The gaming thread - Comps, Consoles, Apps and Board Games.

about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

We've had some shockers from MM.  The only Tier IVs in perdominatly Tier VI battles with 9 heavies a side. Then teams so full of stupid.

Still, I went okay last night.  Turns out the Valentine AT isn't as shit as I thought it would be, and the Pz35t is quite amusing in Tier II.  A new second choice after the T18 (My eliting capaign).

The VK20.01 the only thing with a losing record (again massively out of tier) last night as I got back to 60% for the first time in a couple of days.  Albeit not true 60% just rounded up.

The weekend Gazala thing could be a mess as well with extra credits for pz IVs will just encourage Derping.  Might just exit to garage from any city battles.

Don't put too much faith in the Valentine. I've improved since I played it but I reckon it still sucks.

Re: MM I just always expect to be at the bottom these days. It's around 2 days since I was in the top third.
over 17 years

On premium.  8 battles, 17 kills, averaging over 860 XP...Mally is back in the good books...she's hot blue steel!


Early retirement
over 17 years

Comedy gold.  Munk and I on cliff.  Smashed up an AT, A Churchill a KV-1 and a KV-1s all from a ledge and not one of them had any idea where we did it from.  Hilarious.

over 17 years

I tried to play my old "Ace Tanker" before - the Pz.III - but it kept blowing up...I'm a Matilda pilot, full stop...a bit of a pickle variation wise...

But I don't care...Now in her winter camo.  Don't know whether it's her gun, armour, ability to take some punishment, or whatever...but she was superb - by and large - tonight...sniped, took them head on, scouted (at the Swamp of Malinovka), even reset her to artillery...just kidding...but she just seems to suit my playing's odd.


Might even give her disastrous Russian stable mate a second chance tomorrow...


over 17 years

The next project, get this Ruski up to 50%.  Thx Munk...

This would be an awesome tank (she's got 600 hit points!) - if only it had Mal's souped-up 2 pounder...with her piss weak and rather inaccurate 76mm - she's just a poor man's KV-1...but she does stay out of tier VII mega-death battles which is a big +...


Early retirement
over 17 years

Munk and I were out earlier in matching STuGs with Junior News in the T34.  Went well.

I need to run my Matilda more.  She's no T40 though.  We need to plat some time with Munk in the SU, me in the T40 and you in the Matilda.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

Munk and I were out earlier in matching STuGs with Junior News in the T34.  Went well.

I need to run my Matilda more.  She's no T40 though.  We need to plat some time with Munk in the SU, me in the T40 and you in the Matilda.

Sounds good! sorry we couldnt get more wins tonight Stevo -there were some terrible teams we were dumped in
Early retirement
over 17 years

I had one just now with five heavies a side and me in a tier 4 got one and the most damage by 300 before a second KV turned up and spotted me.  Not to mentio port where we got a draw after they ignored me and never capped. Twats


over 17 years

Bloody heavies alright...

Getting bloody sick of them...

That Ruskie Matilda was too much for me...gun was no good...project what do I do?  Of course, I get the premium 'Black Prince' as a tier V replacement!

Now, it hasn't been without teething issues...just 7 wins versing 10 loses (41% victories)...but I'm starting to sort of get the hang of her now...Plays similar to the tier IV Matilda (but slower!)...huge increase in hit points, but with far worse turrent armour than the original Matilda!  And with tier V killing weapons all over the battlefield means that she's got to be handled very carefully...can see her being a sniper and "finisher" TBH...Base defender even...kind of like a TD?  Last battle at the Cliffs - a 3 kill consisting of a JagdPz.IV (was maybe drunk/noob, but I don't care), and two ELC AMXs.  Always love a rapid fire gun... 

Delighted...this could be the tier V medium baby I've been looking for...

over 17 years

The Black Prince given a Long Range Desert Group scheme to celebrate a two kill at Widepark. 

She can dominate versing tier IV bogies.

about 17 years

Just finishing up my nightshift then I'm gunna kill me some tanks...

