about 15 years
chopah wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

I don't think its daft. Lets look at a couple of things

1: staring at the 4th CEO in 5 years. Anyone worth their salt will not touch that job - its up there with the Chelski gig

2: We have (it appears) a HP Manager that is making micky mouse calls at the last minute.

3: We have kids that have to pay to represent their country.

We've employed some chumps and get what we pay for

David Parker for the next CEO please.


not sure about David Parker, deserves a look in but not sure he is a strong enough character for the NZF gig.

I have the exact same reservation but he is doing a fantastic job with AFF and to be fair, the last lot have not exactly being shining lights (Glading was ok) He could not do any worse than McKavangh....
about 15 years
james dean wrote:

Let's be realistic - Women's football is completely different level of competition to Men's, there is no way that you could run a programme for the men the same as the women (i.e. use predominantly home based players) and be successful - therefore the two really aren't comparable.

I complete agree, but they are doing things right, so what can we learn from that? We would be foolish to go 'well you lot are chicks so you have no idea' cause the men's programme is a complete cluster right now by comparison.
First Team Squad
almost 12 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
james dean wrote:

Let's be realistic - Women's football is completely different level of competition to Men's, there is no way that you could run a programme for the men the same as the women (i.e. use predominantly home based players) and be successful - therefore the two really aren't comparable.

I complete agree, but they are doing things right, so what can we learn from that? We would be foolish to go 'well you lot are chicks so you have no idea' cause the men's programme is a complete cluster right now by comparison.

They've got a decent coach for starters. He knows his formation and style of play, it's drilled into the players and they stick with it.
In comparison, the Men's team have Ricki who is one month away from a world cup playoff and doesn't even know what formation he's going to play.

The Women's team play more frequently than the men's (not sure of the exact numbers). Regular tournaments together and matches gel the team and perfect the tactics.
In comparison, the men have played like 4 or 5 internationals this year in which the formation and players were experimental.
over 16 years

Hi all,

Trinidad & Tobago will be the All Whites' fifth A international this year:

The upcoming US Centenary tour will see the Football Ferns' tenth and eleventh A internationals take place:



Starting XI
about 16 years

Series of articles in NZ Herald this week - one every day - on state of football in NZ:

(1) Soccer's state of play: Critical days for sport's maturity

"Five years ago, Sport New Zealand decided it could not be all things to all sports. It targeted a group of sports to ensure they were on the right path to give youth the opportunity to succeed. Put more formally, the aim was to drive behavioural approaches around delivery pathways to provide the best way for talented young people to reach the top.

Netball, rugby, league, hockey and cricket were identified, discussions held, plans laid out, and the outcomes have impressed the Government funding agency. The result may surprise those who take a dim view of NZF's management of the game.

"The others are catching up, but football [soccer] is a leader in the approach of adaptation of their game," Geoff Barry, general manager of sport and recreation for SNZ, said.

"They were all suffering declining numbers in certain segments of ages. Football very much led the pack, but the others, because they've got good intellectual property and grunt in their organisations, are catching up very quickly.

"But without doubt [NZF] had, and still have, leaders in adapting opportunities for kids to learn and play football."

This is not about the All Whites or the ASB Premiership. That's for the next couple of days. It's also not Barry's specific focus area. But within the zone he oversees, he likes what he's seen from NZF..."



The series

We take an in-depth look at the ASB Premiership which kicked off its 10th year last weekend. Is it meeting its initial objectives? We canvas opinions from those in the know. Plus a look at the women's game through the eyes of a current Football Fern.

Over the next week New Zealand Football could pocket the biggest windfall in its history. But what has it done with the $10 million nest egg it got in 2009 for qualifying for the last World Cup?

Still Believin'
over 17 years

Interesting to note that regardless of the result against Mexico NZF will actually end this World Cup cycle in a better financial position than the last one.

The main reason is the $5m (allegedly) that they are getting for the TV rights v Mexico plus slightly increased revenue from gate receipts. I don't know what we got for TV rights against Bahrain but we didn't hear anything about it and I doubt it was very much.

