Starting XI
over 17 years
El-Ni�o wrote:
giddyup wrote:
I hope they don't but with all due respect he ain't the man to be leading a team like Liverpool even with all his "worldly experience" as a Manager i reckon H&G see him as a caretaker manager. I like Woy but... 
Exactly. I don't think sacking him would achieve anything especially. I mean, he was literally brought in to manage the transition between owners and to keep hold of our best players. He shouldn't be here, but circumstances have made him our manager and, as much as I dislike it/him, sacking him wouldn't really achieve very much. The damage was done in losing Rafa.
Lolz, relegation battle. Thank fk for West Ham/ Wolves, eh?
The derby coming up  Normally see it as three points but this season... Gah!
One of us has to win a draw really wouldn't help either of us at the moment, we'll have em eh (3 points)you guys wallow a little longer 
First Team Squad
over 15 years
All this nicey nice before a derby and the next thing you know we'll be sharing a stadium...

You can take those 3 points, turn 'em sideways and stick 'em straight up your candy @rse!

Can you smell what the Woy cookin'?!
Starting XI
over 17 years
if that's how we have to have them so be it 3 points is three points

over 14 years
How unusual to see a team ending in 'pool' win at Anfield.
over 17 years
over 17 years
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Liverpool have had their worst start to a domestic season in 57 years. The situation in the club, whether it be on or off the field, is diabolical. Is this a crisis situation? Well, of course it is. Should the panic button be pressed? Well, of course NOT.

BELIEF- a state of the mind in which trust or confidence is placed in something or someone. In Liverpool�s case, it has to be placed in both, the club�s legacy and the coaches and players. Everyone at the club must first accept the fact that there are problems that need to be solved and that it can only be done over a certain period of time while giving the men responsible both, a chance and their support. Patience is key. The fans need to understand that this season can bear little fruit but is pivotal to lay the foundations to reinstate Liverpool as a giant in football.

There were some hilarious comments by Liverpool fans all over the internet-Some wanting to bring back Benitez and the other giving their version of a good old-fashioned playstation-like shuffle involving 8-10 players. It�s best that they let the manager do his job. Roy Hodgson has fallen from grace and has become a villain overnight. You can�t go bad overnight. The pressure of being at a big club has got to him and Anfield shouting �Danglish� in your ears doe sn�t exactly help. The game against Everton should not be hyped to a judgment day for the gaffer. I talked about belief and Hodgson has to be the one to believe that Liverpool are a big club and cannot be run like a Fulham where expectation are a little lower and the players needed are of less stature. I believe he is still the right man to guide the club back to where they belong.

According to me, when players with big paychecks don�t perform, they are the main culprits. These guys need to get their act together. Not many people would pay to watch this Liverpool side right now. Steven Gerrard cannot carry the club on his shoulders forever. This Liverpool side, man-for-man, is still better than most- certainly than those that they are losing to. The signings, I think, aren�t that bad but Hodgson could have done better at left-back. Losing Alonso and Mascherano would hurt any side in the world. There are no young players coming from the youth system.This is why there is no motivation or hunger in the players� eyes. The fight that comes from within so naturally to a Gerrard or Carragher is absent in most. Torres� injuries and Cole�s indifferent form have been huge factors. These guys need to dig deep and show everyone why they deserve to play at Anfield.

A lot of the frustration has been aimed at the owners. Being a 17-year-old football player, football, for me, starts and ends with those who are directly involved with happens on the field and those who pledge their loyalties to the club and spend their hard-earned money to buy matchday tickets. Belief and positivism needs to be transmitted from the fans to the players and vice versa.This can't be done whilst everyone walks alone.Everyone needs to believe that they can rebuild and show opponents that �This Is Anfield�.
over 14 years
woy will pwove you all wong.

yano the main thing i miss about rafa is the rafa la bamba chant.... that was sooo sweet
Starting XI
over 14 years
sanday wrote:
Ooooooooh an echo.
 Hardddd. Too late, mate.
Ye, that was a fking boss chant!
El-Ni�o2010-10-05 09:17:02
Starting XI
over 14 years
[QUOTE=TheKop]Liverpool have had their worst start to a domestic season in 57 years. The situation in the club, whether it be on or off the field, is diabolical. Is this a crisis situation? Well, of course it is. Should the panic button be pressed? Well, of course NOT.

