Things that make you go hmmmm

Closed for new posts
over 13 years

Leggy wrote:

Leggy wrote:

Hope I never need this guy as my lawyer.

I think he would make the perfect lawyer: gets paid money to defend the indefensible using every sneaky trick in the book! Being sly, contorting the truth and ignoring facts when it suits them: welcome to the world of the lawyer where personal honour takes a back seat to personal gain and money!

What sort of person takes a paycheck to protect a criminal from facing charges? Maybe a Green Party MP? :P\


Funny when he is stumped he goes off line.

Not stumped myself.

It was close of play for the day. People do rest you know.

I don't mind going into bat for a client, 

I don't even mind batting on a sticky wicket. 

I don't however like being bowled by a googly with a bowler with a bent arm. 

So suffice to say like the little old restaurant owner I wouldn't act on that ladies behalf.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

What sort of person takes a paycheck to protect a criminal from facing charges? Maybe a Green Party MP? :P\


Probably one that believe in due process? Isn't legal representation a core element of a functioning society? 

about 17 years

The one good thing about the mouse I use, it has a middle wheel, so when patrolling through this thread, I can skim the comments and carry on till something grabs my attention. That way, freedom of speech is used and freedom to choose whether or not to read or respond is also used.

over 17 years

I would love it if heaps of people were involved in discussion but people simply aren't that interested other than a handful of posters. Thats something totally out of my control. End of. Anyone is free to join this discussion.

People only seem interested in being outraged that others are actually having a discussion. A lot of posters didn't participate at all, but are now in here having a whinge and talking about how they feel about "it". 

I put quotations around "it" because they don't actually specify what it is that has made them feel this way. They just bundle a huge, long, wide-ranging discussion, into "this sh*t", and then criticize it.  

There's been a ton of direct questions asking various posters to elaborate, and explain which subjects in particular they are not happy with, or what points they disagree on, but they don't answer generally. And then they come back later to whinge again. 

It's ruined the discussion, everyone is just arguing about arguing now. 

The modern world aye.

Anyway, don't worry guys, this will be my last post in the thread, you don't have to put up with my Trump-supporting*, racist*, misogynist* attitude any longer. 

*Disclaimer: I'm not actually any of these things.

about 17 years

We'd all make great politicians, never come back with an explanation - Myself included!

over 17 years

patrick478 wrote:

Getting piszed off reading the carp on this thread

Shark like this reely makes me miss the A-League season...

We have a season holy shark when did that happen.
Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

2ndBest wrote:

What sort of person takes a paycheck to protect a criminal from facing charges? Maybe a Green Party MP? :P\


Probably one that believe in due process? Isn't legal representation a core element of a functioning society? 

seems pretty selective about how, why and when he adopts the concept of due process when it comes to outside the courtroom ;-)

Anyhow the point I made was that our lawyer friend says things about other posters on here that are plain wrong and incorrect and yet when he is called up on it he refuses to man up and take responsibility, but rather ducks and weaves and worst of all, tries to be clever about it,

Very hard to respect someone who does this sort of thing. I can respect people having different points of view but I cannot respect people acting in an underhand (or underarm) manner. Post whatever you want but at least take responsibility for what you post.

I voted Labour yet I am right wing. How does that even work :P

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

paulm wrote:

Anyway, don't worry guys, this will be my last post in the thread, you don't have to put up with my Trump-supporting*, racist*, misogynist* attitude any longer. 

*Disclaimer: I'm not actually any of these things.

It is a sad day when people have to put disclaimers on their posts.

Ironically you (and I) have stated many, many times we are NOT Trump supporters and we made it clear that the issues we wanted to discuss were ones like:

-the impact of social media on peoples opinions

-group think

-increasing polarisation of peoples opinions and beliefs etc etc

and we used Trump as  a way to show examples of these dynamics in action. 

Yet it seems that in 2018 unless you come out and say "trump is evil" etc etc then by default you must be a racist. misogynist Trump supporter and an absolute vile person. There is no middle ground, no critical thinking; you are either with us you are against us.

Which is kind of ironic because I remember back after 9/11 America made it clear to the world that when it comes to fighting "terror" you were either "with us or against us". The liberal left had a real problem with America making that statement yet here we are all these years later and the liberal left are now using the same blanket threat themselves


Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Not stumped myself.

It was close of play for the day. People do rest you know.

I don't mind going into bat for a client, 

I don't even mind batting on a sticky wicket. 

I don't however like being bowled by a googly with a bowler with a bent arm. 

So suffice to say like the little old restaurant owner I wouldn't act on that ladies behalf.

Glad to hear you're not stumped: I thought bad light had stopped play thats all.

As for myself I like to play with a straight bat, especially when batting against a spinner 

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Nutters indeed...the of the usual liberal left wing type who cry "muh diversity" on the one hand while trying to shut down views they don't like on the other.

By the way your link doesn't work try this one

Good grief there are some whinging windbags out there who get offended by almost everything it seems. They really need to get over themselves.

Maybe I should complain about black people playing characters from Norse mythology in the Thor movies? I mean thats got to be racist cultural appropriation at its worst right?!

