Southern Football (incl Southern United) (Part 1)

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almost 16 years
Bit of a rant with no real structure but a few points conveyed. Otago will never have a decent side that can consistently look superior to teams outside the Sth Island. Student player base, booze culture, throwing dave lamont pokey money down the toilet, crap imports etc.
I think with the right coaching and management am some quality signing of import's Otago/TECH/Cavvy if it goes back to the old league could push for playoff's no problem at all!!
over 17 years
Three decent imports (prfereably on the field at the same time)...  a good coach (Steve Fleming) we could push for the 3/4th spot.
We don't have the quality for anything higher..
Don't need any backs or goalkeepers in the imports.. need midfielders and strikers..
Last season we had two defenders for imports..
On a side note, there are other clubs in Dunedin, some have ambition to crack the top three.
almost 16 years
In saying that Otago did conceed alot of goals this season..I just cant see it being anyone other than Tech,cavvy,roslyn can you Dino?I think GI will take 4th and the champions league spot
about 17 years
hey back again guys..
where does roslyn,tech and cavy train? what times and days etc?
may aswell have a crack at them first
almost 16 years

Tech Tahuna park tonight at 6 be the or be square!

almost 16 years
Been watching with interest the views on Otago United.
Here's my view
Changes need to happen from the top
The chair needs to move aside. The GM needs to go (although BVG has done a good job on reining him in). The coaches need to go and yes Steve Fleming deserves his chance as he has consistently got the best out of the players he has had available.
Some questions: Why has OU been paying the Tech coaches wages - for ostensibly coaching in the schools - but why him? Interesting that Chidley set this up as Fridge came into the country, despite OU spending 20k on the little irishman to set up an academy then never using him. He then made sure the two guys in post and available and in the schools were got rid of. Even this season when no longer with the team MR Fridge has still been paid by OU.
Where are the 2006/07 financial accounts? Amazing that they still haven't been produced, which is why BVG was brought in to 'supervise' where the money was going.
Why did the accountant on the board walk away?
Phelan's reputation as a player has given him more latitude than any other coach at any level in the world. He can't cope with the amateur player and has never got the best out of his squad. The squad this year was a good as any they've had since the start of the NZFC. Remember the year they reached the play-offs was with the same squad as the year before. The following season all but four of the squad left! Tells it's own story.

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Otago Football
Seems like we have a few Southern players in here having a good laugh. Good Rosyln, Tech, Cavy banter - always enjoyable. But also just goes to highlight why Otago United are rubbish season after season. Most of the players in Otago can play in the Southern Premier League thinking they are superstars, scoring hatricks for fun and talking about it at the Cook for 2yrs but ask them to string 10 passes together in an NZFC match and they don't know whether to go for a sh"t or a pi*s. Yes Otago football has a bit of passion and there is a better team spirit than any other team in the league - that is why we are competitive but no player in the otago squad would make the starting line up for Waitak, Auckland, Wellington or maybe even Waikato or Manawatu - maybe Burgess back in his 99 Northern Spirit prime or a young lean scoullar (yes hard to believe). As in most Otago teams no possession = chasing shadows = tired legs = mistakes being made when
technique is flawed. You can't put in what god left out.
Ross McKenzie went to Wellington yes - too get a bit of lunch money for his C+ uni studies but has a heart like a pea and would have a lot of players ahead of him on my team sheet.
I admit Dunedin tech did well to get to the Chatham Cup final - but once again looked like they were just happy to be in final and played awefully against a very average East Coast Bays side. No thanks to the muppet fridge but still didn't show up.
Last year was Tech's best chance since the Roger Brooks glory years to do something in the league and cup. Just didn't quite pull it off, mainly due to inept individual errors costing them at crucial times (similar to Otago must be said) and a inverness muppet on the side line.
In terms of payments at otago - there has always been payment of some sort in the form of travel money, "coaching" by imports etc. I believe it is better for team moral if everyone gets a slice say 100 a win and 50 a game or whatever. It must grate some players nuts when imports (that for the past 7 yrs) have not been any better than the players in the team. When they are picking up 500-700 a week and are of the standard of terry alvino, franco caruso (good lads probably) or a canadian schoolboy 50kg dripping wet with stones in his pockets  - then questions should be asked.  The only decent import Otago have had in recent times was the nutter Lutz Phannestiel (check him out on youtube - hilarious also has NZFC highlights)
Phelan hasn't brought in any decent imports for all his personal contacts and because he has Mark Chidley in his back pocket as well as the board he will be coach again next season for sure.  Steve Fleming seems like he has paid the price for all of Otago having a burning hatred towards his extended family. Rod easily the greatest fleming. 
Bit of a rant with no real structure but a few points conveyed. Otago will never have a decent side that can consistently look superior to teams outside the Sth Island. Student player base, booze culture, throwing dave lamont pokey money down the toilet, crap imports etc.
At the end of the day it is not a professional league - the Otago lads train 4 times a week with phelan in their grill because they enjoy football and winning a game every now and again and the Mckenzies of this world should smartin up, get their C+ degree, enjoy their football and stop kidding themselves they are better than they are.
Who is this Mr soccer ?- if it is Cam Parkin- hope all is well picking the splinters out your a@se for the Bay - it must be horrific in your flat with blood everwhere. Although bet you gave shed 2 a good crack this summer.
I await your response  - superstars of the SPL. Mosgiel for the title.

