Starting XI
almost 12 years

Agreed. Would never listen to him, but check his Facebook from time to time because he is sometimes first to post interesting sports stories.

over 17 years

Smithy wrote:

But y'all still listen to him...change the station. It's the best way to vote.

Sorry completely off topic but this comment actually still has my blood boiling tbh.

That comment is everything that's wrong with us males - it's just a total hands off, "someone else's problem" attitude to violence against women. I used to say things like that, until as recently as 6 months ago really, so I can understand it, even though it makes me angry now. 

Our society is still absolutely miles away from sexual equality, absolutely miles away. 

You and I wouldn't do things like Veitch did, but we need to take responsibility for males and call out these guys, otherwise how will it get better? We can't leave it up to females, they're the victims here, over many many centuries, how is that fair? The only way male abuse of females will get better is if males hold the abusive ones to account, whether other males are listening to them on the radio or not

My way of doing this is to speak out against yet-to-be-reformed abusers whenever their names come up in my circles of conversations. I'll never stop doing it. 

The guy is just a disgrace to mankind. 

Stage Punch
about 17 years

paulm wrote:

Smithy wrote:

But y'all still listen to him...change the station. It's the best way to vote.

Sorry completely off topic but this comment actually still has my blood boiling tbh.

That comment is everything that's wrong with us males - it's just a total hands off, "someone else's problem" attitude to violence against women. I used to say things like that, until as recently as 6 months ago really, so I can understand it, even though it makes me angry now. 

Our society is still absolutely miles away from sexual equality, absolutely miles away. 

You and I wouldn't do things like Veitch did, but we need to take responsibility for males and call out these guys, otherwise how will it get better? We can't leave it up to females, they're the victims here, over many many centuries, how is that fair? The only way male abuse of females will get better is if males hold the abusive ones to account, whether other males are listening to them on the radio or not

My way of doing this is to speak out against yet-to-be-reformed abusers whenever their names come up in my circles of conversations. I'll never stop doing it. 

The guy is just a disgrace to mankind. 

I think your boiling blood is affecting your brain working properly.

The point I was making, in total support of your position, is that the only practical thing you and I can do to sheet home to Tony Veitch that he's a scumbag is to turn off his radio show, not follow his Facebook page just because he sometimes posts scoops, and essentially refuse to purchase the "service" that he offers.

Whinging about him on here matters not one jot. Take practical steps. That's all I'm saying.

over 17 years

Smithy wrote:

paulm wrote:

Smithy wrote:

But y'all still listen to him...change the station. It's the best way to vote.

Sorry completely off topic but this comment actually still has my blood boiling tbh.

That comment is everything that's wrong with us males - it's just a total hands off, "someone else's problem" attitude to violence against women. I used to say things like that, until as recently as 6 months ago really, so I can understand it, even though it makes me angry now. 

Our society is still absolutely miles away from sexual equality, absolutely miles away. 

You and I wouldn't do things like Veitch did, but we need to take responsibility for males and call out these guys, otherwise how will it get better? We can't leave it up to females, they're the victims here, over many many centuries, how is that fair? The only way male abuse of females will get better is if males hold the abusive ones to account, whether other males are listening to them on the radio or not

My way of doing this is to speak out against yet-to-be-reformed abusers whenever their names come up in my circles of conversations. I'll never stop doing it. 

The guy is just a disgrace to mankind. 

I think your boiling blood is affecting your brain working properly.

The point I was making, in total support of your position, is that the only practical thing you and I can do to sheet home to Tony Veitch that he's a scumbag is to turn off his radio show, not follow his Facebook page just because he sometimes posts scoops, and essentially refuse to purchase the "service" that he offers.

Whinging about him on here matters not one jot. Take practical steps. That's all I'm saying.

Fair call Smithy re: your point, and support. I apologise for implying that you were vindicating his position. 

However whinging about him here, or anywhere at all, doesn't count for nothing in my opinion. 