The important point is that of the $10m in prize money for qualifying last time only $2m or so was actually pocketed by NZF. $4m went to the players and $4m went into the NZ Football Foundation. I'm assuming that if we don't qualify this time then those two areas will dip out.

That means that without even qualifying NZF should pocket around $6-7m from these two play-off games ($5m TV money plus around $1.5m profit on the Wgtn game) . Compare that with last time when they would have made about $4m total ($2m from prize money plus approx. $1m profit on the gate and maybe another $1m max on TV rights, if that).

Of course they also scored a nice fat sponsorship from ASB off the back of the last WC and it remains to be seen if they can renew that. And hey, the other variable is that we could still qualify!

The bottom line is that dire predictions about the financial impact on the sport of not qualifying are way off. As noted in previous posts NZF have been rapidly burning through their reserves in recent years (and using reserves to cover up an operating deficit) but the money coming in now should be enough to right the ship for a few more years at least.

about 15 years
terminator_x wrote:

Interesting to note that regardless of the result against Mexico NZF will actually end this World Cup cycle in a better financial position than the last one.

The main reason is the $5m (allegedly) that they are getting for the TV rights v Mexico plus slightly increased revenue from gate receipts. I don't know what we got for TV rights against Bahrain but we didn't hear anything about it and I doubt it was very much.

The important point is that of the $10m in prize money for qualifying last time only $2m or so was actually pocketed by NZF. $4m went to the players and $4m went into the NZ Football Foundation. I'm assuming that if we don't qualify this time then those two areas will dip out.

That means that without even qualifying NZF should pocket around $6-7m from these two play-off games ($5m TV money plus around $1.5m profit on the Wgtn game) . Compare that with last time when they would have made about $4m total ($2m from prize money plus approx. $1m profit on the gate and maybe another $1m max on TV rights, if that).

Of course they also scored a nice fat sponsorship from ASB off the back of the last WC and it remains to be seen if they can renew that. And hey, the other variable is that we could still qualify!

The bottom line is that dire predictions about the financial impact on the sport of not qualifying are way off. As noted in previous posts NZF have been rapidly burning through their reserves in recent years (and using reserves to cover up an operating deficit) but the money coming in now should be enough to right the ship for a few more years at least.

And what, we live qualifying period to qualifying period banking on TV deals? False economy.
Still Believin'
over 17 years

Just pointing out the facts.

You can still make the argument that the finances are not being well-managed (although Sport NZ seem to think they are) and that it was 'lucky' that we got Mexico for the play-off.

But failure to qualify for the World Cup this time around is no longer the financial disaster it could have been, we will actually be better off than immediately after WC 2010 regardless of the result against Mexico.

about 15 years

Oh it was not a crack at you at all.


I get that a lot of sports rely on TV funding and usually that is perpetual (like Sky and NZRFU). Without the TV deal with Mexico, we would be poked i.e. its not perpetual for football.

Starting XI
over 17 years

this is amazing, thanks big pete and terminator for the summary and info

Still Believin'
over 17 years

Do all the people raging about needing change at NZF in the Mexico match thread actually understand that:

a) Ricki Herbert is quitting. There will definitely be a new All Whites coach.

b) There is due to be an announcement about a new CE any day now.

That's quite a bit of change already. How much more do we want? Go after the Board?

I know the Board have made some unpopular decisions recently but I'm not convinced their performance is as bad as some make out, especially when you look across the whole game. The women's game is going gangbusters, the whole of football plan is doing a lot of good at the grassroots, ASB Prem not so much, but the overall finances are OK (yes, they got lucky with the Mexico TV deal but they all count right?). So unless you're a sexist and elitist (who believes the senior national teams are all that matters) then the current Board is probably doing an OK job. Maybe needs to do better, and some specific decisions are debatable, but calling for people to be sacked seems extreme to me.

Frank van Hattum also seems to be in the firing line for the specific reason that he is too focused on climbing the FIFA ladder. Another couple of points:

1) It could be argued that this is actually a good thing and NZ needs to represented at the highest possible levels within FIFA.