Best post so far on this forum - if the rest are this good im looking forward to seeing the next one!!! 

Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Truth will you be there at training or will you be square?
The Special One
over 17 years

Mosgiel for the title.

i like the cut of this mans jib
over 15 years
Team Big Fruit is going to smash everyone!
over 17 years


Will still be the same top three this year
I think in future GI and Mosgiel could crack the top three. Not so much on the current GI's playing ability, more the organisation of the club.
Queenstown and to a lesser extent Uni can produce great teams but not over the whole season.
Though it saddens me to say this Southland is terrible (should be a lot better with the ILT money, time for Kenny to get a real job), they are making up numbers with GB and Northern.
The league appears to be split into three three levels and the gaps are huge.
Usual top three...
Middle four - GI, Mosgiel, Queenstown and Varsity
Bottom three - Southland, Northern and GB
Dino102009-03-03 16:34:03
almost 16 years
I also think Cavvy and Tech are a different class to Roslyn but rosyln always seem to grind out dirty draws and win win oure grit and determination!
GI has made a couple good signing's and will make a serious push for top 4
Your pick on the top 3 order Dino?
almost 16 years
bigfruit09 wrote:
Team Big Fruit is going to smash everyone!
Is that in the drinking and public displays of nudity stakes?
First Team Squad
over 15 years
League this year.... 1st roslyn 2nd cavy 3rd tech. I'll agree roslyn are a gritty side theres no doubt about that, cavy and tech in the past have playefd a more purist brand of football 
Phoenix Academy
almost 16 years
HorseHead why would this season be any different then the last 8? You are making the same mistakes many other people have made over the last few years. Rating your club too highly before the season starts is risky business, believe me I should know and have learnt my lesson. I think only a quiet achiever will have any chance of knocking Caversham off.
almost 16 years
Truth, who are the decent signings out at GI that will make them any more than also rans?
First Team Squad
over 15 years
karl schollour, andy coburn and nick tarrant
almost 16 years
gonion wrote:
Truth, who are the decent signings out at GI that will make them any more than also rans?
Ryan Atherton is back for another season after not playing for the 2nd half of last season also Luke Macrus from GB and Hayden Gun from Tech
almost 16 years
almost 16 years
With those 4 they will push hard for 4th
over 17 years


Cavvy, Tech and then Roslyn..
I'm pleased that GI have changed the coach and brought in some new players.
Previous coach had done a good job with the players he had at his disposal but reached a stage that the team wasn't going to improve any further.
Because Sunnyvale is close to home I have sen a few games involving GI, usually a team of battlers working hard to contain the opposition. Apart from Cavvy they could hold most teams rather than compete.
My ten cents.. Hope Southland improves....
almost 16 years


I have talked to player�s out there and with no disrespect to Kevin it was just getting a bit stale out there and the team needed a change on environment to try and improve the team and go beyond the mid table team they have been over the last couple of years. In saying that I don�t truly believe you can go past the 3 teams you mentioned above and in my opinion having seen little to nothing at all that�s the order I think they will end up. As for Southland I think they will improve after a poor showing last year they have wee Barry Gardner in there ranks and he has also organized on of his friends from the UK to come over and strengthen the defending ranks so here�s hoping!

