The gaming thread - Comps, Consoles, Apps and Board Games.

Starting XI
over 17 years

New DLC coming soon that adds multiplayer aswell.

about 17 years
The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Warthunder -Ground Forces now in Open Beta 

Major features of the 1.41 Update:

  • Ground forces are now available for all players in open beta test (Ground Forces progress achieved by players in the CBT will be wiped);

about 17 years
Munk wrote:

Warthunder -Ground Forces now in Open Beta 

Major features of the 1.41 Update:

  • Ground forces are now available for all players in open beta test (Ground Forces progress achieved by players in the CBT will be wiped);

Nice one Monk! Been in a Zombie wasteland with State of Decay. DayZ has a special weekend also.
about 17 years

Warthunder with tanks is fucking epic it's like comparing the film The Dirty Dozen to Pearl Harbor. It's gritty, you can't see a fucking thing, you don't zing around like the tanks in WOT. sometimes you can't reverse out of a place. You've got no idea, (do you??), of the damage you are causing, (no red bar?).

Very basic but I hope the don't make it easy. WT Hardcore WOT Softcore.

I am going to be rubbish at this.

Sorry over the top I only played 3 games and got one assist but it's mental.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

Very basic but I hope the don't make it easy. WT Hardcore WOT Softcore. 

I am going to be rubbish at this.

Sorry over the top I only played 3 games and got one assist but it's mental.

Its very different -I hope they sort out tank physics -it odd drifting all over the place -I'm also rubbish -have managed a few kills, more by luck than good management - looking forward to moving out of the basic tanks - played about 6 or 7 battles, was only in a winning team once..
about 17 years

Not really had a chance to play again, noticed that not all the keys are bound?

How do you call in an artillary strike? You done that yet Munk?

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

Not really had a chance to play again, noticed that not all the keys are bound?

How do you call in an artillary strike? You done that yet Munk?

You have to unlock the arty strike -takes about 800 xp to unlock i think then its a button press,then move the cursor to where you want it to go
about 17 years

Cheers, If I can stay awake after a nightshift may give it a go.

about 17 years

Really starting to enjoy WarThunder tanks. The stock First StuGIII is awful but once you modify it it can be quite devastating. Enjoying brawling no end it took 3 tanks to get me off the C cap in Karelia??

Sticking to lower tier Pzkpfws medium tanks. The are very versatile and can pack a punch. Not sure the SPAA's have much use in the game as I just don't see enough planes to justify them. 

How you doing Munk?

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

How you doing Munk?

havent played for a day or so-concentrating on WoT -grinding out the last xp on France (9.8k needed) and Japan (11.7k needed) to get the SuperPershing reward tank (you needed to get 75k xp for each of the 7 nations)
about 17 years

Things that piss you off Warthunder addition:

People who think they are playing WOT and not WT.

The brutal step from tier 1 to tier 2

Hetzers that Hetz

Early retirement
over 17 years

I went 100% for the first time in ages on WoT yesterday.

Played 2. Won 2.  Retired for the day.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

I went 100% for the first time in ages on WoT yesterday.

Played 2. Won 2.  Retired for the day.

I ran the alecto to get the commander to 100% camo so i could swap it for 6th sense -kept getting T6 battles and that bloody awful northwest map - still won 9 from 10... took 1 battle at lunchtime today to get 6th sense
about 17 years

Anyone know if they are going to build a new engine for WOT?

It's a creaky old thing, but Wargaming only seem bothered by tweaking the graphics which makes the engine even more cumbersome.

Lipstick and pigs spring to mind. 

I understand that building a engine is huge but still if they are going to stay ahead they've got to be working on it surely?

Starting XI
over 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

Anyone know if they are going to build a new engine for WOT?

It's a creaky old thing, but Wargaming only seem bothered by tweaking the graphics which makes the engine even more cumbersome.

Lipstick and pigs spring to mind. 

I understand that building a engine is huge but still if they are going to stay ahead they've got to be working on it surely?

They are upgrading to HAVOC a full fledged engine with full physics modelling and destructible terrain. Most of the 9.? patches will be incrementing towards this.

about 17 years
UberGunner wrote:
ForteanTimes wrote:

Anyone know if they are going to build a new engine for WOT?

It's a creaky old thing, but Wargaming only seem bothered by tweaking the graphics which makes the engine even more cumbersome.

Lipstick and pigs spring to mind. 

I understand that building a engine is huge but still if they are going to stay ahead they've got to be working on it surely?

They are upgrading to HAVOC a full fledged engine with full physics modelling and destructible terrain. Most of the 9.? patches will be incrementing towards this.

what a fucker I will have to upgrade then even though my comp is not shabby.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

So had an impulse buy moment the other night and bought a ps vita slim which is due to release at the beginning of June. Comes with borderlands 2. 