BELIEF- a state of the mind in which trust or confidence is placed in something or someone. In Liverpool�s case, it has to be placed in both, the club�s legacy and the coaches and players. Everyone at the club must first accept the fact that there are problems that need to be solved and that it can only be done over a certain period of time while giving the men responsible both, a chance and their support. Patience is key. The fans need to understand that this season can bear little fruit but is pivotal to lay the foundations to reinstate Liverpool as a giant in football.

There were some hilarious comments by Liverpool fans all over the internet-Some wanting to bring back Benitez and the other giving their version of a good old-fashioned playstation-like shuffle involving 8-10 players. It�s best that they let the manager do his job. Roy Hodgson has fallen from grace and has become a villain overnight. You can�t go bad overnight. The pressure of being at a big club has got to him and Anfield shouting �Danglish� in your ears doe sn�t exactly help. The game against Everton should not be hyped to a judgment day for the gaffer. I talked about belief and Hodgson has to be the one to believe that Liverpool are a big club and cannot be run like a Fulham where expectation are a little lower and the players needed are of less stature. I believe he is still the right man to guide the club back to where they belong.

According to me, when players with big paychecks don�t perform, they are the main culprits. These guys need to get their act together. Not many people would pay to watch this Liverpool side right now. Steven Gerrard cannot carry the club on his shoulders forever. This Liverpool side, man-for-man, is still better than most- certainly than those that they are losing to. The signings, I think, aren�t that bad but Hodgson could have done better at left-back. Losing Alonso and Mascherano would hurt any side in the world. There are no young players coming from the youth system.This is why there is no motivation or hunger in the players� eyes. The fight that comes from within so naturally to a Gerrard or Carragher is absent in most. Torres� injuries and Cole�s indifferent form have been huge factors. These guys need to dig deep and show everyone why they deserve to play at Anfield.

A lot of the frustration has been aimed at the owners. Being a 17-year-old football player, football, for me, starts and ends with those who are directly involved with happens on the field and those who pledge their loyalties to the club and spend their hard-earned money to buy matchday tickets. Belief and positivism needs to be transmitted from the fans to the players and vice versa.This can't be done whilst everyone walks alone.Everyone needs to believe that they can rebuild and show opponents that �This Is Anfield�.[/QUOTE]
Wanted to stop reading when he spelt the King's name wrong, but carried on to where he dismisses the frustration at the owners. Yip, let's just forget about all that jazz. Its all about getting three points right now...
Not Boyd
over 16 years
And some positive news in this dark cloud week (Saint Kilda lost too) is that if the yanks can't re-finance, which supposedly is very possible, then we won't go into administration meaning we won't lose 9 points and will get a new buyer very quickly. AND the yanks will be out of Liverpool with no profit!!
over 17 years
Tyler wrote:
And some positive news in this dark cloud week (Saint Kilda lost too)

Did they ever!

Not Boyd
over 16 years
Not Boyd
over 16 years
I'm reading it during worktime forget lunch
How true is this I wonder?
Unity among the fans is something Tom Hicks, George Gillett, Martin Broughton and Christian
Purslow don�t want.
If Kenny couldn�t turn things around, yet more eyes would turn and look at the board and the owners. The microscope would be turned on to their failings rather than the manager�s.
For that reason � and the lack of cash to pay off Hodgson and lure a new man - the former Fulham manager will probably stay put for the foreseeable future.
I would have thought that none of the board would want Liverpool to do that badly. Although  with new owners just around the corner (hopefully), they are likely to bring there own manager in and Roy will be out.
over 14 years
Im writting my next fiinance essay for uni on leveraged buyouts of pl clubs, obviously with refrence to liverpool and probly the mancs, so if you guys find any interesting pieces written on the situation could you post a link in here. thanks
over 17 years
Will you use Arsenal as a shining example of how to run a top flight professional club?
over 14 years
no. but the arse are a perfect example of how to run a self sustainable club.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
great to see liverpool getting shafted!
over 14 years
Black Plague wrote:
great to see liverpool getting shafted!
are you Tom Hicks?
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Jazcobar wrote:
Black Plague wrote:
great to see liverpool getting shafted!


are you Tom Hicks?

