Corona Virus - We're Doomed

First Team Squad
over 17 years

They should cancel rest of games and skip straight to play offs in > 14 days now MV and Nix are isolated for 2 weeks. Each team has played different amount of games so table should be based on points per game to be fair. 

M City 37 points from 21 games = 1.761 ppg. 

NIX 36 from 20 = 1.80 ppg

Therefore we are second under a fair system. Not being bias as even doing that we are still at a disadvantage considering it is only practical to base ourselves in Au with 14 days notice and therefore play all our playoff games away. 

I don't understand all the stuff on Internet assuming points table is as is regarding play off positions if league is suspended and not take into account games played. 

First Team Squad
over 17 years

I also think it's fair (showing my comment above isn't bias) to cancel everything and just give both titles (plate and gf) to Sydney seeing how they are currently winning.

First Team Squad
over 17 years

Kind of a duplicate of the other corona virus thread... Mods feel free to delete if you want and I can repost my first comment in other thread. 

almost 13 years

wahoo season to continue, our next 2 games to be rescheduled, we will be based in Sydney

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

Villanix wrote:

wahoo season to continue, our next 2 games to be rescheduled, we will be based in Sydney

Until one or more players get the virus and then it's all off. 

about 13 years

Live stream is ongoing - Here's some news

14 days Isolation for both Victory and Phoenix (FFA clear it was the Aus govt who screwed them over on this with short notice)

It would seem players aren't allowed to train together (assuming individual training is fine)

Season to be condensed into 3-4 weeks to play remaining 5-7 games (team dependent)

Rest of season behind closed doors

Leftover games for Victory and Nix will be played at the end of the season before playoffs

about 7 years

There's no way we are going to be finishing this season.

over 17 years

Not so sure if I was a Phoenix player with a family I would want to be staying in Oz fo so long.

almost 12 years

ballane wrote:

Not so sure if I was a Phoenix player with a family I would want to be staying in Oz fo so long.

Wont be so long. Will be a condensed schedule. I imagine a shorter finals campaign also. 

Not sure if O'rouke is correct in saying we cant train. We are allowed to be outside so I can't imagine why introducing a football makes things different

over 17 years

Love how people say it wont be long, 2 weeks isolation then about 5/6 weeks finishing season then 2 weeks isolation when they get back to NZ. Sorry completely unreasonable to expect them to play under those conditions all to empty stadiums. Dosnt sound like fun to me.

about 13 years

Have I got this right -

How Stupid - Nix Fly out Tuesday -Cant train for 2 weeks. Play all games in Qz. SFC n MVFC games rescheduled but season to end on time.   Closed doors - TV only for FOX winfall 

almost 12 years

I 100% dont think its the right call. Very poor from FFA. Suspending the league surely is the right, correct and logical thing to do. absurd

about 13 years

It just feels wrong...

almost 8 years

pierre wrote:

ballane wrote:

Not so sure if I was a Phoenix player with a family I would want to be staying in Oz fo so long.

Wont be so long. Will be a condensed schedule. I imagine a shorter finals campaign also. 

Not sure if O'rouke is correct in saying we cant train. We are allowed to be outside so I can't imagine why introducing a football makes things different

I think it's more that they can't train as a team. 

about 17 years

Typical  FFA fudge up. Fox sport should be ashamed of their role in this too. This defies logic in favour of greed. Suspend the season for two months, so simple and much safer. FFS.

Starting XI
about 12 years

They should finish the rest of the season games with a penalty shoot out's. 11m space between players, everyone get his own fresh ball from the factory.

over 17 years

What really worries me is we could be putting our players at risk AND it may all be for nought.

What if they fly over, self-isolate for two weeks, then the situation in Australia worsens and the A-league is called off. They'd have to come back and wait two more weeks in isolation. So basically a month on their own sitting around without being with their families and loved ones and for what?

and 5 others
almost 14 years

What really worries me is we could be putting our players at risk AND it may all be for nought.

What if they fly over, self-isolate for two weeks, then the situation in Australia worsens and the A-league is called off. They'd have to come back and wait two more weeks in isolation. So basically a month on their own sitting around without being with their families and loved ones and for what?

This is the most likely scenario to play out. 

and 4 others
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Whenever I think of organisations with integrity, clarity, and wellbeing of stakeholders it's fair to say the FFA never really come front of mind... but even for them, this is a pretty poor *solution.

*Doesn't actually solve anything, but does put the players/staff of all clubs at continued risk with a larger negative impact on MVC and again on us. Not to mention any chance we had of winning the league/playoffs has diminished substantially. Eggs.

over 14 years

I agree with those saying that this seems like the wrong decision. Should have suspended the league and reassessed in a month's time or so.

But, as it is, if we're going to make the most of this bizarre end to the season, surely the players can't go 2 weeks without training? What is the likelihood, if any, of the Nix paying for all their players to get tested in Oz and, assuming they come back Covid-free, training together or even playing games? Appreciate of course that testing kits seem to be in short supply.

almost 14 years

If the league does finish then it seems as though second is out, at that point there is no real difference between 3td and 6th with no home town advantage. The phoenix should focus on managing players so they're peaking in the finals.

Starting XI
about 17 years

What really worries me is we could be putting our players at risk AND it may all be for nought.

What if they fly over, self-isolate for two weeks, then the situation in Australia worsens and the A-league is called off. They'd have to come back and wait two more weeks in isolation. So basically a month on their own sitting around without being with their families and loved ones and for what?

