The gaming thread - Comps, Consoles, Apps and Board Games.

Early retirement
over 17 years

 I got it over 60 but have since slipped behind.

over 17 years

WoT goals (and issues):

1) Keep extending the victories over the defeats.  (+71 now)

2) Extend kill/death ratio (current: 1.07)

3) Parity with damage caused/received (current: 0.80)

4) 300 XP average (ambitious - would have to run with Mal for A LONG TIME)

5) "Ace Tanker" status for Mal (what does she have to achieve this - do back flips when shooting?)

6) Why is my Russian Churchill III such a failure?

Early retirement
over 17 years

My Churchill was a worry, albeit I had a +50% win rate.  I just didn't know what to do with it.

I'd go to a city and take some damage off a rival tank in a similar way to what he did to me but we'd effectively take each other out and that would be it (often hed' take me out and I'd dent him a little).

The one time I got it right that I recall was following another Churchill on the rampage straight up the guts on South Coast and camped in their cap.

I'll probably go back to it at some time ut currently I don't do the pop out and fire then hide, and how would you do that in a Churchill?

In fact I have barely used my Matilda.

over 17 years

My last Churchill game - at Fjords (but this has happened more than once)...

Went to defend the key and obvious left flank...

No one follows to cover.  But someone has to do it...and I'm too slow to vacillate...I realise I'm all alone.

I meet head on the enemy's two other heavies...not a surprise, our scout told us the enemy were coming through here...but I've got to stick it out...I'll do the team thing...

I hold out for a while (they were nooby...and somewhat cowardly)...but I can't hold them off by myself.  I end up inflicting the most damage in the team...

And we lose badly.

Turns me off heavies really...might stay in the world of 'mediums'....less pressure...more options...better results...

Early retirement
over 17 years

 Which spawn at Fjords.  Haven't had a right hand spawn in ages and the left is/can be a disaster.

over 17 years

Spawned the preferred end...with the hill to the right, and water to the left...the other heavy went through the middle...

over 17 years

8 kills.  Hit 3 others.  Spotted 6 enemies.  Over 1,200 damage inflicted.  Some eyetie medal.  All for 850 XP and NO "Ace Tanker" gong!

No wonder the lads look so gutted...

about 17 years

8 kills.  Hit 3 others.  Spotted 6 enemies.  Over 1,200 damage inflicted.  Some eyetie medal.  All for 850 XP and NO "Ace Tanker" gong!

No wonder the lads look so gutted...


Lulz thanks for the laugh! Yeah they are like "ffs what do we have to do???"

Been playing the StuG III fully upgraded now as I threw some gold at it, just needing the crew to get up to speed. The new gun is a vast improvement. The thing to realise is not to let the speed of the this TD get you into isolated frontal postions. It's damn quick and before you know it you are out on your own behind enemy lines.

The camo on it though is amazing, tanks just roll past you.

.I am at 49% wins breaking in this TD and the french SPG line I've been playing - shocking. But I am sure this will improve when I get the hang of this TD and the SPG's.

Been playing the Lorraine39L AM. Nice tier 3 SPG better than the Soviet SU-26. It is particularly strong for an SPG out of Arty mode when being attacked by tanks. If they come in at you in a straight line this SPG is accurate as hell and will punch through just about any med tank frontal armour. Some of my most satisfying kills have been made this way. Idiots come out to ram you, taking their time, you are a defensless tier 3 SPG what could possibly go wrong?  Bang one shot and they are dead. So much for your armour...

Early retirement
over 17 years

Your problem with the Matilda is that a lot of them bash around so it's hard to be in the top percentage of users for the last 7 days.

Particularly as more exprienced players run them as well.

over 17 years

Hard News wrote:

Your problem with the Matilda is that a lot of them bash around so it's hard to be in the top percentage of users for the last 7 days.

Particularly as more exprienced players run them as well.


over 17 years

Nine more kills to bring up 1,'s so close....


I choked again in the Churchill tonight...gonna move fully into mediums...but I need a proper tier V "go to" tank...that isn't a meathead KV-1.  Invested in the Pz.IV line...gonna derp it...


PS: Loaded Shogan...while it looks brilliant...WoT is in control...until the next quit rage...which can easily happen at tier V+....

Early retirement
over 17 years

I started okay last night but I was working on getting everything in Tier I and II to Elite status and man you can get some awful teams there.  Lots of kills in a Pz35t and Cruiser I but too many losses where I'm the last man standing against 8-10 enemy tanks.

Did pick up a Top Gun and a Pascucci in the T40 though.  Erlenberg - home of many of my top successes, it's a very good TD map.  Also bashed out some solid carries along with Munk.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years



Sad Sergeant Peacock looks a bit like Richard Hammond from out of Top Gear -Ive got a bloke in one my US tanks looks just like Mackenzie Crook from out of The Office (Uk)
The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

8 kills.  Hit 3 others.  Spotted 6 enemies.  Over 1,200 damage inflicted.  Some eyetie medal.  All for 850 XP and NO "Ace Tanker" gong!