Good or bad impulse purchase? By all accounts it seems very good, reviews rave about it too. Always been skeptical of hand held gaming, it just doesn't seem right or as good, and the PSP was pants, so am interested if this turns out to be good. 

about 17 years

Sweet - 8 kills and a Mission Maker. (first and last kill of the game).

about 17 years

The WT KV-1 is insane.

I was holding "A" point in Ash River or Karelia the one with the bridges on my own. A StuG Ausf III and a T-28 trading blows with me from the end of the bridge. Killed those two with barely a scratch. Next up a SD.kfz.6/2 SPAA tries it on not a hope in hell - two shots to finish him and whilst I'm killing these three I'm getting hit from behind by a Pzkpfw III Ausf L and a T-34 1941. I turn and kill the German and about to kill the T-34 when we won. 

Hardly any damage. They reckon the KV-2 1939 is even harder to kill.

Overpowered but f*cking hell it's fun to play.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

The WT KV-1 is insane.

Hardly any damage. They reckon the KV-2 1939 is even harder to kill. 

Overpowered but f*cking hell it's fun to play.

wow-I still havent gotten beyond the T-127...
about 17 years
Munk wrote:
ForteanTimes wrote:

The WT KV-1 is insane.

Hardly any damage. They reckon the KV-2 1939 is even harder to kill. 

Overpowered but f*cking hell it's fun to play.

wow-I still havent gotten beyond the T-127...

I'm loving it, leveled the Germans up to tier 3 but have swapped to the USSR as they are all round stronger tanks. It's inspiring how they've worked the artillery WOT should just steal that. I also prefer the capture and hold the flag style play, rather than last man standing. If you've got a couple of folk know what they are doing then a win is a certainty as most teams are still made up of base spawn campers.

Also one crash in 30 odd games whereas WOT it crashes every time so for me it's a no-brainer.
about 17 years

The SU-85 possibly the best thing in the universe.

It dawned on me why I like this better than WOT even though people moan about MM I have never been in a match where I could not contribute and kill other players. In WOT you would end up in games and be powerless.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Himmelball -Football in Tanks..

about 17 years

The 3rd episode of season 2 of the Walking Dead game - Epic!

about 17 years

WT - I fucking love you.

specializing in a brawler/capper Soviet style. 

If I can get one or two folk who cap first we can win 95% of matches.

about 17 years

Bah game has started crashing after the last patch.

Means I don't get to yell at other players

"Now look here Wilson"

"You stupid boy"

"Don't tell him Pike!"

almost 16 years

You people give the WT community a bad name and you need to leave

about 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

You people give the WT community a bad name and you need to leave

Now look here Wilson....

almost 16 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

Junior82 wrote:

You people give the WT community a bad name and you need to leave

Now look here Wilson....

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

Bah game has started crashing after the last patch.

Sing out if you've been able to get back on-Ive got a KV1E and im a bit afraid to use it

about 17 years

Munk wrote:

ForteanTimes wrote:

Bah game has started crashing after the last patch.

Sing out if you've been able to get back on-Ive got a KV1E and im a bit afraid to use it

Not playing tonight but hopefully tomorrow, will let you know you playing under Munk?

Early retirement
over 17 years

I'd play but I don't have enoguh time to be shit at two games.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Hard News wrote:

I'd play but I don't have enoguh time to be shit at two games.

Wot, Warthunder and Football would be a sneaky wee hat-trick for me!

Fort -I am playing under Munk -Ive added you to my friends list so Ill message you if i see you on

Early retirement
over 17 years

I had to play arty in CWs last night... I feel so dirty... particularly considering my win rate in Bert when I was grinding it was so horrid.

Still, we won 3 (someone else drove Siggy in the landing as I was working) with my FV in it.  We won't talk about VPA absolutely smashing us when I was in the T25 AT.

over 17 years
about 17 years

Sanday wrote:

Oops post fail.Wrong thread.

No! No! Come back, come back in, it's not to bad here honestly!

over 11 years

Hey Munk FT fixing his comp, monitor not working and will try and get on asap.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

vickmeist23 wrote:

Hey Munk FT fixing his comp, monitor not working and will try and get on asap.

sorry I missed you -did a couple of battles then watched some telly for a change

about 17 years

Munk wrote:

vickmeist23 wrote:

Hey Munk FT fixing his comp, monitor not working and will try and get on asap.

sorry I missed you -did a couple of battles then watched some telly for a change

lol still having issues. Reinstalled the original driver from the Nvidia disk which is 3 and a half years old, I can, (cross-fingers), still play something light like state of decay but not tried WT yet, just glad to get out of safe mode. 

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