Oh thats right European Culture can be bastardised no problem...but try it with anyone else's culture then watch out!


tradition and history
over 17 years
Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Animal Cruelty. Absolutely sickens me. Its got to be up there with child abuse imo

last week a dairy farm exposed for beating their cows with rods

Then there were these guys:

All they get is a slap on the wrist as well. Not cool.

over 17 years

Animal Cruelty. Absolutely sickens me. Its got to be up there with child abuse imo

last week a dairy farm exposed for beating their cows with rods

Then there were these guys:

All they get is a slap on the wrist as well. Not cool.

Should put that in things that piss you off. Animal cruelty is fudgeing disgusting.

about 17 years

Animal Cruelty. Absolutely sickens me. Its got to be up there with child abuse imo

last week a dairy farm exposed for beating their cows with rods

Then there were these guys:

All they get is a slap on the wrist as well. Not cool.

If you want to reduce animal cruelty:

And it has many other benefits too:

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Buffon II wrote:

Animal Cruelty. Absolutely sickens me. Its got to be up there with child abuse imo

last week a dairy farm exposed for beating their cows with rods

Then there were these guys:

All they get is a slap on the wrist as well. Not cool.

Should put that in things that piss you off. Animal cruelty is fudgeing disgusting.

yes indeed I should have put it in that thread but totally forgot about it even existing. Hmmm = bad, very bad, in this case...even downright evil.

I have been vegetarian since 1987 for what its worth so try to do my bit to minimalise animal suffering 

Woof Woof
about 17 years
tradition and history
over 17 years

LOL    I reckon this is bull. :)

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

How come the only people who have ever been racist to me have all been under 30 and without exception?

I call BS on that "scientific study"

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
about 17 years

How come the only people who have ever been racist to me have all been under 30 and without exception?

I call BS on that "scientific study"

Your anecdotes > scientific study?
Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Bullion wrote:

How come the only people who have ever been racist to me have all been under 30 and without exception?

I call BS on that "scientific study"

Your anecdotes > scientific study?

scientific study my ass

more like presenting findings tailoedr to suit a narrative being pushed by the author.

Bit liike how corporations like Coca Cola get their own "scientific studies" done that show that hey drinking sugary drinks is not going to cause you health problems.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Bullion wrote:

How come the only people who have ever been racist to me have all been under 30 and without exception?

I call BS on that "scientific study"

Your anecdotes > scientific study?

scientific study my ass

more like presenting findings tailor to suit a narrative being pushed by the author.

you know that's not how scientific studies work right? You know they are peer reviewed before being published in journals?
Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

patrick478 wrote:

Bullion wrote:

How come the only people who have ever been racist to me have all been under 30 and without exception?

I call BS on that "scientific study"

Your anecdotes > scientific study?

scientific study my ass

more like presenting findings tailor to suit a narrative being pushed by the author.

you know that's not how scientific studies work right? You know they are peer reviewed before being published in journals?

Nazi germany did many scientific studies that showed that races were all very different from one another and these were peer reviewed too. They concluded aryans to be supreme.

so whats your point?

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

patrick478 wrote:

Bullion wrote:

How come the only people who have ever been racist to me have all been under 30 and without exception?

I call BS on that "scientific study"

Your anecdotes > scientific study?

scientific study my ass

more like presenting findings tailor to suit a narrative being pushed by the author.

you know that's not how scientific studies work right? You know they are peer reviewed before being published in journals?

Nazi germany did many scientific studies that showed that races were all very different from one another and these were peer reviewed too. They concluded aryans to be supreme.

so whats your point?

Comparing modern universities to Nazi Germany is a bold move, Cotton. 
Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

patrick478 wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

Bullion wrote:

How come the only people who have ever been racist to me have all been under 30 and without exception?

I call BS on that "scientific study"

Your anecdotes > scientific study?

scientific study my ass

more like presenting findings tailor to suit a narrative being pushed by the author.

you know that's not how scientific studies work right? You know they are peer reviewed before being published in journals?

Nazi germany did many scientific studies that showed that races were all very different from one another and these were peer reviewed too. They concluded aryans to be supreme.

so whats your point?

Comparing modern universities to Nazi Germany is a bold move, Cotton. 

oh so you admit that the findings of scientific studies can be influenced by the agenda of the people undertaking the studies in  the first place?

I rest my case.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

The whole study is rather useless in a social/moral aspect as it is based on what is and what isn't offensive and that is very subjective and nothing to do with science:

Research from the University of Queensland, Australia, showed the frontal lobe – which is involved in regulating our thoughts – gets smaller as we age.

This means elderly people may lose their ability to censor inappropriate thoughts, making them more likely to vocalise offensive viewpoints.

For example if an elderly black person drops the N-bomb thats seen as ok within their social milieu

But if 70 year old white person drops the out!

over 13 years

I think reading this article better sums it up and links to different studies/information.

I also found this theory interesting as well (note it is currently still only a theory)

Abrams said the latest scientific theory for this is because areas of the brain going through changes as we age.

“Our prefrontal cortex starts to atrophy,” she said. “In other words, the frontal lobes lose their sharpness.”