First Team Squad
over 15 years
the three u suggested r joining GI will do nothing watsoever to improve GI. Great profile pic truth. GI need lance woods to step back in to the first team, a route one defender who could frustrate any opposition in his day
almost 16 years

Horsehead Atherton would walk into your side Roslyn after not kicking a ball for a year no trouble in the world so to say he will do nothing to a side that struggled to score goals is ridiculous,Macraes is not bad same for Gun GI 1 Roslyn 0

over 15 years
I am also one that has been following closely this thread and also the OU thread. As a former player (not NZFC level) in Dunedin. It always amazes me how much rubbish people write without trying to get the  facts first .One of my closest friends has played at the highest level in Dunedin and aslo with OU. I remember him telling me a couple of years ago about the troubles they had with the squad. He said there was a big split between the Roslyn players and the rest. This he said was due to a percieved biased from the asst coach to his Roslyn players in the squad. He also stated that the atmosphere in the squad was crap because of this.I believe the atmosphere changed immensely when this person left. I believe he still coaches at Roslyn (might be wrong as im not currently in NZ).
 Also i just checked on the Incorporated Societies site and OU have filed their Annual Reports. I am also led to believe all Clubs have been handed a copy of all Annual Accounts at their AGM.
Also from my time in Dunners. Marc Chidley was around football in Dunedin then. I havent had nothing to do with the man as far as an administrator goes only played against him when he was well past his best.However my mate said that he thought that he tried his best to make things happen for OU in very difficult circumstances(does he still play for Tech). He is the GM and therefore surely answers to a Board?. I also see from the accounts. That he and D Lamont have given a rather large amount of their own money to OU as a loan. Can anybody confirm or am i reading them wrong. 
I just get the feeling that people are wanting to hang somebody and the Board and the GM are the ones getting it first.
Anyway enough of them. What is happening with the Soocersouth league. Is it going to be expanded and cover Canterbury aswell. I think you will all agree that the current set-up as a league is a far cry from were it could be. Is there going to be a South Island league and if so great. If not why not. CU and OU finshed last and second bottom. Is this due to not enough competition during the Winter league?
Anyway its a good thread and good to see the old rivalries are alive and well in Dunners.
Cmon you Varsity. Like the Phoenix. We will rise from the dead.    
over 17 years
I agree re the OU committee, there are a few people doing a lot.. The only dealings I have had with Marc Chidley have been positive.
Terry Phelan on the other hand.. Great idea but hasn't work out, time to move on..
I think you summed up Kevin's time as coach..
Stop being a Crusaders supporter. It is wearing thin.
First Team Squad
over 15 years
atherton would not walk into the roslyn side.... he is not of the quality of  hancock, dalman, brand and keats... thats a bullsh*t comment truth. As for roslyn players causing a divide in OU thats rubbish also, more unsubstantiated claim. Gun was phelans experiment at OU and was woeful...macris has spent 5years pissing it up with braes tho I will admit he is a good signing for GI and probably will be their best player (If he can remain on the pitch) horseshead212009-03-04 11:19:07
over 15 years
Horsehead 21
I have just finished speaking to my mate via Skype. I told him what i had written and he also stated what i had commented on concerning the split to be absolutely true. A coup[le of facts he told me happened. The Asst Coach grabbed one of the OU players in a bar as if to hit him. The end of year booze up had the Cavy and Tech players on one side of the function with the Head Coach and the Roslyn guys and the wee Irishman and the AC away from the rest.He has now joined this forum and hopefully can shed some more light on this. He also mentioned that Chidley did not set up the schools. It was the Board. It apparently was set-up to employ the Imports to do school coaching and not just sitting on their backsides.They also selected who would run it as far as coaches go. He said and he would  back me up when he comes on.  Chidley was worried because he would have to find the money for the schools programme.
 Cmon Varsity Like the Phoenix Rise from the Dead
First Team Squad
over 15 years
almost 16 years
horseshead21 wrote:
