Southern Football (incl Southern United) (Part 2)

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over 6 years
OtagoUni AFC wrote:

Had some issues that couldn't be resolved before Saturday (who knew what an Elgato was), so we used the streaming camera again. 

You can see our match report and a link back to our Facebook page where the live stream is pinned to the top:

Great work Varsity - glad to see one of the Dunedin clubs is taking things seriously. And for that short lad in the middle of the park (Number 10?), wow he is some talent! I will be watching the Varsity v Mosgiel game in a few weeks time that is for sure!

In other news, the race for the SI League is hotting up. Caversham have benefitted greatly from abandoning their game last weekend (No red card for GK, no loss to Green Island) so will be in the mix - but I must say for all the statements etc. professing safety first, you can't not be a little skeptical that Cavvy's intentions were a little suspect - i'm sure the lad with the injury would have preferred his side win!!

about 15 years
OtagoUni AFC wrote:

Had some issues that couldn't be resolved before Saturday (who knew what an Elgato was), so we used the streaming camera again. 

You can see our match report and a link back to our Facebook page where the live stream is pinned to the top:

Great work Varsity - glad to see one of the Dunedin clubs is taking things seriously. And for that short lad in the middle of the park (Number 10?), wow he is some talent! I will be watching the Varsity v Mosgiel game in a few weeks time that is for sure!

In other news, the race for the SI League is hotting up. Caversham have benefitted greatly from abandoning their game last weekend (No red card for GK, no loss to Green Island) so will be in the mix - but I must say for all the statements etc. professing safety first, you can't not be a little skeptical that Cavvy's intentions were a little suspect - i'm sure the lad with the injury would have preferred his side win!!

Heard the Caversham / Green Island game is to be replayed. Is that not the case.?

over 6 years
AllWhites82 wrote:
OtagoUni AFC wrote:

Had some issues that couldn't be resolved before Saturday (who knew what an Elgato was), so we used the streaming camera again. 

You can see our match report and a link back to our Facebook page where the live stream is pinned to the top:

Great work Varsity - glad to see one of the Dunedin clubs is taking things seriously. And for that short lad in the middle of the park (Number 10?), wow he is some talent! I will be watching the Varsity v Mosgiel game in a few weeks time that is for sure!

In other news, the race for the SI League is hotting up. Caversham have benefitted greatly from abandoning their game last weekend (No red card for GK, no loss to Green Island) so will be in the mix - but I must say for all the statements etc. professing safety first, you can't not be a little skeptical that Cavvy's intentions were a little suspect - i'm sure the lad with the injury would have preferred his side win!!

Heard the Caversham / Green Island game is to be replayed. Is that not the case.?

Yes it is going to be replayed. But Caversham already have a massive advantage I think (their goalkeeper isn's suspended, and the Green Island striker is injured) - so I think Green Island deserve the victory given that they had it pretty much taken away from them by the game being abandoned.

over 5 years

Summary of our games this weekend available via

Qualification for the South Island League is still very much to be decided, Mosgiel are safe you would think but there's still a chance that a number of teams could fill the other two spots.

over 6 years
OtagoUni AFC wrote:

Summary of our games this weekend available via

Qualification for the South Island League is still very much to be decided, Mosgiel are safe you would think but there's still a chance that a number of teams could fill the other two spots.

That's pretty much the league as well isn't it? Mosgiel have Northern who leak goals and you have Tech - if Mosgiel go on a spree they could be out of sight by the final week!

about 8 years
OtagoUni AFC wrote:

Summary of our games this weekend available via

Qualification for the South Island League is still very much to be decided, Mosgiel are safe you would think but there's still a chance that a number of teams could fill the other two spots.

That's pretty much the league as well isn't it? Mosgiel have Northern who leak goals and you have Tech - if Mosgiel go on a spree they could be out of sight by the final week!