2) Van Hattum is an elected member of the Board. He will be gone in 2015 unless he gets voted back on (or gets appointed, I'll come back to that at a later date). If people really want him gone then it can easily be done and that's what a lot of this thread has been about. NZF members (us) and our representatives on Federation Boards need to actually give a shit about the process though, and also put forward candidates who will do a better job.

Phoenix Academy
almost 11 years

Terminator some very good points there. What I would like to see is a High Performance division set up at NZF - the young talent we have is the best ever and the right base is needed to allow them to flourish for the AWs

Must try harder
over 17 years

Read RHs interview ...fine mix of arrogance and ignorance...." if theres someone better "...FFS....

about 17 years

Can someone give me an overview of how NZF is funded?

Still Believin'
over 17 years

From the 2012 NZF accounts

Total budget about $9m.

about 15 years
terminator_x wrote:
a) Ricki Herbert is quitting. There will definitely be a new All Whites coach.
Hmmmm that may not be as set in stone as we thought.
Still Believin'
over 17 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
terminator_x wrote:
a) Ricki Herbert is quitting. There will definitely be a new All Whites coach.
Hmmmm that may not be as set in stone as we thought.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he was just being overly emotional in that interview and his comments were more to do with bitter feelings about the persistent rumours around the 2010 World Cup, rather than any real intention to stay on. To be honest that interview kind of illustrates why he should move on. His emotional detachment has always been one of his strengths, but he seems to be losing it. I like Ricki enough, and respect what he's done enough, to not want to see him became a bitter old man who's a candidate for a heart attack.

He probably shouldn't have given that interview in the heat of the moment, that's for sure.

Anything's possible though I suppose.

about 17 years
terminator_x wrote:

From the 2012 NZF accounts

Total budget about $9m.

thanks for that , no money from FIFA then?
Still Believin'
over 17 years

Possibly under 'Grants'

about 17 years

about 17 years
terminator_x wrote:
reg22 wrote:

i may have misread what terminator was saying

i though terminator was alluding to us deserving poor governance because of our appathy

No mis-reading. That's exactly what I'm saying.

And I'm in no way having a crack at people's right to an opinion. What I am saying is that hardly anyone who has posted any criticism of NZF on this forum recently will actually do a single practical thing about changing the situation (and sorry, but giving $10 to the U17s and writing "NZF are a disgrace" in the comments doesn't cut it for me).

Let me ask this:

Is anybody even aware of which NZF Board members are elected?

Does anybody know which ones are up for re-election at the next NZF Congress?

Does anyone have any idea who their Federation intends to a) nominate b) vote for, at the next Congress? (Or even at the last Congress?)

Has anybody ever bothered to read the NZF rules to find out more about how the process works and how to influence it?

If we can't answer simple questions like this then yes, we get the governance we deserve.

You make a valid point. With the latest airport media stunt going tits up change can't come quickly enough. So how do we do it?
U Turning
over 14 years

Think that media snub today, and exposed on TV tonight,  just reinforces what a shambles NZF is. So embarrassing given national football here only gets mass coverage once every 4 years. And on the eve of the AB's biggest game of the year tonight. We're just a laughing stock. Plus it'll probably put some ticketholders off turning up Wednesday night.

about 17 years

To effect change as noted earlier one needs to understand how the system works....then you have to realise that angsted individuals on here will not actually effect change. Clubs and elected representatives may be able to...see how hard it is for change in FIFA!   It is better to protest in some visible way..banners, chants boycott of buying tickets.  But to be clear it is not targeted at the players who if chosen will clearly do their best on the day.

Today showed a lack of respect to the fans..who rightly wanted some answers and preferably a scapegoat or sacrificial lamb an aside why are poor domestic animals thought of like that. 

almost 11 years

This is my first post.  I would like to comment on the debacle at Wellington Airport today, but am unable to.  Is New Zealand Football now in charge of this website and stopping comment?  Are we being muzzled by NZ Football's media guru Paul Gunn?