This is, for sure, pretty tough. But there is a fairly likely chance we will all be doing this inside a couple of weeks time. 

Albeit with our families, at home. 

As I saw someone post elsewhere, our grandparents spent years in the trenches at war. We may be asked to spend a couple of months on our sofas. This isn't a good situation. We can expect worse to come, including job losses and deaths, not just in the older and health compromised. Unless we are extraordinarily fortunate and successful in containing this. Even then, a lot if jobs will be affected achieving that. 

Stay safe everyone. Keep it in perspective and take care of others if you can. 

In Spain, under universal quarantine/social lock down, people are coming to their balconies, windows and doorways to cheer and clap their health service providers, to express their gratitude, every night at 10pm, for a minute. 

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Old guys are still playing sports like lawn bowls across Australia and New Zealand, so I don't see why some young fit guys can't play football.

But yes, if a player or staff member gets it, it'll have to be stopped.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

For all you know they might ALREADY have it and be asymptomatic

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Vast majority of people are sending their kids to school and going to work, the health authorities are saying it's ok to go on with sport with precautions. 

It sucks for us, but I guess just an unfortunate consequence of playing in an overseas league.

Starting XI
almost 6 years

I think they should try and suspend games until start of May when the final series was due to start. 

Then plan to play the final series as scheduled. (depending on the situation then)

Then what about, Top six teams calculated on a countback of 20 games played only including 1 home and 1 away results against each team, like a normal league format.  If there are teams that haven't completed a home and away fixture. maybe plan to only play those games between now and May behind closed door. 

almost 5 years

Ridiculous decision by FFA. 

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Ranix wrote:

I think they should try and suspend games until start of May when the final series was due to start. 

Then plan to play the final series as scheduled. (depending on the situation then)

Top six teams calculated on a countback of 20 games played only including 1 home and 1 away results against each team, like a normal league format.  If there are teams that haven't completed a home and away fixture. maybe plan to only play those games between now and May behind closed door. 

We haven't played every team home & away yet.

about 17 years

After watching the FFA spokesman on the news tonight it only confirmed to me that the FFA are run by complete muppets whom are in it for the moneyand not really interested in players wellbeing. FOX Sport should not be let off the hook in this saga either. So what that all other sports have done the right thing (Except the NRL ) and suspended things globally and that FOX Sport's cupboard is bare as a result. That is not football or any other sports's fault. How dare FOX Sports hold football to ransom.

Starting XI
almost 6 years

Colvinator wrote:

Ranix wrote:

I think they should try and suspend games until start of May when the final series was due to start. 

Then plan to play the final series as scheduled. (depending on the situation then)

Top six teams calculated on a countback of 20 games played only including 1 home and 1 away results against each team, like a normal league format.  If there are teams that haven't completed a home and away fixture. maybe plan to only play those games between now and May behind closed door. 

We haven't played every team home & away yet.

Yeh but just a few games is better than trying to squeeze 6 games in a 2 or 3 week window straight after isolating, which is what FFA is currently proposing for the NIx.

Nix could maybe even forfeit those games. Stay in NZ and still make the top 6 later on if it goes ahead.

about 17 years

Ufuk whilst being diplomatic appeared to be seething underneath. He's right too. Utter shambles.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Fortunately with everyone not scheduled to play everyone the same number of times, it wasn't even a fair system to start with anyway!

Starting XI
about 12 years

They just refuse to fly over, I'm pretty sure most of those planned games will be played anyway.

It's also stupid to ask the players if they feel safe to fly over, it shouldn't be on them to decide. The Nix management have to come out and say we stop this.

Starting XI
almost 9 years

The Nix are going, unfortunately. The escalating situation in NSW is gonna prove how dumb this decision by the FFA is, I really can't see the games being played despite the FFAs worst intentions.

Starting XI
almost 6 years

Nelfoos wrote:

The Nix are going, unfortunately. The escalating situation in NSW is gonna prove how dumb this decision by the FFA is, I really can't see the games being played despite the FFAs worst intentions.

Yes alot of european countries now closing borders. And how long has it been since european football / sport was suspended over there. One week ago two weeks max ?

Although I do note UEFA still talking about holding champions league games in a remote location. Due to broadcasting pressure. Sound familiar.

almost 14 years

Does everyone realise this thread is redundant? 

The season is over. It just hasn’t been announced yet. 

over 17 years

Global Game wrote:

Does everyone realise this thread is redundant? 

The season is over. It just hasn’t been announced yet. 

if true do we start discussing the financial impact on the club

ps Dome about to be on Radio Sport

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Feverish wrote:

Global Game wrote:

Does everyone realise this thread is redundant? 

The season is over. It just hasn’t been announced yet. 

if true do we start discussing the financial impact on the club

ps Dome about to be on Radio Sport

Not just the club, but the entire league. 

over 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

Feverish wrote:

Global Game wrote:

Does everyone realise this thread is redundant? 

The season is over. It just hasn’t been announced yet. 

if true do we start discussing the financial impact on the club

ps Dome about to be on Radio Sport

Not just the club, but the entire league. 

one thing at a time please

over 17 years

Feverish wrote:

Global Game wrote:

Does everyone realise this thread is redundant? 

The season is over. It just hasn’t been announced yet. 

if true do we start discussing the financial impact on the club

ps Dome about to be on Radio Sport

Has he spoken yet? Listening now.

Wondering if we're bluffing and hoping the FFA will pull the plug before we get on that plane..

Corona Virus - We're Doomed

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