which the player hasnt got involved with.  Then there is a deflection so the player is now onside but there was no way he would have made it there if he wasnt offside to begin with

That IS an offside offense, as he has gained an advantage from being in an offside position, deflections don't count as the defending team 'playing' the ball.
Starting XI
over 17 years
el grapadura wrote:
ginger_eejit wrote:

Not really got the time (nor the inclination) to explain the nuances of every scenario of offside (as Refs we can easily spend a couple of hours a fortnight going over different scenarios) so instead I shall point you to FIFA's  Laws of the Games website that has a downloadable pdf of the Laws  and  an interactive guide for offside jist of the offside law (Law 11) is:Offside PositionIt is not an offence in itself to be in an offside position.A player is in an offside position if:� he is nearer to his opponents� goal line than both the ball and thesecond last opponentA player is not in an offside position if:� he is in his own half of the fi eld of play or� he is level with the second last opponent or� he is level with the last two opponentsOffenceA player in an offside position is only penalised if, at the moment theball touches or is played by one of his team, he is, in the opinion ofthe referee, involved in active play by:� interfering with play or� interfering with an opponent or� gaining an advantage by being in that positionNo OffenceThere is no offside offence if a player receives the ball directly from:� a goal kick or� a throw-in or� a corner kickThe flash presentation on the website goes into a lot more detail, and demos the nuances of the situation where it is an offence to be offside

Aware of all that GE, but like I said I seem to remember that FIFA issued a directive to refs maybe 2-3 years ago that specifically dealt with offsides and free kicks, mainly because I remember that there were a few problems in the interpretion (I think Bolton under Alardyce specifically adapted their free kicks to expolit the directive).
Don't really have the time to do more research on this though, that's why I wondered if any of the refs here remembered it.

Before my time in the middle I'm afraid.
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
I don't remember any FIFA iistructions/directives which dealt with offside at free-kicks but, being an anorak , there was an IFAB Law Amendment in 2005 which said:
Law 11 - Offside (Submitted by FIFA)
New International FA Board Decision 1
In the definition of offside position, "nearer to his opponents' goal line" means that any part of his head, body or feet is nearer to his opponents' goal line than both the ball and the second last opponent. The arms are not included in this definition.

New International FA Board Decision 2
The definitions of elements of involvement in active play are as follows:-

Interfering with play means playing or touching the ball passed or touched by a team mate.
Interfering with an opponent means preventing an opponent from playing or being able to play the ball by clearly obstructing the opponent's line of vision or movements or making a gesture or movement which, in the opinion of the referee, deceives or distracts an opponent.
Gaining an advantage by being in that position means playing a ball that rebounds to him off a post or the crossbar having been in an offside position or playing a ball that rebounds to him off an opponent having been in an offside position.
That's the closest thing I can think of. I'd have thought it would have been unusual for FIFA to issue any directive which would deal only with free-kicks from an offside/onside point of view. I suppose it could be interpreted as players could stand wherever they liked etc.
Perfectly happy to be proved wrong though.


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