Absolute disgrace that Southern football gives that trophy away after one round of football (8 or 9 games). Wouldn't happen anywhere else other than the shambles of a federation that's in Dunedin. Makes a mockery of the throphy. 

over 6 years
Gunners wrote:
OtagoUni AFC wrote:

Summary of our games this weekend available via

Qualification for the South Island League is still very much to be decided, Mosgiel are safe you would think but there's still a chance that a number of teams could fill the other two spots.

That's pretty much the league as well isn't it? Mosgiel have Northern who leak goals and you have Tech - if Mosgiel go on a spree they could be out of sight by the final week!

Absolute disgrace that Southern football gives that trophy away after one round of football (8 or 9 games). Wouldn't happen anywhere else other than the shambles of a federation that's in Dunedin. Makes a mockery of the throphy. 

I would argue the biggest Football South mockery is the attempted monoplization of the artificial turfs that is happening already. They failed to think long term and plan for fencing and protection from the concrete slab that is exposed at the edges of the pitches, and whilst the turf is supposedly unfinished there are reportedly Southern United Academy trainings being run on them! Absolutely pathetic from Chris Wright and co - yes you may make a good amount of money with this academy but it shouldn't be at the expense of Otago senior football. It isn't just about Southern United every 4 months a year, and frankly this is what it feels like.

Oh and by the way (just in case there are any FS administrators that read this) - if the turfs are "unfinished" but you are allowing children to train on them still, have you thought about the reputational/legal/financial damage that could potentially ensue if a participant got hurt? Get it together!

over 5 years

From what can be seen from behind those temporary fences the two artificial turfs are going to be an amazing facility for Dun players to use to train and play on. But to be honest only plays catch up with other NZ places who have heaps of them already.

I do not think that a youth academy is a $ making venture for football south is it?, how is running a academy for kids at the expense of Dun Senior football?   what's it taking away from the Senior grades?

over 6 years
7thFed wrote:

From what can be seen from behind those temporary fences the two artificial turfs are going to be an amazing facility for Dun players to use to train and play on. But to be honest only plays catch up with other NZ places who have heaps of them already.

I do not think that a youth academy is a $ making venture for football south is it?, how is running a academy for kids at the expense of Dun Senior football?   what's it taking away from the Senior grades?

The issue is at the moment, they are allowed on the turfs and nobody else is - the turfs were supposed to be finished a month ago so that senior trainings could be held on them. I think if I read the Varsity facebook page correctly, that they have had no proper training facilities all year - and have been waiting patiently for access to these facilities which is replacing their training facilities. The fact that it's still not available for them, but it still is for Southern United/Football South, kind of stinks.

over 5 years

Yep agree gaining access to them is long overdue and I cannot see the ground work stuff being completed anytime soon, everyone needs to try and make it work though really hope they do as could be a brilliant asset for the city

TBH i dont have a problem with FSouth phasing in the access and using the kids academy and other one-off things for that as its controlled and makes some sense to me just FS managing the risk for a while it is not complete, suppose they have got to test it somehow

over 5 years

Hopefully everyone will see something happening over the next week or so, not sure exactly what that might be though.

Our currently training environment is a 9v9 on Logan Park and a Rugby field nearby (that we cannot use from Monday). Without the turfs we will be back to square one. 

The turf was available tonight for any clubs who wanted to hold their Chatham Cup/Kate Sheppard games but every host club must have declined.

You can see our preview for the weekend via

over 5 years

Wouldn't all clubs would want play their Chatham cup/KS games on the brand new pitches under new lights instead of on average pitches the following day? don't get that

over 6 years
7thFed wrote:

Wouldn't all clubs would want play their Chatham cup/KS games on the brand new pitches under new lights instead of on average pitches the following day? don't get that

Agreed. Does anyone know how a club goes about booking training sessions/games on the turfs now they're up and running? For the good of football quality, all teams should really be training on them - but whether that's possible or not I don't know!

over 12 years

You genuinely think FS don't have the bigger picture in mind for all of football, why not test it out with kids and see how it holds up before just opening it all up and free-for-all, it actually makes sense to test it out first. I'm pretty certain as with any turf there are criteria for use to bed it in to get the most lifespan out of it... surely you could have worked that out.

