Things that make you go hmmmm

Closed for new posts
about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

Clearly the 'man' is implied in the first line.

Coleridge no, but the thread is called things that make you go 'hmmmmm" and I think an eel in an old man's bum (chasing a gerbil) would make him go "hmmmmm", don't you?

It's alright my love I'm back now, the season is almost here and I look forward to more of your posts....

I bloody missed them and the forum


It's good to be back!!!
almost 16 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

It's alright my love I'm back now,


Starting XI
over 17 years

Child labour being used for Canterbury products. Interesting that even though FAIRFAX pushed the story in Australia it was ignored here...

Chant Savant
over 17 years

If a door is said to be Ajar when it's open, what are you suppoed to call an open jar? Adoor?

almost 16 years

"This is an attack on all of us," Socialists Aotearoa spokesman Joe Carolan said.

"It hits Jews, Muslims, gays, people of colour, trade unions, the Labour party, socialists and anarchists."

Pretty sure that's not "all of us"

"Auckland University tutor Faisal Al-Asad said the protest was not politically motivated, but a stand against all discrimination."

I'm sure it wasn't, but maybe Joe Carolan should have been told that.

Starting XI
over 17 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
almost 16 years

dairyflat wrote:


I can quote DH Lawrence: "C*nt"

almost 16 years

I was searching youtube for a PE track, Lost at Birth from the album Apocalpyse 91 (as it would make for great walk out music at the RoF) and this is what I get:

First search result???? hmmmmmm

Edit: Oh I see it is an advertisement, not an actual search result. Still - a rather strange ad placement for this kind of search.

almost 16 years

In the Night Garden: I'm well passed this demographic now but I've always wondered if "riding the ninky nonk" or the "pinky ponk" weren't euphemisms for something more ahem, adult shall we say?

As for teletubbies - outright deviency if you ask me.

Starting XI
over 17 years

 Made an OIA request to John Key asking two specific questions. I received a reply saying 'Your comments have been noted'. 


almost 16 years

Things that make you go meh:

What's the difference between a supporter and a fan (in footy)?

Some (most) posters in various fora think that a supporter is the more hardcore than a fan.

I think it is the other way around as fan is a contraction of fanatic (supporter).

Or to put it another way, the Phoenix have possibly around a 3-4k fan base (e.g. those that will turn up mid week in rain to watch our lads pump the ball high in the air all night) and another 5-6k of supporters (if our average attendance is around 9k).

almost 16 years

Supermarket wars in Newtown on TV3 tonight.

Used to get hot bread on Sundays from the Tip Top bread factory (the sliced loaf in silver foil).

almost 16 years

I must admit to not having paid much attention to the Fonterra Shareholder Fund, but it does seem like shares in every respect except having a vote at the AGM.  For small investors that probably isn't a big deal?

Other than that is there any other drawback for a "mum and dad" investor - Timmymadden? Uncle Gazza?

over 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

I must admit to not having paid much attention to the Fonterra Shareholder Fund, but it does seem like shares in every respect except having a vote at the AGM.  For small investors that probably isn't a big deal?

Other than that is there any other drawback for a "mum and dad" investor - Timmymadden? Uncle Gazza?

I think the problem (if you think there is one) is that Fonterra's structure in the past has been set up to maximise the price of milk to the dairy farmer with a small top up on top for the value added stuff that fonterra does.  With the new structure there will be pressure from 'shareholder' investors for the co-op to maximise the dividend (as this is what the 'shares' pay, not the milk price which still only goes to the farmers) and one way to do this is to reduce the milk price to farmers, while some farmers (who have sold their shares) will still be wanting the co-op to continue maximising the farm gate milk price.  Only one side of this battle gets a direct say, which may or may not be an issue.

almost 16 years

Cheers AM.

Fonterra also get milk from overseas suppliers too so presumably as they become more global then the price paid to NZ farmers for their milk is only one part of Fonterra's profits? 

Am really just thinking (toying really) about the possibility of getting into this in lieu of some very poor retirement schemes (when I get back to having something to put into one so no time soon).

Also although there has been a fall off in new dairy farms in the last few years I wouldn't be surprised if there are more in NZ the future (like it or not).

Starting XI
over 15 years

I`ve just agreed to buy a Ladyboy a birthday present !!!

I must admitt she is drop dead gorgeous !!!  

Am I turning to the dark side ???

Two trips to Thailand this year and hmmmm !!

Woof Woof
about 17 years
tradition and history
over 17 years

UK Kiwi wrote:

I`ve just agreed to buy a Ladyboy a birthday present !!!

I must admitt she is drop dead gorgeous !!!  

Am I turning to the dark side ???

Two trips to Thailand this year and hmmmm !!

I think you are, but as I am back there in June I will let you know.
Starting XI
over 15 years

Just got the photo today Leggy

There she is holding my present  (In the Red )

The things I do to get the "Real Girl".......Or at least think she is !!!!

Go on Leggy try the dark side as a travel destination

Starting XI
over 15 years

Can`t believe I`m sharing this near closet experience !!!!

over 17 years

I got my haircut by a ladyboy 2 days ago. S/he did a very good job.

When it said it was a unisex salon, I wasn't aware that is what it meant

tradition and history
over 17 years

UK Kiwi wrote:

Can`t believe I`m sharing this near closet experience !!!!

Some are easy to spot, but others very difficult.
Apparently most will require payment to have their photo taken, which counts me out cause I'm too mean.
almost 16 years


A bunch of morons hating on a twat.