What a disgrace. NZ Football looks like amateurs in everything it does. Time for the egos to go and best practice is followed. Put aside 15 minutes at the airport for the coach, captain and the most positive player (Rory Fallon) then head to the hotel and kick back. Instead they've embarrassed the game, been heavy handed with media and told everyone there will be media tomorrow. Then backtracked and had to organise media at the hotel once they realised how unprofessional they had been.

And do you know what, the players wouldn't have wanted this. They are the professionals, let down by an amateur management team. This decision would have been made by media hater Brian Turner. Great player but out of his depth in his role as manager. Real jobs for the boys as he is Ricki's best friend. Think about best practice guys and what is good for the game not your ego. 

about 17 years

The number under your name would tend to suggest otherwise.

about 17 years

This is my first post.  I would like to comment on the debacle at Wellington Airport today, but am unable to.  Is New Zealand Football now in charge of this website and stopping comment?  Are we being muzzled by NZ Football's media guru Paul Gunn?

What a disgrace. NZ Football looks like amateurs in everything it does. Time for the egos to go and best practice is followed. Put aside 15 minutes at the airport for the coach, captain and the most positive player (Rory Fallon) then head to the hotel and kick back. Instead they've embarrassed the game, been heavy handed with media and told everyone there will be media tomorrow. Then backtracked and had to organise media at the hotel once they realised how unprofessional they had been.

And do you know what, the players wouldn't have wanted this. They are the professionals, let down by an amateur management team. This decision would have been made by media hater Brian Turner. Great player but out of his depth in his role as manager. Real jobs for the boys as he is Ricki's best friend. Think about best practice guys and what is good for the game not your ego. 

Yeah I think a few of us were saddened by the way today was handled. You may want to read this thread from the beginning. My understanding about effecting change is to get more active within the various NZ federations. That and some non-player focused protest at matches.
Phoenix Academy
over 14 years

Following Terminator's suggestion I had a look at the NZF rules.  For those that can't be arsed reading it, here are some edited highlights (and to those in the know, please correct me if I'm wrong):

- there are 3 'Part A' board members, one of whom is eligible to be voted in as Chairperson by the board itself.

- the Part A board members are elected by the 7 federations for a 4-year term (I assume each fed gets one vote).

- the board ultimately consists of the 3 Part A members, 7 Part B members, and up to 2 additional co-opted members.

- the Part B members themselves are selected by a three-person Board Appointments Panel, one of whom is the NZF president, with the others being the Chairman of Sport NZ (currently rugby/cricket man, Paul Collins), and a nominee of the Federation Chairs.

- the co-opted members can be brought in by the board at their discretion to provide expertise for a 1-year term, and have full voting rights. What are the chances Ricki could land one of these spots in the near future?

- the current Chairman, Frank van Hattum, was up for re-election as a board member at the annual congress in 2011, which means his 4-year term will end in 2015.

The bottom line is that, as Boro4eva said, angsting on the forums will not achieve anything. And as ForteanTimes suggested, perhaps the best bet is to get in the ear of your fed reps.

Edit1: Forgot to mention, the Part B members are also elected for 4-year term.

Edit2: I see I've effectively repeated info copied and pasted (from the NZF website) onto page 1 of this thread by Terminator. My apologies, but in my defence I am making an effort to become more informed.

Starting XI
over 17 years

re: the media blackout. we've fallen a long way from the days when graeme seatter used to post on these forums

Phoenix Academy
over 12 years

It would seem Herbert is gone, but Van hattum and the board are staying.

U Turning
over 14 years
brettdale55 wrote:

It would seem Herbert is gone, but Van hattum and the board are staying.

Yes they will advertise Herbert's job and Dad's Army (NZF) will stay intact until NZ Sport or some agency puts the acid on them when funding issues are raised.

about 17 years

For my two cents worth, after the last wc in sa, ricki did say that the mistakes from 1982 would not be allowed to happen again. Ie wasted money spent in the wrong places, spent on development etc etc. Now we see exactly the same mistakes being made. I don,t blame ricki soley for this. Fre de Wanker and Frank van freeloader also need to shoulder a lot of the responsibility. Maybe not so much Fred de Wanker as he hasn,t been in the job too long. 