The offices are just across the drive, pretty sure you could rock up there and they could answer your questions/tirade face to face. Might get a more constructive and honest answer.

Southern United is the pinnacle of football down south for a league that is worsening by the year, how would you not want to push your flagship team who is absolutely immersed in the community?

over 6 years
ZG wrote:

You genuinely think FS don't have the bigger picture in mind for all of football, why not test it out with kids and see how it holds up before just opening it all up and free-for-all, it actually makes sense to test it out first. I'm pretty certain as with any turf there are criteria for use to bed it in to get the most lifespan out of it... surely you could have worked that out.

The offices are just across the drive, pretty sure you could rock up there and they could answer your questions/tirade face to face. Might get a more constructive and honest answer.

Southern United is the pinnacle of football down south for a league that is worsening by the year, how would you not want to push your flagship team who is absolutely immersed in the community?

I think the issue is more that there are teams in the area that have not been training on trainable pitches, and the opening was delayed over a month - but not for FS. I'm not saying it becomes a free for all, nor will it ever be. It should have a timetable that can be adhered to. 

I'm sure I could go to FS and ask questions, but the whole point of this forum was just having a conversation - I was simply enquiring about what was taking so long, and why this was so. 

In terms of your last point - I have a few issues with that. Are you suggesting that senior football is unimportant because of your claimed lack of quality? Because if that is the attitude held by FS, then quite frankly the standard won't ever improve, and as a result SU will still have a tiny pool of players to pick from. The whole point of these turfs is that all levels of football get the chance to train and improve - the concern a few weeks ago was that clubs (especially OUAFC, judging by facebook posts), were being unfairly marginalised in terms of access. I happen to disagree with your point about the lack of quality, I think there are lots of talented players down here - it's just a problem that a few of them are first year students and get engrossed in the drinking culture instead of getting out and joining a club. I'll give you one example - there is a CU Youth player down here that doesn't play football at all. 

Raise the standard of training facilities (which has now been done) = raising the standard of training/games/senior football in general = more competitive senior football sides = better results against Mainland teams in SI League = more players coming to the region become far more interested in playing football rather than writing it off immediately. 

over 5 years

Just as a follow up, we've now commenced usage for training on the turfs during certain agreed times. Its a great facility if clubs engage with it and take whatever they can in terms of usage there will be benefits all around. the Academy and other similar activities will greatly benefit from consistent access.

On the players coming down and not playing, we had a CU Youth player with us preseason who decided not to play for academic reasons. This is a common theme among a lot of students so its not just for social reasons. 

One our talented first years didn't play in the weekend because it was a second full day where he couldn't study due to consecutive away games.

over 12 years

Football South mockery is the attempted monoplization of the artificial turfs that is happening already. They failed to think long term and plan for fencing and protection from the concrete slab that is exposed at the asking differs largely from thedges of the pitches, and whilst the turf is supposedly unfinished there are reportedly Southern United Academy trainings being run on them! Absolutely pathetic from Chris Wright and co - yes you may make a good amount of money with this academy but it shouldn't be at the expense of Otago senior football. It isn't just about Southern United every 4 months a year, and frankly this is what it feels like.

Oh and by the way (just in case there are any FS administrators that read this) - if the turfs are "unfinished" but you are allowing children to train on them still, have you thought about the reputational/legal/financial damage that could potentially ensue if a participant got hurt? Get it together!

Shoot I don’t think you really got your issue across at all then, in fact... I would say the point you were making differs greatly from the conspiratorial torch and pitchfork comments you actually wrote.

