Corona Virus - We're Doomed

over 17 years

Actually he's on now!

over 17 years

Feverish wrote:

Global Game wrote:

Does everyone realise this thread is redundant? 

The season is over. It just hasn’t been announced yet. 

if true do we start discussing the financial impact on the club

ps Dome about to be on Radio Sport

Has he spoken yet? Listening now.

Wondering if we're bluffing and hoping the FFA will pull the plug before we get on that plane..


over 17 years

not flying out today. on hold til tomoz avo pending resolution of some issues. Ability to train is one.

over 17 years

The plan has changed! Following announcement by FFA as 12noon the original plan is now on hold and we're no longer flying out today.

Current plan is to fly out tomorrow afternoon (Weds) pending a successful resolution of some issues regarding logistics around the two week isolation.

Mandatory is ability to train. This is non-negotiable, especially for a professional football team.

This was stated to other CEs in a conference call yesterday. 
Working on a solution which stakeholders are so far happy with it.

Training facilities have been identified and is of very good standard. It is in a very isolated place near Sydney giving us the ability to self-isolate.

FFA did great in having that venue approved by the Dept of Health of NSW and have agreed for us to train there during the two-week isolation period.

Now it's about logistics we're working through. We won't get on a plane until that is all resolved.

Domey is confident things will be resolved and things are going in the right decision.

All these decisions have been made with Gillie, the players and football ops staff at the club.

Everyone is very keen to see out the season and looking forward to getting it all done.

Starting XI
almost 9 years
over 17 years

So far we're looking at playing our first game the first night after the 14 day isolation period. There is a provisional draw that we're looking at today.

Discussing the number of games, when those will be and fairness (other clubs shouldn't be advantaged).

over 17 years

Players have been great and are united in their desire to see out the season and do well.

Trip to Sydney is not mandated - players can opt out.

Luke Devere's partner due to give birth in the next 2 weeks. Nix working with Australian High Commission on a solution, but not saying what it is. Talk is of support for partners that are staying behind.

over 17 years

The plan isn't bad and we're doing our best to tick all the boxes.

My only concern is what happens when any of the players or officials in the league test might all be for naught. 

But it sounds like we're definitely lining our ducks.

over 17 years

Wonder what assurances they can get that EVERYONE who will have contact with the team has tested negative. Given it has been proved that it can be passed on by people not showing any symptoms  this has to be inforced. Which ever way you look at it we are disadvantaged. Pretty sure I wouldn't be putting my hand up to do it. Sadly FFA and NRL dont give a toss about the real world. There are plenty if people sadly who are about to or have done lost their jobs. Yet seems sports people and administraors have no idea what the real world is.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Rojas is going to be spewing if Victory don't have good enough training facilities during isolation.

tradition and history
over 17 years

ballane wrote:

Wonder what assurances they can get that EVERYONE who will have contact with the team has tested negative. Given it has been proved that it can be passed on by people not showing any symptoms  this has to be inforced. Which ever way you look at it we are disadvantaged. Pretty sure I wouldn't be putting my hand up to do it. Sadly FFA and NRL dont give a toss about the real world. There are plenty if people sadly who are about to or have done lost their jobs. Yet seems sports people and administraors have no idea what the real world is.

Talking of job losses---- over 100 million people involved in the travel industry. 

over 17 years

Son is head chef at a restaurant in town,they had 17 bookings for lunch yesterday 15 cancelled. He said he had adds for 2 chefs but has decided not to hire for the moment. He is worried how he can give hours to the staff he has.

over 17 years

The plan has changed! Following announcement by FFA as 12noon the original plan is now on hold and we're no longer flying out today.

Current plan is to fly out tomorrow afternoon (Weds) pending a successful resolution of some issues regarding logistics around the two week isolation.

Mandatory is ability to train. This is non-negotiable, especially for a professional football team.

This was stated to other CEs in a conference call yesterday. 
Working on a solution which stakeholders are so far happy with it.

Training facilities have been identified and is of very good standard. It is in a very isolated place near Sydney giving us the ability to self-isolate.

FFA did great in having that venue approved by the Dept of Health of NSW and have agreed for us to train there during the two-week isolation period.

Now it's about logistics we're working through. We won't get on a plane until that is all resolved.

Domey is confident things will be resolved and things are going in the right decision.

All these decisions have been made with Gillie, the players and football ops staff at the club.

Everyone is very keen to see out the season and looking forward to getting it all done.

I am confident in predicting that we will not be playing another game this season.  In two weeks we will be flying home for another 2 weeks of self-isolation with the season either over or suspended

over 17 years

Given some of the news coming out of Aussie,stay home boys dont head into something you cant control. Us fans still love what you have done this season and it just wets the appetite for what can be.