I do believe he's not welcome here...
First Team Squad
over 15 years
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Rumours starting to circulate now too.

Board meet tomorrow.
Another Hicks refinance blocked.
2 potential bidders waiting. 1 US and 1 Asian.

Crunch time!
Not Boyd
over 16 years
It's going to be an exciting couple of weeks. Come on bank don't you dare let Hicks re-finance
Surely the yanks would know that they have no chance of making a profit? It does make you wonder, if they are resistant to this sale then maybe they do have a chance of refinacing?
Tyler2010-10-06 10:02:55
First Team Squad
over 15 years
2 Excellent bids

2 bastard owners trying their final screw over of the club. Get OUT!

For the moment I want Purslow to show some guts and hang on for all he's worth. Show us you can do something decent for the club.

Tom, George. Walk on you filthy dogs.

over 14 years
i dont think there should be any question now about where purslows loyalties lie
Not Boyd
over 16 years
Wow they are going down kicking and screaming dirty scumbags. There is no way that they will be able to get rid of purslow
Starting XI
over 17 years
I'm surprised there isn't any arabs who want to buy it.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
The Liverpool board met on Tuesday to discuss which bid to accept - one of them from New England Sports Ventures, owners of US baseball team the Boston Red Sox - but while three board members favoured a sale, the proposals are still being blocked by Hicks and Gillett. .

The American duo attempted to oust managing director Christian Purslow and commercial director Ian Ayre before the meeting took place, an apparent sign of just how fervently they oppose the offers on the table.

A statement on Liverpool's official website read: "The board of directors have received two excellent financial offers to buy the club that would repay all its long-term debt. A board meeting was called today to review these bids and approve a sale.

"Shortly prior to the meeting, the owners - Tom Hicks and George Gillett - sought to remove managing director Christian Purslow and commercial director Ian Ayre from the board, seeking to replace them with Mack Hicks and Lori Kay McCutcheon. This matter is now subject to legal review and a further announcement will be made in due course.

"Meanwhile Martin Broughton, Christian Purslow and Ian Ayre continue to explore every possible route to achieving a sale of the Club at the earliest opportunity."

Months of abortive bids from across the globe - including offers from India, Canada and the Middle East, as well as speculation that the Chinese Government were even tabling a bid - all fell by the wayside as the buyers were unable to offer up proof of funds.

And it had looked as though the deadline set by the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) on October 15 - to call in their �237 million loans to Hicks and Gillett - could have seen the bank take control of the club or consider placing the company into administration, likely invoking a subsequent nine-point Premier League deduction.

With Liverpool having slipped into the relegation zone, lost to Northampton Town in the Carling Cup, and with manager Roy Hodgson under intense pressure after the poor results on the pitch, worries about no takeover being in sight had led to despair setting in at Anfield.

But potential new owners have finally emerged from the United States and Asia, with the bidders possessing the necessary credibility to convince chairman Martin Broughton to sell and save one of football's biggest institutions right in the nick of time.

Yet the fight is far from over, as the outgoing American owners are desperately trying to block the bids because both Hicks and Gillett will be frozen out of receiving any money for their shares.

Hicks and Gillett released their own statement in response to the club's: "In April, we confirmed our agreement to sell Liverpool Football Club, and appointed a new chairman and advisers to oversee the process. At that time we and Martin Broughton stated our commitment to finding the right buyer for LFC, one that could support and sustain the club in the future. We remain committed to that goal.

"The owners have invested more than 270 million US dollars in cash into the club, and during their tenure revenues have nearly doubled, investment in players has increased and the club is one of the most profitable in the EPL. As such, the board has been presented with offers that we believe dramatically undervalue the club.

"To be clear, there is no change in our commitment to finding a buyer for Liverpool Football Club at a fair price that reflects the very significant investment we've made. We will, however, resist any attempt to sell the club without due process or agreement by the owners.''