But the the mistakes have been made. Ricki is to blame for the stupid 1-5-4-1 formation when if his homework was done, Mexico was there for the taking. In the second half we looked a lot better and they looked nervous when defending. Not that we offered a lot. I think we could have gotten away with a 2-0 defeat but we let in some extremely soft goals. However, Moss was my MOTM, he pulled off some blinder saves. I may add to this as I think more about it.

about 15 years

I'm not a Fred fan but everything was well in place before he arrived on the scene which as you said, was recently. I don't think he gets any blame for mistakes made after Spain 82 being repeated post WC2010. I'm not enamoured with his plans to charge kids or the shit build up we have had the last 18 months but for once, I think its hard to lump those repeated mistakes on him.

I'd also like to get your opinion on what these repeated mistakes are? We implemented what appeared to be a successful WOF plan that will take years to see fruition but what I read and hear is that its very good. We also have a successful womens program that doesn't look to have skipped a beat with Herdman departing. Please share what these are.

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

This is my first post.  I would like to comment on the debacle at Wellington Airport today, but am unable to.  Is New Zealand Football now in charge of this website and stopping comment?  Are we being muzzled by NZ Football's media guru Paul Gunn?

What a disgrace. NZ Football looks like amateurs in everything it does. Time for the egos to go and best practice is followed. Put aside 15 minutes at the airport for the coach, captain and the most positive player (Rory Fallon) then head to the hotel and kick back. Instead they've embarrassed the game, been heavy handed with media and told everyone there will be media tomorrow. Then backtracked and had to organise media at the hotel once they realised how unprofessional they had been.

And do you know what, the players wouldn't have wanted this. They are the professionals, let down by an amateur management team. This decision would have been made by media hater Brian Turner. Great player but out of his depth in his role as manager. Real jobs for the boys as he is Ricki's best friend. Think about best practice guys and what is good for the game not your ego. 

charliegeorge11, why is your post exactly the same as Marylou66? It is word for word exactly the same?
almost 16 years

tears in the time-space continuum. Parallel worlds. Weeping angels.



Phoenix Academy
over 14 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

I'm not a Fred fan but everything was well in place before he arrived on the scene which as you said, was recently. I don't think he gets any blame for mistakes made after Spain 82 being repeated post WC2010. I'm not enamoured with his plans to charge kids or the shit build up we have had the last 18 months but for once, I think its hard to lump those repeated mistakes on him.

I'd also like to get your opinion on what these repeated mistakes are? We implemented what appeared to be a successful WOF plan that will take years to see fruition but what I read and hear is that its very good. We also have a successful womens program that doesn't look to have skipped a beat with Herdman departing. Please share what these are.

I'll have a crack, but only in a very general terms (I'll leave the specifics to the experts).

Perhaps there's a sense that NZF have failed to capitalise, once again, following an outstanding performance by the (mens) national team. Whatever credibility New Zealand football and the All Whites had after 2010, seems to have evaporated, just as it did after 1982.

about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

tears in the time-space continuum. Parallel worlds. Weeping angels.



What I like is having spilled their ire they have now ridden off into the sunset, perhaps never to return...
about 15 years
U037 wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

I'm not a Fred fan but everything was well in place before he arrived on the scene which as you said, was recently. I don't think he gets any blame for mistakes made after Spain 82 being repeated post WC2010. I'm not enamoured with his plans to charge kids or the shit build up we have had the last 18 months but for once, I think its hard to lump those repeated mistakes on him.

I'd also like to get your opinion on what these repeated mistakes are? We implemented what appeared to be a successful WOF plan that will take years to see fruition but what I read and hear is that its very good. We also have a successful womens program that doesn't look to have skipped a beat with Herdman departing. Please share what these are.

I'll have a crack, but only in a very general terms (I'll leave the specifics to the experts).

Perhaps there's a sense that NZF have failed to capitalise, once again, following an outstanding performance by the (mens) national team. Whatever credibility New Zealand football and the All Whites had after 2010, seems to have evaporated, just as it did after 1982.