Phoenix Academy
over 9 years

Unfortunately I suspect you are correct.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Bloody good that the lads aren't flying out yet.

With community spread of Covid in Aus and none in NZ, the solution is simple - fly the 9 other teams out here to finish the season. I'm sure we can find grounds in the various regional centres. Western United can be based at the Ring of Dirt, they'll feel at home

Starting XI
almost 6 years

Sounds like Domey is trying to do his best in a very difficult situation. Rock and very hard place comes to mind. The only way they could possibly pull it off is if every team went into isolated training. Because its not long until a player or staff from a team will get this virus.

Seems pointless pushing on with there plans to continue. You just need to look at whats happening in Europe.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

I wonder how long before NZ domestic football is affected? (Hopefully before I have to pay my subs for this year, lol)

over 17 years

Think the problem isnt those associated with the team. But those who are providing services how can you be sure they arnt  carriers of the virus. It's been proven you dont have to have symptoms to have it.

tradition and history
over 17 years

Doloras wrote:

Bloody good that the lads aren't flying out yet.

With community spread of Covid in Aus and none in NZ, the solution is simple - fly the 9 other teams out here to finish the season. I'm sure we can find grounds in the various regional centres. Western United can be based at the Ring of Dirt, they'll feel at home

I thought there were 8 cases in NZ?

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Leggy wrote:

I thought there were 8 cases in NZ?

Yes, all of whom caught it overseas. "No community transmission" means no-one has actually caught COVID-19 in NZ yet, and God willing it will stay that way if those 8 do what they ought to.

Starting XI
almost 15 years

Doloras wrote:

Leggy wrote:

I thought there were 8 cases in NZ?

Yes, all of whom caught it overseas. "No community transmission" means no-one has actually caught COVID-19 in NZ yet, and God willing it will stay that way if those 8 do what they ought to.

You guys are lucky, so many cases over here in Aus, Tried to go shopping this morning too get some meat and most of it was all sold out, have to buy toilet paper of Ebay.
about 17 years

Doloras wrote:

Leggy wrote:

I thought there were 8 cases in NZ?

Yes, all of whom caught it overseas. "No community transmission" means no-one has actually caught COVID-19 in NZ yet, and God willing it will stay that way if those 8 do what they ought to.

Because of the delay of onset of symptoms, that statement will only be true in about 2 weeks.
over 9 years

Royz wrote:

Doloras wrote:

Leggy wrote:

I thought there were 8 cases in NZ?

Yes, all of whom caught it overseas. "No community transmission" means no-one has actually caught COVID-19 in NZ yet, and God willing it will stay that way if those 8 do what they ought to.

You guys are lucky, so many cases over here in Aus, Tried to go shopping this morning too get some meat and most of it was all sold out, have to buy toilet paper of Ebay.

I think both me and the meat are confused

Woof Woof
about 17 years

Doloras wrote:

Leggy wrote:

I thought there were 8 cases in NZ?

Yes, all of whom caught it overseas. "No community transmission" means no-one has actually caught COVID-19 in NZ yet, and God willing it will stay that way if those 8 do what they ought to.

There's pretty decent chance that there are quite a few more around who are either in the early stages, or who are completely asymptomatic and have no idea that they're carrying it.

Life and death
over 17 years

Doloras wrote:

I wonder how long before NZ domestic football is affected? (Hopefully before I have to pay my subs for this year, lol)

Offer to pay in cash
over 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

Doloras wrote:

Leggy wrote:

I thought there were 8 cases in NZ?

Yes, all of whom caught it overseas. "No community transmission" means no-one has actually caught COVID-19 in NZ yet, and God willing it will stay that way if those 8 do what they ought to.

There's pretty decent chance that there are quite a few more around who are either in the early stages, or who are completely asymptomatic and have no idea that they're carrying it.

I'd be prepared to bet a good sum of money that we have many more cases than the 8 reported so far.

This is due to the limited testing carried out until recently and the fact that some of the 8 confirmed had spent time out and about before their diagnosis and therefore likely infected others.

Life and death
over 17 years

In isolation myself after flying home yesterday. All of the literature handed to us and NZ Health warnings don't actually say you can't interact with people, you just need to take precautions. What I'm getting at here is that it is possible for support staff etc to be around the team when in Australia but by following a strict set of protocols, infection risk is severely reduced. Its not foolproof and if anyone gets infected the whole thing is fudgeed. 

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Husband and I are both in quite high risk groups due to respiratory/cardiac issues. We are self isolating, only going out for groceries and medical appointments. Will be switching to grocery delivery soon.