Early retirement
over 17 years

Had a plat of T40s going yesterday with one of Thomas' mates.  We were down on Abbey but I was prett confident we had it when his father who was doing wiring at our place tripped the power killing both machines.

Came back to a defeat...  bastard.

Got caught up in some absolute disasters yesterday but did 2x everything except my VK20.01 which I have officially abandoned as a bad idea.  Partly my lack of tank driving skill and partly it's just a bit shit.


Pz-S35 - 738 (or something like that)
Hotchkiss H35
FCM36 PAK 40
Renault UE.57
Valentine AT

Think that's it.

Considering swapping the Pz-35t which was my Tier II tank of Choice for the Hotchkiss which I used in three losses yesterday but had fun in.  Slow mover but very accurate gun. Of course T18 is first choice at that level.

I am tempted to get a Medium M2 and then a Lee just to see if I can make it work for me.  I really do like the way they and T28s explode though. 

over 17 years
Hard News wrote:

Partly my lack of tank driving skill and partly it's just a bit shit...

...I really do like the way they and T28s explode though.  

Yeah...the Black Prince (even though I quite like it) seems jinxed...even when it has a good game, it all ends badly...and on a 'willing' tier VI battlefield: an absolute dog...a noob gold tank...

Yeah, it might explode a lot,

a very nice 57mm 'sniper' though...but it's so ugly!  Will try to give it a trundle this week...but yeah - it's cardboard for armour is a worry though...
Early retirement
over 17 years

...and VERY large.

I think they could be a quite good tank but are perpetually dogged by being the gateway tank to the special brand of stupid that is the majority of KV-1 pilots.

over 17 years

Yeah, very huge...another worry...would have to be used very gently: no "agro zoom in for the kill" moments...

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

2 games in a row yesterday I was motivated to message players after a battle  

-the 1st was to politely remind an M6 driver how capping mechanics work and why 2 tanks in the cap usually beat 1 tank in the cap, but the second was to congratulate the enemy SU5 driver on getting a well deserved top gun -we had a 4-5min game of cat and mouse as the last remaining tanks on airfield -I managed to fool him into thinking I was heading for their cap and ambushed him as he went to ours, but he was using his location on the middle hill to great advantage..the lad dun good but I got him (I think Sig was his 6th kill)

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
[quote=Hard News]

Partly my lack of tank driving skill and partly it's just a bit shit...

...I really do like the way they and T28s explode though.  

a very nice 57mm 'sniper' though...but it's so ugly!  Will try to give it a trundle this week...but yeah - it's cardboard for armour is a worry though...

I think the t28 is one or those tanks that most folks try to get through as soon as possible and then say no more about it -a bit like the Lee

Early retirement
over 17 years

These five aren't keepers (possible exception on the H35).

Hotchkiss H35
Valentine AT

Will swap the 35(t) out for the T18 at some stage.  The other three just need grind completion then I have to decide if I like the next tanks up.  Don't think I fancy any other Tier Vs at this stage so I may have some choices to make.

Oh yeah Munk.  We drew that last one late last night.  The Chuchill was AFK.  The Arty got our Stpz II after the Grille killed the T14 when it came to our base, then their Sturmpanzer got cleaned up by the 1%  Matilda in three shots as he entered the cap before he could spot him or the Grille.

They had their Grille and the Churchill left, we had the smacked up Matilda and the Grille - draw.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

Oh yeah Munk.  We drew that last one late last night.  The Chuchill was AFK.  The Arty got our Stpz II after the Grille killed the T14 when it came to our base, then their Sturmpanzer got cleaned up by the 1%  Matilda in three shots as he entered the cap before he could spot him or the Grille. 

They had their Grille and the Churchill left, we had the smacked up Matilda and the Grille - draw.

looked gone for all money -sometimes a draw is ok!
Starting XI
over 17 years

I'll just leave this here....

Early retirement
over 17 years
Munk wrote:
(I think Sig was his 6th kill)

I think his mate in the M37 got me.