No wonder the lads look so gutted...

even so, bloody good effort

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

In game name change - tmunkee ggooonnnee - now _Munk_  -this will take a while to be reflected in game though

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Find myself playing arty a bit more. Any recommendations of which path to take?

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years


Find myself playing arty a bit more. Any recommendations of which path to take?

Dont really play arty any more and with 8.6 Arty accuracy is going to drop, however they are adding about 6 more Arty units.
When I did play arty, the SU26 was an awesome device -Fortean seems to be enjoying the SU5 also
Early retirement
over 17 years

 I liked the T57.  I didn't like the Renault BS, the M37 or the Bison so I have abandoned arty as a concept.

I do however like killing them.

Pascucci ftw.

over 17 years

Hard News wrote:

Pascucci ftw.

Starting XI
over 17 years

Hard News wrote:

Your problem with the Matilda is that a lot of them bash around so it's hard to be in the top percentage of users for the last 7 days.

Particularly as more exprienced players run them as well.

Earn more experience in a single battle than the average highest experience of 99% of all players in the same tank within the last seven days.

This includes premium players, so if your not running premium, you have 0% chance of getting this achievement.

Early retirement
over 17 years

 I've got a couple of them outside Premium but mnost have ben on premium.  I thought it ididn't take premium into account for that though.

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

pretty sure its raw XP excluding premium

about 17 years

Tegal wrote:

Find myself playing arty a bit more. Any recommendations of which path to take?

As Munk says I love the SU-5!

The SU-5 Soviet SPG, (Tier 4), is a pure and simple joy to play once you get the 152mm Mortar. Even with only 14 rounds it can hit targets hidden behind cliffs and buildings. It's got an insanely fast reload and is accurate as hell.  I found the next one up the SU-8 disappointing in comparison.

I've gone French also and I'm up to the AMX 105AM tier 4. They are quick, but don't have the fast reload of the SU-5, (what has?), but are accuratish and have a good range and damage. The Lorraine is great at taking out tanks outside of Arty view and doubles as a TD.

The German ones are powerful, but slow to load. The Bison is great the Sturmpanzer (sp?) not so.

Not tried the other Nations yet.

My plan is to max out the French line in SPG's. I'm staying at the SU-5 in the Soviet line - it is my fav beast in WOT.
Starting XI
over 17 years

Munk wrote:

pretty sure its raw XP excluding premium

yeah sorry your right. Makes me a bit happier about my 23 Ace badges.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Munk. Flagged drinks. probs online 10ish 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Had a crap day. Time to drink and blow up tanks. 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Started out with 4 kill victory in the T40. Excellent, feel better already. 

3 detected, 6 damaged, 4 destroyed, 1153 damage, 530 received. 1 base capture point. Had teammates cheering me on. 


over 17 years

Man, what I thought should have been a 5-6 battle affair to get those 9 kills, turned into a 16 match struggle to get those kills to reach a 1,000.  Mal's been in simply atrocious form tonight.  But finally got some hack called 'icarusm' (Pz. IV) in a noob defeat in the Arctic...


Time to run my own Pz. IV myself...

about 17 years

Man, what I thought should have been a 5-6 battle affair to get those 9 kills, turned into a 16 match struggle to get those kills to reach a 1,000.  Mal's been in simply atrocious form tonight.  But finally got some hack called 'icarusm' (Pz. IV) in a noob defeat in the Arctic...


Time to run my own Pz. IV myself...


I don't think it's you or the tank. The last 3 days have been simply shocking in public games. No thinking through strategies, no defense of the base, lemming trains that involve everyone on the team.   I've seen three games where it was over in minutes due to everyone zerging off in a train and the enemy team just rolled 3 tanks into our cap for the win.

Not sure if it's the time I'm playing but this is not tier 2 stuff this is tier 3-6.

Also the KV-1S what a a stupidly overpowered tank. I hate it, particularly as every man and his tank commanding dog has one. Nerf it.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Today we had 7 vs their 2. And they capped us. I tried to get them, but was already beat up so they ended up killing me. Everyone else was on the other side of the map, doing god knows what. 

It was unbelievable. 

about 17 years
Tegal wrote:

Today we had 7 vs their 2. And they capped us. I tried to get them, but was already beat up so they ended up killing me. Everyone else was on the other side of the map, doing god knows what. 

It was unbelievable. 

 double post see rant below

about 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
Tegal wrote:

Today we had 7 vs their 2. And they capped us. I tried to get them, but was already beat up so they ended up killing me. Everyone else was on the other side of the map, doing god knows what. 

It was unbelievable. 