If you think the point of this forum is to have conversations, then don’t attack the people who have worked the hardest to develop it over the last four years or so. Open your eyes and have a look at the player oatheays, national league improvement and sustainability (without FS the franchise would have died and there’d be nothing in the region at all) coach education, community engagement. Seriously grow a pair and go and talk to them, they welcome it. Always piping up but not putting any action in yourself... the worst type.

You need to get out more if you think thevregions football is good. I thought the South Island Zlesgue highlighted that fully. The players you mentioned are first years... they’re not even from the region... hardly a successful argument.

over 6 years
ZG wrote:

Football South mockery is the attempted monoplization of the artificial turfs that is happening already. They failed to think long term and plan for fencing and protection from the concrete slab that is exposed at the asking differs largely from thedges of the pitches, and whilst the turf is supposedly unfinished there are reportedly Southern United Academy trainings being run on them! Absolutely pathetic from Chris Wright and co - yes you may make a good amount of money with this academy but it shouldn't be at the expense of Otago senior football. It isn't just about Southern United every 4 months a year, and frankly this is what it feels like.

Oh and by the way (just in case there are any FS administrators that read this) - if the turfs are "unfinished" but you are allowing children to train on them still, have you thought about the reputational/legal/financial damage that could potentially ensue if a participant got hurt? Get it together!

Shoot I don’t think you really got your issue across at all then, in fact... I would say the point you were making differs greatly from the conspiratorial torch and pitchfork comments you actually wrote.

If you think the point of this forum is to have conversations, then don’t attack the people who have worked the hardest to develop it over the last four years or so. Open your eyes and have a look at the player oatheays, national league improvement and sustainability (without FS the franchise would have died and there’d be nothing in the region at all) coach education, community engagement. Seriously grow a pair and go and talk to them, they welcome it. Always piping up but not putting any action in yourself... the worst type.

You need to get out more if you think thevregions football is good. I thought the South Island Zlesgue highlighted that fully. The players you mentioned are first years... they’re not even from the region... hardly a successful argument.

I stand by those comments - look at other turf facilities around the country, they are enclosed both for safety reasons and to protect the longevity of the turf - this one is surrounded by grass (and muddy areas thanks to the winter weather). If it has to be continually policed for muddy boots and studs then it seems like an opportunity missed to regulate the usage in a sustainable manner. I hope that there are boot brushes erected around the facility, and I look forward to having a proper look at it myself one day soon!

Totally respect your opinion, but trying to marginalise my view because it is anonymous isn't going to get me to bite - criticism can come in all sorts of mediums and the fact you're telling me to grow a pair is exactly why I choose to remain so. So perhaps think on that.

And agree to disagree on Senior football down here. Firstly, there are some good sides here - and even some of last years SI League results can show that these sides are competitive - Tech drawing with Coastal and Nomads, Queenstown beating Ferrymead, almost beating Cashmere. And the University is a great asset to bring young footballers to the region, why does it matter where they are from? Most of them are here for 3/4/5 years - may as well make use of it. 

It comes back to my previous point, incoming players have the opportunity to raise the standard of the game, which benefits us all. You moved to Mosgiel (if memory serves me correctly) and raised the standards for goalkeeping - i'm suggesting there is untapped potential from the varsity side of things - and I see the turf as a brilliant advertisement, that's why it should have been finished by now! 

about 8 years

the varsity club is making great strides they could be the biggest club in a couple of years.

Phoenix Academy
over 16 years
Noel 76' wrote:

the varsity club is making great strides they could be the biggest club in a couple of years.

Hard to see that happening with the high turnover of people both on and off the field. 

Phoenix Academy
over 16 years

Turf is great for the region, but you'd think with something so significant that they would be doing everything properly. The limited access for the majority of players in the region is poor. Appreciate that OU have had some of their (public) practice grounds taken away, but if they need the turf for their trainings then when is everyone else going to be able to train / play there? 