I think NZ should close borders to everyone except returning Kiwis and residents. Canada was too sluggish and the virus is escalting there now. We still have a window but being too slow.

I'm  shocked to see local footy clubs still planning events and the "it's just the flu" attitude of some. I told a friend that I would not be attending the basketball with her and she sent me a link all about how this kind of attitude is hysteria and hurting the economy. 

We need to take our lessons from Europe!

about 15 years

james dean wrote:

I am confident in predicting that we will not be playing another game this season.  In two weeks we will be flying home for another 2 weeks of self-isolation with the season either over or suspended

You are 100% bang on but at least we are giving the appearance of trying vs giving it the Hutt Valley salute and upsetting the paymasters. Its also how you play that game that counts. The brownie points of at least trying to play along will go a long way when I think every man and their dog would be extremely surprised if the league was still operating by Sat next.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

CanadianFan wrote:

hurting the economy.

And that's the problem with having a global economy which will crash and impoverish people if we don't keep buying useless stuff and putting our health in danger.

Sorry, off topic.

over 9 years

Doloras wrote:

CanadianFan wrote:

hurting the economy.

And that's the problem with having a global economy which will crash and impoverish people if we don't keep buying useless stuff and putting our health in danger.

Sorry, off topic.

Not all stuff produced by the global economy is useless shark. I'm a minimalist but, my Chinese clothes and Korean car are basic needs. My Colombian coffee, or Australian mango maybe less so.

Capitalism at least gives people some hope/an incentive to escaping grinding poverty. 

Go spend a month in socialist nirvana Cuba. A band aid country, where medical care maybe free, but that means nothing if they have to cut off your foot due to rum drinking induced diabetes, because all the dialysis machines are broken. Meanwhile the top 50 guys in the Communist Party live on sprawling haciendas in the Havana outskirts. 

Without a good economy, you simply don't have a good health system.

But yes digress.

Starting XI
over 9 years

Doloras wrote:

I wonder how long before NZ domestic football is affected? (Hopefully before I have to pay my subs for this year, lol)

Federations are having a meeting tomorrow morning with NZF who have been talking to Ministry of Health and Sport NZ

Expect an update sometime tomorrow

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

The fact that you can't suggest that there's a problem with the global economic system without someone jumping up with "BUT CUBA/VENEZUELA/NORTH KOREA" is the kind of brain-dead discourse-bullying which means we don't come up with any good global solutions. To try to drag it on topic, it would be like the FFA arguing that the only alternative to them running the A-League was Clive Palmer.

and 3 others
about 13 years

CoVID-19 has a full 11 any team need pre-season game?

almost 12 years

Nix fly tomorrow. Confirmed

tradition and history
over 17 years

Doloras wrote:

The fact that you can't suggest that there's a problem with the global economic system without someone jumping up with "BUT CUBA/VENEZUELA/NORTH KOREA" is the kind of brain-dead discourse-bullying which means we don't come up with any good global solutions. To try to drag it on topic, it would be like the FFA arguing that the only alternative to them running the A-League was Clive Palmer.

Good global solutions----- I don't think so.

All crises  are global and all solutions are local.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Good, we've won the battle about being able to train, but this still fudges us over, and the Aussie clubs and FFA don't care. The league must be suspended.

over 9 years

Doloras wrote:

The fact that you can't suggest that there's a problem with the global economic system without someone jumping up with "BUT CUBA/VENEZUELA/NORTH KOREA" is the kind of brain-dead discourse-bullying which means we don't come up with any good global solutions. To try to drag it on topic, it would be like the FFA arguing that the only alternative to them running the A-League was Clive Palmer.

Of course the current global economic system has problems. Far from perfect. But purporting a system where you look mostly inwards like Cuba or a pre 19th Century Japan is a road to ruin. The Nth European countries look to have it mostly right. Ikea thrives in a global economy (and yes does sell useless shark), but it also pays a shark load of tax, that helps Swedish babies being born in world class hospitals and plus their dads take 12 months paid leave if they want.

If I held up the US of A as the perfect model, then yes there is your Uncle Clive analogy. But it's far from, when 20% plus of it's own citizens live in poverty, with it's dog eat dog culture. A mix of Capitalism and Socialism is what we want, and global trade needs to be a big part of that. 

And North Korea ain't a country. It's a cult.

Sorry way off topic

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

coochiee wrote:
purporting a system where you look mostly inwards like Cuba or a pre 19th Century Japan is a road to ruin

Agreed. Which is why no-one was proposing that. In future, argue with what people say, not what you think they're going to say.

Corona Virus - We're Doomed

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