I just didn't expect to run into the pair of them next to each other.
Early retirement
over 17 years

Munk.  WOT forums please.  Interested in your view in the optics vs Binocs discussion.

Early retirement
over 17 years
The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

I like the Standard WOT Logo t-shirt and the TD badge -and I'd also love a green TD triangle to put on our car

Early retirement
over 17 years
The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Early retirement
over 17 years

Let's go camping.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:

Let's go camping.

over 17 years

Love the cap...perfect for golf, too....

Tiger Woods logo:

Versing WoT logo:

So tempting...

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Love the cap...perfect for golf, too....

So tempting...

I wonder if we can get Ryos to get bunch in at a discount?
over 17 years

Mal finally did it.  Absolutely epic win (if you don't mind me saying so myself)...full report to follow...


about 17 years

Mal finally did it.  Absolutely epic win (if you don't mind me saying so myself)...full report to follow...


that is epic.

Took a little break from WOT just to check on my man in DayZ. Quite proud of him as he's survived and has some weapons, compass, map etc. I was clearing houses of loot in cherno as there were no bandits about just noobs. Must have sparked a Z in the last tower block. You can't get past them on the stairs so instead of crapping myself I ran on to the roof. Shot two with my pistol to thin them out and ran out to escape.

Where did I get this tactic?

Thank you Peter...

oldskool zombie killing
over 17 years

"Mal the Matilda Ace Tanker" Report...she did it in her blue skirt as well!


Mal does the snipe the noobs from the sand dunes...haven't realized yet - but we don't have anything north...this will have massive consequences later...


After a so-so effort of sniping...desperate times...Mal races to get back home in time...why did the Brit's stick a 190hp engine in her?

She gets back with 17 seconds remaining...and kills it for good measure...

But we are still well behind (me, two lights and an arty vs a B1, two mediums, an AT and arty)...Get locked in a life and death struggle with another Matilda (99%) and B1 (79%)...through sheer willpower she kills the enemy Matilda (notice Mal's beautiful angled position) and takes the B1 to 27%...I'm now at 144/370...

We're still behind...but Mal rectifies the situation...kills a 100% Pz.IIIA who thought he could take Mal on...he's does zero damage - what a noob...this game is now to be won...


Then finishes off the B1...

The lone pesky arty is making a run for our base...after telling my wingman to go the other side of the oasis for an easy kill, I find out he's in no shape to do so...Mal will have to do this alone, as usual...

Mal waddles back, thankfully she tracks the arty...

Bullseye!  Epic scenes!


about 17 years

I like the Kajagoogoo paint job :)

Early retirement
over 17 years

Genius Stevo.

What buttons are a game screen cap?

over 17 years
Hard News wrote:

Genius Stevo.

What buttons are a game screen cap?

I just screen saved from my replay...[FN + Prt Sc]

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

Great effort Stevo!

Early retirement
over 17 years

Found them.

un petit TD.

over 17 years

My once "acer" Pz.III is now stuffed.  Couldn't win an egg race in it - let alone a war...even moved to gold rounds (FTW just quietly - a wicked 5 kill with her 50mm at Fisherman's - but need a ton of credits to make it worth while)...have only won one battle in my last 12-15 rounds with it.  Stats are being destroyed. 

Tried the T-28.  It's a much more luckier tank.  Great gun.  But it's just too dam ugly.  And being one shot snotted is unacceptable too.  Went back to the Valentine.  Much better looking tank.  Much worse armament.  One shotted by a Hetzer is no good also.

The so-called "Black Prince"...good grief.

Am I just a Matilda specializer? 

Early retirement
over 17 years

There have been alot of shit teams lately. I ha done last night where one of our heavies, me and a Tier 4 medium went south on Fjords (left spawn).  We smahed up a KV, a Marder and a T28 (two kills and most of the damage mine) in exchange for the T1 only to look to push and find we only had two other tanks left and got smashed by a fleet of lights.

...or El Halluf which is normally perfection in the T40 where I was last man standing as the team got wiped 15-3.

Overall last night went 10 from 17 wins with four of thse wins down in Tier II

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