And with the focus on providing better fields for playing on, why has nothing been done any differently than last year, when most fields were horrible by early June? Teams are still warming up on the playing pitches and fields are still being used for trainings 5 days a week and then back to back to back on a saturday? 

SU success is great for the region, but again, you'd think with the FS investment that they would be doing things better. Great to see the SU players involved at SU academies and youth development but the majority of football players and supporters in the region are not benefiting from the high quality of players and coaches that are coming to the region for SU. 

South Island league is great, but playing one round of local and one round of SI makes a mockery of both competitions and doesn't provide the best platform for player talent in the region. 

And FS wonder why there are complaints from the everyday footballers about the needs of the few being prioritised over the needs of the many

Phoenix Academy
over 17 years
Tekkers wrote:
Noel 76' wrote:

the varsity club is making great strides they could be the biggest club in a couple of years.

Hard to see that happening with the high turnover of people both on and off the field. 

I assume you're referring to Tech rather than Uni?

about 15 years

Anyone know if relegation is still happening

over 5 years
thegaffa wrote:

Anyone know if relegation is still happening

Nothing has been said to us that it isn't the case, but perhaps they will only discuss with clubs in the 2019 Championship once it starts.

Big weekend for us, and we can report that the turfs are great for match day football and the Roslyn and Green Island sides brought plenty of supporters along. Match reviews if anyone is keen via

over 6 years
OtagoUni AFC wrote:
thegaffa wrote:

Anyone know if relegation is still happening

Nothing has been said to us that it isn't the case, but perhaps they will only discuss with clubs in the 2019 Championship once it starts.

Big weekend for us, and we can report that the turfs are great for match day football and the Roslyn and Green Island sides brought plenty of supporters along. Match reviews if anyone is keen via

Congratulations on qualification - pity you couldn't score a few more and make the title race a bit more interesting!

about 8 years
OtagoUni AFC wrote:
thegaffa wrote:

Anyone know if relegation is still happening

Nothing has been said to us that it isn't the case, but perhaps they will only discuss with clubs in the 2019 Championship once it starts.

Big weekend for us, and we can report that the turfs are great for match day football and the Roslyn and Green Island sides brought plenty of supporters along. Match reviews if anyone is keen via

Congratulations on qualification - pity you couldn't score a few more and make the title race a bit more interesting!

Still got a couple of tricks for this weekend?

over 6 years

Mosgiel league winners - cracking game on the Caledonian yesterday. I am excited to see how these teams match up against Mainland, I think they'll be competitive, and will learn a lot - all 3 sides are a better offering than last year and showcase football in this region pretty well. Mosgiel have started their recruitment drive already with Ben Deeley, I imagine Caversham will follow suit. 

about 8 years

Mosgiel league winners - cracking game on the Caledonian yesterday. I am excited to see how these teams match up against Mainland, I think they'll be competitive, and will learn a lot - all 3 sides are a better offering than last year and showcase football in this region pretty well. Mosgiel have started their recruitment drive already with Ben Deeley, I imagine Caversham will follow suit. 

Varsity announced a guy from Scotland 

about 8 years

I see Lewis Wall scored for Mosgiel in the cup on the weekend, is this right? He was playing for GI 2 weeks ago. WHats the rules around eligibility nowadays? I thought you needed to play two games before you were allowed to play in the cup. I think Mosgiel could be in trouble. 

Starting XI
over 9 years
Gunners wrote:

I see Lewis Wall scored for Mosgiel in the cup on the weekend, is this right? He was playing for GI 2 weeks ago. WHats the rules around eligibility nowadays? I thought you needed to play two games before you were allowed to play in the cup. I think Mosgiel could be in trouble. 

no its changed,  you just need to be registered for 10 days now

over 6 years
Gunners wrote:

I see Lewis Wall scored for Mosgiel in the cup on the weekend, is this right? He was playing for GI 2 weeks ago. WHats the rules around eligibility nowadays? I thought you needed to play two games before you were allowed to play in the cup. I think Mosgiel could be in trouble. 