No I'm glad to see that it's not just been me. This is exactly the sort of stuff I'm talking about. People are bloody clueless. Had one on our cap with another medium tank. I'm the only one near by in my AMX 105 SPG. Everyone else is fighting a pitched battle in the opposite corner of the map to the enemy cap. Cuse that will win us the game!!???  I try and go TD with the SPG, manage to get one shot off and do a little damge before getting slotted by the KV1-S

Early retirement
over 17 years

Not helped by the myriad of languages on the SEA server either

over 17 years

Tricky one that...speaking from a Matilda commander's point of view...once I decide to go somewhere (after waiting a few seconds to see how everything is panning out), due to her speed, that's pretty much me for the whole game...(obviously, feel stink when our arty gets smashed etc if it goes bad)....or otherwise, I set up shop near home base, and snipe (i.e., Airfield, Redshire, Sand River are great maps for this, especially if I'm in the bottom tier.  Mal's gun might not be the most heavy hitting, but it sure is accurate and rapid)...though this tactic runs the risk of being called a "camper" or as what happened today - a KV-1 meathead pushed me off my spot so he could camp in my prime location...


28 kills in 39 fights tonight.  Meh...brassed off.  The Pz. IV has a nice derp gun...but I dunno...


As for normal XP versing premium XP...I dunno either...pretty sure my highest XP score in the Matilda was a premium that counted...but I could be wrong...


But this tells me something (the 8 kill TG, versing tier III-IV junk)...

And here's a high XP score versing tier V tanks:

You score way more when you do something good against higher opponents...that's for sure...

about 17 years

Tricky one that...speaking from a Matilda commander's point of view...once I decide to go somewhere (after waiting a few seconds to see how everything is panning out), due to her speed, that's pretty much me for the whole game...(obviously, feel stink when our arty gets smashed etc if it goes bad)....or otherwise, I set up shop near home base, and snipe (i.e., Airfield, Redshire, Sand River are great maps for this, especially if I'm in the bottom tier.  Mal's gun might not be the most heavy hitting, but it sure is accurate and rapid)...though this tactic runs the risk of being called a "camper" or as what happened today - a KV-1 meathead pushed me off my spot so he could camp in my prime location...


28 kills in 39 fights tonight.  Meh...brassed off.  The Pz. IV has a nice derp gun...but I dunno...


As for normal XP versing premium XP...I dunno either...pretty sure my highest XP score in the Matilda was a premium that counted...but I could be wrong...


But this tells me something (the 8 kill TG, versing tier III-IV junk)...

And here's a high XP score versing tier V tanks:

You score way more when you do something good against higher opponents...that's for sure...


Jeez impressive!

You're up late??? I'm on a nightshift.

I can't understand the whole 'camper" thing. Fair enough if you find a place and go AFK but if you are covering an area or protecting the base I see it as totally legit.

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

sorry this has nothing to do with tanks. Just discovered that we have a copy of Skyrim for the pc, never been used. If anyone wants it I will happily give it to them and even post it....for free

The artist formerly known as dbart
about 17 years

ForteanTimes wrote:

I don't think it's you or the tank. The last 3 days have been simply shocking in public games. No thinking through strategies, no defense of the base, lemming trains that involve everyone on the team.   I've seen three games where it was over in minutes due to everyone zerging off in a train and the enemy team just rolled 3 tanks into our cap for the win.

Not sure if it's the time I'm playing but this is not tier 2 stuff this is tier 3-6.

Also the KV-1S what a a stupidly overpowered tank. I hate it, particularly as every man and his tank commanding dog has one. Nerf it.

In the last 3-4 days there has been an uncapped torrent of stupid gushing forth from the SEA/APAC server - not sure whats going on -though to be fair, ive recently made my share of noob moves -i think at least i will be able to learn from these though -also MatchMaker seems to delight at putting us right at the bottom of any battle weve been in
over 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
I've seen three games where it was over in minutes due to everyone zerging off in a train and the enemy team just rolled 3 tanks into our cap for the win.
Felt obliged to join a "train" at Redshire yesterday...ended badly for my Pz. III - as I knew it would...but I still did it...sometimes using a fast tank can lead to more trouble than it's worth...wouldn't of happened in Mal that's for sure...
Early retirement
over 17 years

We've had some shockers from MM.  The only Tier IVs in perdominatly Tier VI battles with 9 heavies a side. Then teams so full of stupid.

Still, I went okay last night.  Turns out the Valentine AT isn't as shit as I thought it would be, and the Pz35t is quite amusing in Tier II.  A new second choice after the T18 (My eliting capaign).

The VK20.01 the only thing with a losing record (again massively out of tier) last night as I got back to 60% for the first time in a couple of days.  Albeit not true 60% just rounded up.

The weekend Gazala thing could be a mess as well with extra credits for pz IVs will just encourage Derping.  Might just exit to garage from any city battles.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Ah well, I take it as a sign of my improvement that I can recognise when people are stupid. 

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