Chairman Broughton, brought in to find a buyer by RBS, has insisted that prospective new owners of Liverpool would need the funds to bring in new players, and also to eventually build a new �400 million stadium.

Hicks and Gillett initially valued the club at �800 million, when they first revealed their intention to search for a buyer earlier this year, but it quickly became clear that such a sum was way beyond any true value.

The American duo claim that they are owed at least �150 million but will be shocked that the offers that Broughton, chief executive Christian Purslow and commercial director Ian Ayre are ready to accept do not include any money to pay off Hicks and Gillett.

It is a scenario that will delight Liverpool fans, who will want funds channelled into the club for players and the new stadium, and not back into the pockets of the detested Hicks and Gillett, who have been the target of widespread demonstrations at recent home matches at Anfield. However, on the evidence of recent machinations from the pair, including an attempted refinancing of the debt with American investment company Blackstone by Hicks, it seems highly unlikely that will go down without a fight.

You can claim all the money you want you t***ers but you don't deserve a cent.

Being owned by the Red Sox group would be interesting. Aren't these the same guys that brought the Sox their first championship in 86 years?
Starting XI
over 17 years
LOL  You want YANKS to replace the YANKS yet your whole campaign is YANKS BUT NO YANKS

Hurry up and get over yourselves
over 14 years
First Team Squad
over 15 years
giddyup wrote:
LOL� You want YANKS to replace the YANKS yet your whole campaign is YANKS BUT NO YANKS Hurry up and get over yourselves

Didn't say I wanted them. I said it "would be interesting." For a couple of reasons. One, they 'appear credible' and two, for the reason you suggested in that we're currently booting two yanks out.

Not that I'll get a say in the final decision mind... and I bet Red Sox fans would hate being referred to as 'Yanks' given their rivals are the Yankees.

I'd like to know more about the 'Asian' bid. Kenny coming back? Asia is where the money is for LFC.
over 14 years
over 14 years
conditional on bullsh*t of course...
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Rock on!!

Liverpool Football Club today announces that the Board has agreed the sale of the Club to New England Sports Ventures (NESV).

New England Sports Ventures currently owns a portfolio of companies including the Boston Red Sox, New England Sports Network, Fenway Sports Group and Rousch Fenway Racing.

Martin Broughton, Liverpool FC Chairman, said:

"I am delighted that we have been able to successfully conclude the sale process which has been thorough and extensive. The Board decided to accept NESV's proposal on the basis that it best met the criteria we set out originally for a suitable new owner. NESV's philosophy is all about winning and they have fully demonstrated that at Red Sox.

"We've met them in Boston, London and Liverpool over several weeks and I am immensely impressed with what they have achieved and with their vision for Liverpool Football Club.

"By removing the burden of acquisition debt, this offer allows us to focus on investment in the team. I am only disappointed that the owners have tried everything to prevent the deal from happening and that we need to go through legal proceedings in order to complete the sale."

Note to editors:

The sale is conditional on Premier League approval, resolution of the dispute concerning Board membership and other matters.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
I shall now calmlyg stand back and assess from afar. I must remember that I've just been burned from 3 years of broken promises and the continual demise of my club. Proceed, but with caution.

Broughton and his legal beagles, Slaughter and May must be confident if they've announced before the court proceedings.TheKop2010-10-06 19:36:24
over 14 years
TheKop wrote:
I shall now calming stand back and assess from afar. I must remember that I've just been burned from 3 years of broken promising and the continual demise of my club. Proceed, but with caution.

Broughton and his legal beagles, Slaughter and May must be confident if they've announced before the court proceedings.

yup it would be foolish to announce if they werent confident.

seems to have done a prety good deal with the red sox, he'd deff not guna be a sugar daddy though
First Team Squad
over 15 years
A number of Red Sox fans coming out on twitter saying they've been very good owners. That's promising.

Sugar Daddy doesn't always work. Look at Citeh. All the money but they're all inbred and a bunch of whinging lunatics.
A sound business plan to get make us financially viable is key. It'll be interesting to see what the stadium plans are as that was supposedly critical to the sale.
over 14 years
apparently they been real good to boston fans whatever that means, but yea they do seem to speak very highly of the dude

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