It might not mean as much as organising some kind of massive public protest or some such, but it's still a male, talking to mostly other males, about violence against women, which can only be good I think. 

Plus now we know, from people's comments, and "this's" on posts of support, that there is a solid group of people around here that are on exactly the same page. 

Not enough discussion out there on this sort of thing. 

almost 13 years

I think that whining might achieve something, if at the very least it makes some guys think twice about liking his FB page etc

I honestly think that a lot of guys just shrug and make excuses for him. Or excuse it because he's a wealthy pakeha blokey bloke and doesn't fit their idea of what a woman beater would be like.

I also think that some guys think he apologised and was remorseful so deserves a second chance, which would be fair enough if true, but he's always tried to shift the blame and paint himself as the victim every time.

over 17 years

I also think that some guys think he apologised and was remorseful so deserves a second chance, which would be fair enough if true, but he's always tried to shift the blame and paint himself as the victim every time.

Yep this is my key issue with the guy.

Every criminal has the potential to sort themselves out, take responsibility for what they did, and try and make amends. 

In fact those types of people are absolutely critical to changing general behaviour, just like ex-drug addicts are often the best people to talk to potential drug addicts, etc etc. 

Tony Veitch could have been the biggest asset to combat violence against women, he could've been the poster-boy, the leader, the guy who was bad but sorted himself out and is now helping sort the rest of the abusive males out. 


Stage Punch
about 17 years

You're actually right. I'm wrong. Talking negatively about the guy is totally worthwhile. 

In the spirit of such, can I get a THIS for: Veitch is a c nt!

and 1 other
almost 13 years

Thisses for everyone!!!!!

Starting XI
over 10 years
I don't watch him, I actively turn the radio over and refuse to read ANYTHING by him. I hate the attitude that "he does good media stuff..." or "he's paid his dues". No he doesn't and no he hasn't. All his stories are researched by other and could be hosted by anyone and he's got away pretty much Scott free compared to the horror his partner had to endure. He's scum.
Moar stars
over 12 years

I saw 10 new posts and clicked view thinking BeIN announced something......FFS boys, take this shark somewhere else.

almost 17 years

nufc_nz wrote:

I saw 10 new posts and clicked view thinking BeIN announced something......FFS boys, take this shark somewhere else.

Well I tried to sign up online today and it didn't end well. Got the usual 'Bein isn't available in your region' warning.

First match kicks off in 19 days & they're doing SFA about promoting how to view it.

about 17 years

$12 for both - I can manage that.

Starting XI
over 10 years

18 days and counting...

Sky have a dedicated channel for surfing...SURFING FFS!!

Now don't get me wrong, I love surfing, it was a big part of my youth and early to mid twenties, I love watching it...but if they can organise that but not Football, then that's ridiculous.

Also, and this is really for another thread but it gets me he's rarely mentioned, but is Kelly Slater the greatest and most consistent sportsman ever?

He's 44 years old, still surfs competitively (and not just to make up numbers). He is both the youngest and oldest to win the WSL (previously the ASP Tour) and has 11 titles (5 of them consecutive) out of the 24 he has surfed in. He has won 70 individual events since 1990.

Oh yeah, he was also in Baywatch, has played guitar on stage with Pearl Jam.


over 17 years

paulm wrote:

So still no word at all about the non-Sky option? (rumoured website access)

I assume Bein will announce that, but when???

They haven't responded since I asked them directly via email. 

Emailed Bein on July 2 with this:

"Sky TV NZ have released statements vaguely referring to the possibility of Bein Sports releasing an online channel in NZ, that can be bought for a subscription fee of $18 per month.

Can you please confirm if this will be happening?"

They responded today, with this;

"Once we have confirmation of the date beIN SPORTS will be launched in New Zealand, this will be advertised as soon as we do. 

Thank you for your patience in the mean time."

about 16 years

Just got this fgrom Sky Sports

Hi Phillip

Thanks for your email.