"If I do get deported from America for wanting fewer gun murders, are there any other countries that will have me?" he wrote.

It would be worth it to get him deported just see how that would pan out.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Piers Morgan? It's funny because he's actually right about something for once in his life, and people still hate him for it.

almost 16 years

This is a good generalisation of Yanks:

This is a good generalisation of Morgan:

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

Ronald McDonald getting rough with the kids.

Woof Woof
about 17 years
almost 16 years

OMG.  Can someone help this poor man that emailed me just now.  As he's not Nigerian it must be kosher:

Hi, Good Morning.

I know this revelation will keep you wondering why should I trust you with this informations I am about to reveal to you or if what I am saying is the truth especially with the high level of scam mails going around all over the internet, please I need you to trust and believe me if you can. I need you to make out time to read this mail attentively in order to understand the reason I am sending you this mail.

I am Daniel, 20 years of age, the only child of my parents, Mr and Mrs Ernest Kaloja, My parents were Natives of Ivory Coast before they migrated to the United States when I was just 4 year old. We lived at No 215 West Wieuca Road Northeast Atlanta, Georgia USA and I attended the famous Frederick Douglass High School northwest Atlanta, Georgia USA, but when my mother fell sick and died June 2001, My father became weak every day and later he fall sick, I believe it was the shock of my mum's sudden death that deteriorated his health.

He got retired from his office, Fidelity National Insurance Company at No 200 Galleria Parkway Southeast Atlanta GA 30339 USA October 2004, from there we moved to New York City because of my dad medication.

Then December 2005 my father called me and told that he doesn't want to die in a foreign land. That he has made enough money, that he felt the best thing for him to do now is for us to relocate back to his home country of COTE D'lVOIRE so that he can set up his own Insurance company and give job opportunities to his people and he also told me that he want me to learn about his people and their culture. On the 14 of December 2005 we returned back to COTE D'lVOIRE.

Then after some time my dad started to look for properties to buy to use for an office, in several occasions I went out with him to inspect some properties. But unfortunately on the 22nd of February 2006 my father collapsed and later died.

Why am telling you all this because now my life in danger and well know that your stranger which you can help me out!!! The reason I am telling you and revealing to you my family's secret because my late dad's burial is over and my Uncle is searching every where looking for bank documents that my father used in depositing all his money in the bank when his sickness became serious.

But he doesn't know that I have hide the documents in a safe place outside the house where he can not find them based on my late father's advice on his sick bed before his death. This secret has been in my mind for close to a years now and I don't even know who to tell because I need someone to help me receive this money in a foreign account to enable me leave here peacefully. This is the reason I make contact with you to help me received the money.

That mean you will provide an account where the money will be transfer into then I will take the next available flight to join you once you confirm to me that you have received the money in your account.. I have thought about it and I came to the conclusion that this is the only way I can get the money transfer out of here without my uncle knowing about it.

If you have the fear of God Almighty and believe that you can help me please respond to this mail include with your direct telephone number and also try to call me for more details.

I want you to know that I passed by so many people and many profile before I came in contact with your contact info and when I did, my heart and the spirit of God dwelling inside me asked me to confide and trust you.

God bless you as I look forward in meeting you soon!!!


Daniel Kaloja. 

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Junior82 wrote:

Why am telling you all this because now my life in danger and well know that your stranger which you can help me out!!! 

There's an Epic Rap Remix that can be made out of some of these sentences...

Phoenix Academy
over 15 years

Junior82 wrote:

OMG.  Can someone help this poor man that emailed me just now.  As he's not Nigerian it must be kosher:

Hi, Good Morning.

I know this revelation will keep you wondering why should I trust you with this informations I am about to reveal to you or if what I am saying is th


Daniel Kaloja. 

Must be real  :)
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years

 Chch has need for unskilled workers

Interesting read. So people are unwilling to work for minimum wage and will go elsewhere for more? Crikey, who would have thought!

I know someone who is recruiting and offering minimum wage. Some of the jobs require a bit of ability...   and despite his business being both competitve and PROFITABLE he'll only offer minimum wage for the majority of the positons. As I said to him last week "that wage is not a TARGET figure..." He is recruiting because a group of his team all quit at once to take up similar but BETTER paid work elsewhere. Hmm...

One in a million
over 17 years
Starting XI
over 17 years

 Was in town yesterday and watched a few of the Sevens crowd wandering about. The two guys staggering in the rush hour traffic on Customhouse Quay were a real sight. I don't believe they got hit but there wasn't much in it when I went by. How do you instill in people that if they want to drink they have to maintain some sort of, I don't know, responsibility I guess? Hmmm...

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Is $105 call out fee, and then $15 per 10 min block + cost of parts, reasonable for someone to repair a washing machine? Never had to get one repaired before.

almost 16 years

Plumber?  Sounds about right for the hourly rate.  Call out fees vary but that is in-line (maybe towards the high end but I think we paid somewhere like that last year).

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Junior82 wrote:

Plumber?  Sounds about right for the hourly rate.  Call out fees vary but that is in-line (maybe towards the high end but I think we paid somewhere like that last year).

Will need an Electrician, it won't turn on. Just looking for quotes atm, that is what a friends places charges. Normal guy that repairs stuff for our landlady isn't replying to her phone calls, so she has given me the ok to look elsewhere. It died Friday, we starting to run out of clothes.
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Things that make you go hmmmm