atherton would not walk into the roslyn side.... he is not of the quality of  hancock, dalman, brand and keats... thats a bullsh*t comment truth. As for roslyn players causing a divide in OU thats rubbish also, more unsubstantiated claim. Gun was phelans experiment at OU and was woeful...macris has spent 5years pissing it up with braes tho I will admit he is a good signing for GI and probably will be their best player (If he can remain on the pitch)
Anyone's point of view on this above statement? Because i have no doubt that for a guy that was lucky to train once a week for GI for the last few season's is only behind Burgess,Jackson and Dugdale in Duendin's Stricker ranks...And if he went to any effort to train could walk past 3 or the above 4 names!!! (In horseshead's post)
But would like to no what other's think i could be wrong?
thetruthnz2009-03-04 11:49:51
almost 16 years
Darth Vader you are many miles away. No the clubs have not been handed a copy of the accounts at the AGM for 2006. The figures on the 2007 submission are incorrect and the clubs were informed that the correct figures would follow. The franchise has to submit a copy of each years finances as a stand alone item and not part of another years - hence 2005 and 2007 are there but not 2006. The board needs a shake up - the chair could move sideways for fresh blood. The GM for the same reasons as the franchise is stagnating and not moving forward. The finances are not in place to attract quality players who earn their living through coaching to enable them to play in the amateur NZFC.
Who are the board? Lamont, Chidley, Barnsie(I'll put the nets up)- Button,Adam resigned.
The fact that the chair and GM have had to lend money to the franchise speaks volume for the ability of those two individuals to ensure that the correct level of finances have been put into place. Supports my contention they should go.
The 2006/07 season was the first time all the players received remuneration. This was the cause of the atmosphere as the players never knew when they were going to be paid nor how much and indeed had to go asking the GM on several occasions. I believe there were only two Roslyn players in the squad, Boylan and Eisenhut and Eisenhut spent most of it injured. I know the coach you are speaking of and bias is not something you would accuse him of, brutal honesty maybe. The squad was basically Tech players, Deeley, Fleming, Boylan imports - particularly after xmas when webster, Mcgrenaghan left.
Facts are something I hold dear and I did my homework.
over 15 years
Interesting post. I am involved on a club committee here in dunedin. I have a copy of all OU accounts. These were given to us at their AGMs. They also include the 2006 accounts that you talk about. I have just been thru the AGM minutes sent out to clubs after the meeting and they clearly state.That the adoption of the 2006 accounts be approved and passed. This was done unanimously by all attending.
about 16 years
Can someone plz tell me why ant Handcock is rated so highly??? could it possibly be because he is a Roslyn player
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
about 16 years
I believe even though he is a defender Mr Soccer would have scored more goals than ant in the last Spl season, if you played him in any attacking position. an out and out striker scoring 9 goals in a fifteen match season is horrible, epically when you have the likes of grants braes and northen to play.
F**k roslyn they are Twits
almost 16 years

Ant is ok..And thats about it!He looked good at SC because the were a sh*t team.But 9 goals would almost earn playeer of the year at Roslyn to be fair

Mr Soccer would have got golden boot if he played up front last year FACT!
about 16 years
where can u not play Mr Soccer?? he is a complete one man team
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
To be honest i have seen him in goal and he isnt the best..... however in saying that he would do better than most goalies in the league.... FACT!

almost 16 years

When does the pre season cup start?any news on who plays who..

The Special One
over 17 years
footyfever wrote:
Can someone plz tell me why ant Handcock is rated so highly??? could it possibly be because he is a Roslyn player

its a bit rubbish how politics dictate team selection. coming up in the grades it always seemed if you were say the son of one of the selectors you'd always make the rep teams even if you were pies and couldn't play for nuts.

you guys would know better than me and from what i read in your posts it doesn't sound like the team gels well off the field and you have a split along winter club lines. you reckon this wouuld have anything to do with poor performances on the pitch?

just throwing it out there
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