SKY will have coverage of the 2016/2017 football season through beIN SPORTS with an offer of two of their premium channels, though not available to be purchased as yet, you will be able to add them before the start of the EPL season.

We are in the process of finalising the deal and we will update our SKY website when we have any new information. This should hopefully be before the end of this week.

If you have any further queries, email us back or talk to one of our Kiwi Based Crew on 0800 759 759 during these hours:

Weekdays: 8am – 10pm | Weekends: 8am – 9pm.



Programming Crew

Starting XI
over 17 years
Well seeing as there is no product available on sky that you cant get on Vodafone TV (baring adult channels) I'm expecting no issues adding this to my Vodafone TV package
Starting XI
over 12 years

UberGunner wrote:
Well seeing as there is no product available on sky that you cant get on Vodafone TV (baring adult channels) I'm expecting no issues adding this to my Vodafone TV package

will be available on Vodafone.

Also that surfing channel is only a popup - not a permanent channel.

over 17 years

So I'm assuming the website option just won't be happening at this stage. Surely BeIN or someone would have said something by now.

almost 13 years

I'm still hoping the web option will happen. Maybe part of the deal is that BeIn can't launch it until Sky have offered the broadcast version to their subscribers

over 17 years

Hope it's something like that 

Sky just trying to protect their subscriber base as much as poss I guess - and that's worked in my case. I'm hanging in there until I find out. 

Starting XI
almost 12 years

Admittedly I don't know anything about online business, but even if you can't go live yet wouldn't you make sure you'd registered the domain 2 weeks out if you were doing it? is still available. Perhaps one of us could buy it then make some money selling it to Bein when they decide to set it up and need it!

almost 17 years

paulm wrote:

So I'm assuming the website option just won't be happening at this stage. Surely BeIN or someone would have said something by now.

That's a whole lot of football I won't be watching this season if that's the case.

Bein have probably put their whole marketing budget into the AU market and forgotten about NZ!

almost 13 years

ajc28 wrote:

Admittedly I don't know anything about online business, but even if you can't go live yet wouldn't you make sure you'd registered the domain 2 weeks out if you were doing it? is still available. Perhaps one of us could buy it then make some money selling it to Bein when they decide to set it up and need it!

unless they're using a different domain 
Starting XI
almost 12 years

True they could be, but since they use in Australia I just assumed they would use the same address here. If there's some reason to use a different name then fair enough. Still would have thought it made sense to have the version redirect to the correct place though.

almost 13 years

ajc28 wrote:

True they could be, but since they use in Australia I just assumed they would use the same address here. If there's some reason to use a different name then fair enough. Still would have thought it made sense to have the version redirect to the correct place though.

yeah you would think that would be the case

This whole thing is just a classic Sky football coverage shambles 

Starting XI
over 10 years

ajc28 wrote:

True they could be, but since they use in Australia I just assumed they would use the same address here. If there's some reason to use a different name then fair enough. Still would have thought it made sense to have the version redirect to the correct place though.

yeah you would think that would be the case

This whole thing is just a classic Sky football coverage shambles 

If Sky don't come through, I'll be creating each game play by play using Periscope and Lego while watching each games Twitter feed. 

Starting XI
over 10 years
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I think what happened was since sky as basically getting the rights for free, BeIn made the deal with sky then went away and approached other parties (lightbox, TVNZ) to see if they could work out something better. When they couldn't, they went back and finalised the deal with sky. 

Starting XI
over 12 years

Tegal wrote:

I think what happened was since sky as basically getting the rights for free, BeIn made the deal with sky then went away and approached other parties (lightbox, TVNZ) to see if they could work out something better. When they couldn't, they went back and finalised the deal with sky. 

Pure conjecture of course.  No way to prove or disprove that theory at this point.