In some respects, I am not sure it is a 'repeated mistakes' issue vs 'typical Kiwi mentality' syndrome.

If we are objective, we are only a country that sing when we are winning. Look recently at everyone that got on board the Americas Cup drama. Now 2 months later, now one really gives a shit. They did a poll a couple of days after the last race and the majority of them were 'the government should fund them to keep them going'. a month later and the response was more 'people could care less'

2002 Tall Blacks, 2008 League team.... the list goes on so should we really be surprised that after the 2010 WC that people switched off from us? I don't think we should. Would we really give two shits about rowing if we were not any good at it? Its a minority sport that we do bloody well at. Because of that, we bandwagon. Val Adams, shotput, minority sport.... the list goes on.

Where NZF get a fail (and this is my opinion from the outside looking in so someone correct me if I am off base) is that they should have done a better job of keeping the AWs in front of the public after 2010 and I don't think they did. Yes we had a couple of games here but as just one idea why were NZF not getting the likes of Ryan, Winston, Marco - faces that reasonably, you should be able to put names to and the 'superstars' of the AWs, out here over our winter, their offseason and get them around the country with kids and parents doing clinics. It only needed 2 weeks but profile it. Come train with EPL stars Ryan Nelsen and Winston Reid. Kids love that shit and parents by extension, get into it as well. While its not national profile and the front page of SkyWatch, it does keep people in the game with a buy in or a hook. We are restricted by finances but there are ways of going about things. Did they go to ASB and say 'hey, you give us a boat load of cash, how about Ryan or Winston to be in one of your ASB ads' so that every bloody ad break, we see one of their smiling mugs on TV. Just little things that keep the profile there. Instead we get the bad press - ONC failure, charging kids to play, while Phoenix related the performance of them and the press that generated, the warm up to the Mexico game.


Who is responsible for that? Well again, like I said above, you can't lump that on Fred and its probably really a CEO head that gets lumped on. Remind me how good Grant McNumpty was again.....

Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
U037 wrote:

Jeff Vader wrote:

I'm not a Fred fan but everything was well in place before he arrived on the scene which as you said, was recently. I don't think he gets any blame for mistakes made after Spain 82 being repeated post WC2010. I'm not enamoured with his plans to charge kids or the shit build up we have had the last 18 months but for once, I think its hard to lump those repeated mistakes on him.

I'd also like to get your opinion on what these repeated mistakes are? We implemented what appeared to be a successful WOF plan that will take years to see fruition but what I read and hear is that its very good. We also have a successful womens program that doesn't look to have skipped a beat with Herdman departing. Please share what these are.

I'll have a crack, but only in a very general terms (I'll leave the specifics to the experts).

Perhaps there's a sense that NZF have failed to capitalise, once again, following an outstanding performance by the (mens) national team. Whatever credibility New Zealand football and the All Whites had after 2010, seems to have evaporated, just as it did after 1982.

In some respects, I am not sure it is a 'repeated mistakes' issue vs 'typical Kiwi mentality' syndrome.

If we are objective, we are only a country that sing when we are winning. Look recently at everyone that got on board the Americas Cup drama. Now 2 months later, now one really gives a shit. They did a poll a couple of days after the last race and the majority of them were 'the government should fund them to keep them going'. a month later and the response was more 'people could care less'

2002 Tall Blacks, 2008 League team.... the list goes on so should we really be surprised that after the 2010 WC that people switched off from us? I don't think we should. Would we really give two shits about rowing if we were not any good at it? Its a minority sport that we do bloody well at. Because of that, we bandwagon. Val Adams, shotput, minority sport.... the list goes on.