That’s the part of our brain that control executive functioning, like our ability to reason, to use logic and judgement, to apply filters, and inhibit inappropriate thoughts.

Everyone gets strange ideas popping into their heads that they’d rather not say. Most of us are able to control these thoughts, but as that cognitive ability starts to decline, you may find older adults blurting out things they might have kept to themselves in the past. It’s a bit like having Tourette’s syndrome, in that you have less control over what comes out of your mouth. 

about 17 years

Bullion wrote:

How come the only people who have ever been racist to me have all been under 30 and without exception?

I call BS on that "scientific study"

Your anecdotes > scientific study?

scientific study my ass

more like presenting findings tailoedr to suit a narrative being pushed by the author.

Bit liike how corporations like Coca Cola get their own "scientific studies" done that show that hey drinking sugary drinks is not going to cause you health problems.

At this stage you would defend your position with contradictory scientific studies or criticisms in the methodology of the scientific study that could result in incorrect interpretation. Until then I am inclined to think that a scientific study holds more weight than your anecdotal evidence.
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

patrick478 wrote:

Comparing modern universities to Nazi Germany is a bold move, Cotton. 

oh so you admit that the findings of scientific studies can be influenced by the agenda of the people undertaking the studies in  the first place?

I rest my case.

I quite clearly did not say this. 
Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Study sats old people are racist

or is it just old white people?


Face it you have all been suckered in my classic clickbait. Nothing in the study says people get more racist as they get older just that as people age their brain function drops and they are more prone to saying silly things or getting grumoy.

The whole "more racist" aspect is pure bollocks but a good way for the Dr to get publicity

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Bullion wrote:

Bullion wrote:

How come the only people who have ever been racist to me have all been under 30 and without exception?

I call BS on that "scientific study"

Your anecdotes > scientific study?

scientific study my ass

more like presenting findings tailoedr to suit a narrative being pushed by the author.

Bit liike how corporations like Coca Cola get their own "scientific studies" done that show that hey drinking sugary drinks is not going to cause you health problems.

At this stage you would defend your position with contradictory scientific studies or criticisms in the methodology of the scientific study that could result in incorrect interpretation. Until then I am inclined to think that a scientific study holds more weight than your anecdotal evidence.

You are perfectly entitled to think what you want.

And so am I. 

But while this *cough* scientific study may be ok on a physiological level it simply remains subjective on other levels like what is and what isnt offensive, that is not science that is opinion, 

Big difference

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Hey to all the guys messaging the mods: I am not dominating or bullying anyone on this thread. I am responding to posts directed to me.

I believe this is more about the fact some people don't like my point of view rather than anything else which is a very different issue indeed.

Lets call a spade a spade here at least.

over 17 years

Lets call a spade a spade here at least.

I'm sure you would but I suspect the mods wouldn't allow it.

about 17 years

The whole study is rather useless in a social/moral aspect as it is based on what is and what isn't offensive and that is very subjective and nothing to do with science:

Research from the University of Queensland, Australia, showed the frontal lobe – which is involved in regulating our thoughts – gets smaller as we age.

This means elderly people may lose their ability to censor inappropriate thoughts, making them more likely to vocalise offensive viewpoints.

For example if an elderly black person drops the N-bomb thats seen as ok within their social milieu

But if any white person drops the out!

Fixed. Personally, I'd just suggested losing that word to the annuals of history. But listening to Rap songs, MF, Bitch & N----- are quite prominent. It makes me wonder if Rap "Artists" are not their own worst enemy.

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:
It makes me wonder if Rap "Artists" are not their own public enemy.

Phoenix Academy
almost 7 years

Baiter wrote:

Lets call a spade a spade here at least.

I'm sure you would but I suspect the mods wouldn't allow it.

Would appear there are a group on YF who are determined to make the forum their own little safe space and they are working hard to have the likes of myself put firmly under control simply because they don't like my opinions. They PM the mods saying that I have been "bullying them" because thats how desperate they are to get rid of me.

I challenge anyone to find a post in this thread where I have been bullying anyone; in fact its usually me that is getting ganged up on by the the same people who seem to get rather worked up over some of my thoughts and opinions. 

If you look through the thread the main reason I have posted often is because I am responding to a post directed at me. Surely I have the right of reply?

At the of the day folks if you can't handle opinions that run counter to your own then stop having conversations with me on here. It is that simple.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Don’t personally care what your views are. This isn’t some conspiracy concocted to silence your views and your views alone. It’s insulting you’d even say that, and honestly you’re views aren’t that special. 

It’s because on any given page of a thread you involve yourself in, half of the posts are yours. You dominate a thread to the point that nobody else can be bothered posting, this is a clear case of thread domination and something we obviously want to discourage. The forums aren’t here to be your echo chamber, you’ve been warned about this a few times and we’ve been very clear about it.

If we were censoring your opinions we’d just flat out hide your posts. But that doesn’t happen. Instead you are sent a reminder not to dominate threads, and you publicly respond that you are being censored because of your views...ok mate. 

Closed for new posts

Things that make you go hmmmm