With beIN connect I have heard there are some setup issues being worked through in terms of authorising SKY customers onto the beIN platform, but I don't know why beIN are not marketing their direct model yet.

SKY is not making a cent off the $11.96 for the beIN package, of course there are other benefits for SKY, but I don't think SKY would be holding this deal up too much, it's just not in their best interests.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Of course it's conjecture, hence "I think what happened.."

I never said sky held the deal up, more than BeIn may have by trying to find a better deal. Just guessing based on timelines. 

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

ajc28 wrote:

Admittedly I don't know anything about online business, but even if you can't go live yet wouldn't you make sure you'd registered the domain 2 weeks out if you were doing it? is still available. Perhaps one of us could buy it then make some money selling it to Bein when they decide to set it up and need it!

The domain has been registered, it just doesn't point to a website server yet.

If it hadn't been registered, Fever could (would) swoop in and purchase it, then make it redirect to the forums. But we can't :(

over 13 years

Every one should relax. It will happen and you will be able to subscribe in time. 

I'm staggered that everyone wants to part with their money so quickly. Isn't the money better sitting in your bank earning interest then Sky's?

Starting XI
almost 12 years

I don't think anyone is desparate to part with money, more just a bit concerned that the deal may not actually be done because nothing appears to be in place so close to the start of the games.

patrick478 wrote:

ajc28 wrote:

Admittedly I don't know anything about online business, but even if you can't go live yet wouldn't you make sure you'd registered the domain 2 weeks out if you were doing it? is still available. Perhaps one of us could buy it then make some money selling it to Bein when they decide to set it up and need it!

The domain has been registered, it just doesn't point to a website server yet.

If it hadn't been registered, Fever could (would) swoop in and purchase it, then make it redirect to the forums. But we can't :(

Thanks, and hence proving I don't know anything about online business as I thought the website not existing meant the same as the domain not being registered.

over 17 years

Isn't the money better sitting in your bank earning interest then Sky's?

Personally, I want to leave Sky, and was waiting for the website option to be confirmed before doing so.

So this lack of announcement has cost me money.

Nothing has been said about the website option whatsoever since the very first info came out. 

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

I'd imagine the BeIN direct announcement will be a week or two away.

Starting XI
almost 15 years

patrick478 wrote:

 The domain has been registered, it just doesn't point to a website server yet.

If it hadn't been registered, Fever could (would) swoop in and purchase it, then make it redirect to the forums. But we can't :(

It's registered by a third party, not by Bein.

Stage Punch
about 17 years

patrick478 wrote:

ajc28 wrote:

Admittedly I don't know anything about online business, but even if you can't go live yet wouldn't you make sure you'd registered the domain 2 weeks out if you were doing it? is still available. Perhaps one of us could buy it then make some money selling it to Bein when they decide to set it up and need it!

The domain has been registered, it just doesn't point to a website server yet.

If it hadn't been registered, Fever could (would) swoop in and purchase it, then make it redirect to the forums. But we can't :(


And then Fever would be guilty of the tort of "passing off". Definitely not our first offence.

almost 13 years

Smithy wrote:

And then Fever would be guilty of the tort of "passing off". Definitely not our first offence.

Are you sure you spelled that correctly?
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Smithy wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

ajc28 wrote:

Admittedly I don't know anything about online business, but even if you can't go live yet wouldn't you make sure you'd registered the domain 2 weeks out if you were doing it? is still available. Perhaps one of us could buy it then make some money selling it to Bein when they decide to set it up and need it!

The domain has been registered, it just doesn't point to a website server yet.

If it hadn't been registered, Fever could (would) swoop in and purchase it, then make it redirect to the forums. But we can't :(


And then Fever would be guilty of the tort of "passing off". Definitely not our first offence.

Damn lawyers ruining all the fun.
Starting XI
almost 12 years

Just heard from my parents that they received the August Skywatch magazine today and there is no mention of EPL or Bein. Deal obviously wasn't done before they printed it.

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