Where NZF get a fail (and this is my opinion from the outside looking in so someone correct me if I am off base) is that they should have done a better job of keeping the AWs in front of the public after 2010 and I don't think they did. Yes we had a couple of games here but as just one idea why were NZF not getting the likes of Ryan, Winston, Marco - faces that reasonably, you should be able to put names to and the 'superstars' of the AWs, out here over our winter, their offseason and get them around the country with kids and parents doing clinics. It only needed 2 weeks but profile it. Come train with EPL stars Ryan Nelsen and Winston Reid. Kids love that shit and parents by extension, get into it as well. While its not national profile and the front page of SkyWatch, it does keep people in the game with a buy in or a hook. We are restricted by finances but there are ways of going about things. Did they go to ASB and say 'hey, you give us a boat load of cash, how about Ryan or Winston to be in one of your ASB ads' so that every bloody ad break, we see one of their smiling mugs on TV. Just little things that keep the profile there. Instead we get the bad press - ONC failure, charging kids to play, while Phoenix related the performance of them and the press that generated, the warm up to the Mexico game.


Who is responsible for that? Well again, like I said above, you can't lump that on Fred and its probably really a CEO head that gets lumped on. Remind me how good Grant McNumpty was again.....


I tend to agree, and let's face it, NZF are pretty quick to take a portion of their fees off every single registered junior player in NZ and most of those kids get absolutely f*** all back from NZF for their contribution.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

I tend to agree, and let's face it, NZF are pretty quick to take a portion of their fees off every single registered junior player in NZ and most of those kids get absolutely f*** all back from NZF for their contribution.

I don't really agree with that ThreeFourThree.
The NZF component of junior fees is approx. $5 - $15 depending on the age of the kid. I reckon that represents pretty good value, especially with the Whole of Football plan now in place.
Senior fees are higher of course but still only in the $40 region per season.
The bottom line here is that affiliation fees only contribute about $1.5m to NZF's total revenue of around $9-10m per annum. It's fuck all really, especially when you consider the type of sums being talked about to hire a new CE ($350k min) or stage an All Whites game at home (the Jamaica game apparently cost $500k).
There are so many things that NZF members expect NZF to do, but we don’t actually contribute very much to that. Another example of NZ football fans having champagne taste on a beer budget.

Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years
terminator_x wrote:

I tend to agree, and let's face it, NZF are pretty quick to take a portion of their fees off every single registered junior player in NZ and most of those kids get absolutely f*** all back from NZF for their contribution.

I don't really agree with that ThreeFourThree.

The NZF component of junior fees is approx. $5 - $15 depending on the age of the kid. I reckon that represents pretty good value, especially with the Whole of Football plan now in place.

Senior fees are higher of course but still only in the $40 region per season.

The bottom line here is that affiliation fees only contribute about $1.5m to NZF's total revenue of around $9-10m per annum. It's fuck all really, especially when you consider the type of sums being talked about to hire a new CE ($350k min) or stage an All Whites game at home (the Jamaica game apparently cost $500k).

There are so many things that NZF members expect NZF to do, but we don’t actually contribute very much to that. Another example of NZ football fans having champagne taste on a beer budget.

Your statement is a bit misleading - so let's review some of the components of the WoF Plan...


FTC (Federation Talent Centres) - User Pays

NTC (National Talent Centres) - User Pays

Referee Development - User pays

Coaching Tickets - User Pays


I can't speak for what NZF have done for midget football in the past 2 years (before that the sum total was absolutely zero directly unless you count the glossy coaching manual  or the Player of the Day certificates - which were likely entirely funded by sponsor money anyway) but based on the fact that a number of clubs were effectively running development programs already along the lines of WoF I suspect NZF have done very little for the fees in some cases. According to their own blurb though NZF talk about WoF funding coming from a combination of SPARC, community funding and commercial sponsors.

I understand what you are saying in regards to costs, but NZF really are their own worst enemies most of the time - implementing some of JVs suggestions would go a long way to boosting NZF profile amongst (at least) the junior footballing public and I'm sure that there are numerous other ways to give back to the community at little cost apart from time.


Apologies that this sounds like a total rant but find myself all too often asking - 'what were they even thinking ?' in relation to NZF these days and for every piece of good work they do, they then seem to follow it up with some piece of mind-bending craziness.

And to be honest it's the clubs that are putting in all the hard work and developing the base skills in these young players - NZF doesn't even see them for the first time until they are 11.

Rant over... :)


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