no its changed,  you just need to be registered for 10 days now

No way he could have been registered for 10 business days before playing in that game though? West End should appeal!

about 8 years
Gunners wrote:

I see Lewis Wall scored for Mosgiel in the cup on the weekend, is this right? He was playing for GI 2 weeks ago. WHats the rules around eligibility nowadays? I thought you needed to play two games before you were allowed to play in the cup. I think Mosgiel could be in trouble. 

no its changed,  you just need to be registered for 10 days now

No way he could have been registered for 10 business days before playing in that game though? West End should appeal!

Do they have to appeal or should it happen automatically at FS?

over 17 years
Gunners wrote:

I see Lewis Wall scored for Mosgiel in the cup on the weekend, is this right? He was playing for GI 2 weeks ago. WHats the rules around eligibility nowadays? I thought you needed to play two games before you were allowed to play in the cup. I think Mosgiel could be in trouble. 

no its changed,  you just need to be registered for 10 days now

No way he could have been registered for 10 business days before playing in that game though? West End should appeal!

23 May I think rego date was

Starting XI
over 9 years
Gunners wrote:

I see Lewis Wall scored for Mosgiel in the cup on the weekend, is this right? He was playing for GI 2 weeks ago. WHats the rules around eligibility nowadays? I thought you needed to play two games before you were allowed to play in the cup. I think Mosgiel could be in trouble. 

no its changed,  you just need to be registered for 10 days now

No way he could have been registered for 10 business days before playing in that game though? West End should appeal!

don't think the regs stipulate business days just days

Phoenix Academy
over 17 years

If it matters - I don't think Lewis played in Cup round 1, so he wouldn't have been cup tied?

over 6 years
Gunners wrote:

I see Lewis Wall scored for Mosgiel in the cup on the weekend, is this right? He was playing for GI 2 weeks ago. WHats the rules around eligibility nowadays? I thought you needed to play two games before you were allowed to play in the cup. I think Mosgiel could be in trouble. 

no its changed,  you just need to be registered for 10 days now

No way he could have been registered for 10 business days before playing in that game though? West End should appeal!

don't think the regs stipulate business days just days

Chatham Cup Regulations, 7.4.1

"In all matches of this competition, each player, except where he has played for his club during the previous season and has not played in any match for any other club in New Zealand during the current season, must have been registered with his club for ten business days prior to the playing of any match in the competition." 

In non-legalese - Mosgiel should be out of the competition

about 8 years
Gunners wrote:

I see Lewis Wall scored for Mosgiel in the cup on the weekend, is this right? He was playing for GI 2 weeks ago. WHats the rules around eligibility nowadays? I thought you needed to play two games before you were allowed to play in the cup. I think Mosgiel could be in trouble. 

no its changed,  you just need to be registered for 10 days now

No way he could have been registered for 10 business days before playing in that game though? West End should appeal!

don't think the regs stipulate business days just days

Chatham Cup Regulations, 7.4.1

"In all matches of this competition, each player, except where he has played for his club during the previous season and has not played in any match for any other club in New Zealand during the current season, must have been registered with his club for ten business days prior to the playing of any match in the competition." 

In non-legalese - Mosgiel should be out of the competition

Does West end need to complain? Surely it must happen automatically? It was only 9 days after the transfer unitl he played by my calculations. This is terrible organisation from the club. I heard they had really hoped to go all the way this year. 

Phoenix Academy
over 17 years

According to Comet he transferred 10 calendar days prior (although not 10 business days)...

over 6 years

I someone going to message the West End AFC Facebook page? This ineligible player scored against them and irrespective of the fact Mosgiel are a better side, they should not be allowed to continue in the competition. Horrible blunder yes, but all sides should have an equal chance - that's why rules and regulations are there!

I do hope West End know about this, I would like to see them try and write some new history! Maybe they've ever made it this far at all!

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